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61. Committees | The Division Of Biological Sciences And The Pritzker School Of Medi geneticists from various academic departments aimed at training students in advancedrationales and methods of genetic analysis for careers as independent http://www.bsd.uchicago.edu/committees.html | |
62. MSc In Plant Genetic Manipulation in Plant genetic Manipulation, going on to funded PhD research at the Universityof Nottingham or elsewhere. Others, through choice, establish careers beyond http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/biosciences/msc/pgm/pgmcareer.html | |
63. The Click-On-Careers Network Take our career assessment to find an occupation you can click with.Industries Healthcare Biotechnology Career genetic Counselor. http://www.clickoncareers.com/HealthCare/Occupations.Cfm?SpecID=136 |
64. Careers In Genetic Counseling Health careers Center the University of Minnesota. Virtual Health careers Center.Health Care Fields. search the ahc. What s Inside Health careers Center Events. http://www.hccevents.umn.edu/events/Careers_in_Genetic_Counseling1.html | |
65. ISU Biotechnology Majors have developed careers in conservation biology, technical writing, science journalism,technical sales, biological illustration, and genetic counseling. http://www.biotech.iastate.edu/publications/ed_resources/biotech_majors.html | |
66. FASB: Careers Small Business Advisory Committee. careers. Financial Accounting Foundation. FASB careers Technical Accounting Positions FASB careers Home. Fellow Programs http://www.fasb.org/careers | |
67. The Genetics Society Primary purpose is the study of the mechanisms of inheritance. Features membership, publications, education and careers, meetings, and lectures. http://www.genetics.org.uk/ | |
68. Vanderbilt Program In Human Genetics Research molecular, clinical, and population levels of how genes influence complex traits. Includes core facilities, news, educations, and careers. http://phg.mc.vanderbilt.edu/ | |
69. Genetics: Educational Information been compiled to serve as a reference source for undergraduate students, graduatestudents, and house officers who are considering careers in human genetics. http://www.faseb.org/genetics/careers.htm | |
70. Links To The Genetic World: 3 skip navigation. Links to the genetic World. Contact Us. Privacy Statement. Site Stats and Credits. No endorsement is made or implied by inclusion here. Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues. 1997 Program Report in the DOE Human Genome Project http://www.ornl.gov/TechResources/Human_Genome/links3.html | |
71. GSA - Genetics Society Of America - Careers In Genetics careers in Genetics. Joint Steering Committee For Public Policy. The Science ofGenetics Solving the Puzzle; The Science of Genetics Training and careers. http://www.faseb.org/genetics/g-gsa/genetics_careers.shtml | |
72. BSHG Independent body representing professionals working in research, and providing services to the population of the United Kingdom. Features a discussion forum, careers, and a patients section. http://www.bshg.org.uk/ | |
73. LONDON IDEAS - CAREERS IN GENETICS Genetics careers in the NHS. Molecular Geneticist role and training Full informationis provided by NHS careers profile Clinical Molecular Genetics Society. TOP. http://www.londonideas.org/internet/careers/ | |
74. LONDON IDEAS GENETICS KNOWLEDGE PARK Work experience. Involve your school. testube and first aid cross, careers ingenetics. Medical and scientific career information. Online job databases. http://www.londonideas.org/internet/ | |
75. Careers In Genetics Field careers IN THE GENETICS FIELD Introduction to the Field. This publicationprovides descriptions of a variety of training and career http://genetics.faseb.org/genetics/gsa/careers/bro-menu.htm | |
76. The Science Of Genetics: Training And Careers The Science of Genetics. Training and careers in the Genetics Field.Geneticists in Basic Research The modern science of genetics http://genetics.faseb.org/genetics/gsa/careers/bro-01.htm | |
77. Careers For Biology Majors Here you will find over 200 links to Web sites that describe specific careersaccessible after training in biology. Biotechnology (See also Genetics) http://www.furman.edu/~snyder/careers/careerlist.html | |
78. NIGMS -- Training & Careers: Genetics Predoctoral Research Training Program Inst TRAINING careers. Genetics Predoctoral Research TrainingProgram Institutions. For award period 7/1/20036/30/2004. http://www.nigms.nih.gov/funding/Genetics_Predoc.html | |
79. NIGMS -- Training & Careers: Medical Genetics Postdoctoral Research Training Pro TRAINING careers. Medical Genetics Postdoctoral Research TrainingProgram Institutions. For award period 7/1/20036/30/2004. http://www.nigms.nih.gov/funding/MG_Postdoc.html | |
80. The Hampton Group - Jobs And Careers In Biotech, Pharmaceutical, Genetics, Medic careers, jobs, jobs in biotech, pharmaceutical, genetics,diagnostics, instrument,medical device, onlology, research development, regulatory affairs http://www.hamptongrp.com/genetics.html | |
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