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41. AllRefer Encyclopedia - Art History (Art, General) - Encyclopedia art history, art, general. Related Category art, general. art history, the study of works of art and architecture. In the mid19th http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/A/arthisto.html | |
42. CareerHome Page general RESOURCES (multiple programs and opportunities listed) back to top. professional organization for degreeholders in art and art history) College art http://fits.depauw.edu/aharris/Careers/careers_home.html | |
43. Art History General Books - Read Reviews & Compare Prices At DealTime Books art history / general Books 1125 titles found Browse by Featured Items. New Releases. Coming Soon. Fiction Categories. Action Thrillers. Horror. http://www.dealtime.com/xMP-Books-Art-subcategory-History_and_General~NI-Books-A | |
44. Education World® - *Arts & Humanities : Art History : General Resources AHIP Getty art history Information Program . ANU art history Top Level Menu Page See tutorials in art history and the image archives. art history RESOURCES1 . http://db.educationworld.com/perl/browse?cat_id=2301 |
45. Art History Research Guide--College Of St. Catherine Libraries general art and art history Resources. The Dictionary of art 34 vols. REF N 31 .D5 1996 This is a comprehensive art encyclopedia, international in scope. http://www.stkate.edu/library/guides/art.html | |
46. Art History Courses In Florence Because of its structure, this art history course can be considered as a deep introduction to general art history and particularly to Florentine history during http://www.galilei.it/galart.html | |
47. Art And Art History Research-Art History There is also a page called Research Resources which lists indexes and databases, periodicals, image finders, general art history resources, etc. http://library.gmu.edu/resources/fa/arthistory.html | |
48. Microsoft SDB: Art History > General Art History Home Books Magazines Nonfiction art, Science, history More art art history general art history0. general art history Web Sites http://sbd.bcentral.com/12935.aspx | |
49. Rubriek: 20.30 Art History: General Service, Rubriek 20.30 art history general. Link , Arlis.net periodicals / National art Library, Victoria and Albert Museum. Link http://www.kb.nl/dutchess/20/30/ | |
50. Graduate Studies :: Art History MA in art history. The MasterÂs program in art history offers the opportunity for concentration in either general art history or Egyptian art and Archaeology. http://www.people.memphis.edu/~artdept/grad_ah.html | |
51. Stephen Melville - "Attachments Of Art History" to us, both in general and more specifically as art historians; it is in fact a notion in which we are very much at home. As concerns art history, much of our http://www.rochester.edu/in_visible_culture/issue1/melville/melville.html | |
52. General Information And Frequently Asked Questions | Department Of Art And Art H general Information about the Department of art and art history. The Department of art and art history offers a wide variety of courses http://www.rochester.edu/College/AAH/info/ | |
53. CSF - Thaw Art History Center Faculty will also teach surveys of general art history, introduction to visual arts, and specialized topical surveys focusing on the more traditional areas of http://www.csf.edu/art/thaw.html | |
54. University Of Florida - School Of Art & Art History - General Facts & Informatio home personality mission general facts information. The School of art and art history was established in 1948 and is an accredited institutional member http://www.arts.ufl.edu/art/Personality/generalFacts.asp | |
55. Department Of Art And Art History : University Of Vermont Studio art and art history are chosen as majors both by those who see them as an excellent base for a general liberal arts education and by those who have http://www.uvm.edu/~artdept/ | |
56. Art History Links - Artists In Cornwall UK Guide to web sites devoted to specific artistic movements or general art history. Click on names of sites to visit respective web sites. http://www.artistsincornwall.com/art-history.htm | |
57. Art History Admission Requirements (1) Prior sound preparation in art history at a general level, which usually means having acquired the Master of arts degree in the http://www.washington.edu/students/gencat/academic/art_history.html | |
58. Fine Arts Department - Art/Art History General Requirements better. Studio art students may not use art history credits to satisfy category number eight of the general college requirements. art http://finearts.camden.rutgers.edu/art/artreq.html | |
59. History Of Art Resources general sites of interest to history of art students. (Links verified 13th August 2002). ADAM .. the art, Design, Architecture Media http://www.tcd.ie/Library/People/Sue.Tucker/art.htm | |
60. Art And Art History -- University Of New Mexico General Library Up icon Journals and magazines (some include fulltext) Gateway Sites Finding books and articles at UNM (art and art history); UNM general LibraryFind http://elibrary.unm.edu/subjects/art.php | |
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