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1. ART HISTORY RESOURCES: Part 7 Art Of The Middle Ages THIS PAGE. Middle Ages general. Early Christian European and Byzantine art in the Middle Ages Special Topics (through the Metropolitan Museum of art's Timeline of art history http://witcombe.sbc.edu/ARTHmedieval.html | |
2. VoS - Voice Of The Shuttle general art Resources . general art history Resources Course Syllabi Teaching Resources (art art history) http://vos.ucsb.edu/browse.asp?id=2707 |
3. WWW Virtual Library: Art History The WWW Virtual Library for the history of art links to art history sites of general interest, but focuses mainly on academic and scholarly sites, as well as listing university departments relating to art history and computer applications in art history have a general interest in art history and would like http://www.chart.ac.uk/vlib | |
4. Art History Network General Resources Topi cs. general · Resources. cover Submit a site ·Link to us ·Contact us. © 19962003 AHN art history Network. ·Archaeology on Film http://www.arthistory.net/general.html | |
5. ART HISTORY RESOURCES ON THE WEB: Contents Prehistoric art. Prehistoric art general. Paleolithic art. Mesolithic art. Neolithic art. Rock art general art history Various. Miscellaneous for art Historians http://witcombe.sbc.edu/ARTHLinks.html | |
6. ART HISTORY RESOURCES: Part 8 15th-Century Renaissance Art RENAISSANCE art general Top of Page Renaissance (through artLex) Examples of earlier Topics (through the Metropolitan Museum of art s Timeline of art history) http://witcombe.sbc.edu/ARTHLinks2.html | |
7. Welcome To The Art History Network art history Network, your one stop resource for art history, Archaeology and Architecture resources on the web. Journals Magazines Images Virtual Tours general art's art history http://www.arthistory.net/ | |
8. ArtSource General Resources art history Resources Provides a survey of art history from ancient times to the present day divided by period with separate links to research resources, an http://www.ilpi.com/artsource/general.html | |
9. General Art History Articles art history. about this site. Origami history the art of paper folding; Origins of Greek theatre; Romulus and Remus the founding of Rome; http://www.essortment.com/in/Art.History/ | |
10. Home Page art history general Resources, By Form, By Movement, By Region, By Time Period more , Linguistics general Resources, Disciplines of Linguistics, history of http://www.allianceforlifelonglearning.org/er/cla40150.html | |
11. History Of Art By History Link 101 art history Link Pages. Native American Indian. Aztec, Olmec and Mesoamerican. Chinese Types of Chinese art By Dynasty general Chinese Sites Egyptian Egyptian http://www.historylink101.com/history_of_art.htm | |
12. Welcome To Albany Institute Of History And Art Albany Institute of history art. 125 Washington Avenue the Albany Institute of history art, one of the oldest publications and other programs offered to the general public. http://www.albanyinstitute.org/ | |
13. Online Visual Resources and wallhangings for sale, in addition to a calendar and general information on Dr. Kees Kaldenbach (1953) received his graduate degree in art history in 1987 http://art-design.umich.edu/mother/images.html | |
14. Internet Resources For Art History Starting Points. art history Resources on the Web A massive list of Internet resources, from the general to the specific. Divided http://www2.lib.udel.edu/subj/arth/internet/ | |
15. Interdisciplinary Indexes For Art History These general indexes cover various time periods from the late eighteenth century to of these indexes could be useful for researching a topic in art history. http://www2.lib.udel.edu/subj/arth/resguide/interdis.htm | |
16. Timelines Of Art History : Print Sources And Web Sites (ARLIS/NA Publications) com/jinfo/jartfine.html; Important Moments in Canadian art history. Greek Chronology (general, but includes important dates in art architecture http://www.arlisna.org/timelines.html | |
17. Writing The Art History Paper (For more general information, see as the art Index and the Hood Museum Fine arts Collections. Writing Advice In many ways, writing an art history paper is http://www.dartmouth.edu/~compose/student/humanities/arthistory.html | |
18. Dartmouth Department of art history. general information mission statement departmental office dartmouth college faculty lectures events curriculum degree requirements http://www.dartmouth.edu/~arthist/ | |
19. BigEye Art Center - General Art Resources full details. Save 40%70% with Careington. art history - general Resources. art On-line The Fine art Directory. Introduction to the http://www.bigeye.com/artgener.htm | |
20. LIBRARIES FOR ART HISTORY BOOKS: general arthistorical collections, together with specialist collections on theatre design, scenography, and costume history. The http://www.bbk.ac.uk/lib/artlibgu.html | |
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