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21. Historical Personages: Rulers And Royalty List of Rulers Chronology and genealogy. Latest news and comment about the Royals and royalty, and their nobility from media sources around the world http://www.puredirectory.com/Society/History/Historical-Personages/Rulers-and-Ro | |
22. Links To Genealogy Sources DATABASES ON THE INTERNET Data from around the world and links to various European lines of royalty. to this growing collection of personal genealogy home pages http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/5780/links.html | |
23. Society, Genealogy, Royalty Provides information about royalty and royal families around the world, as well as the genealogy of United States presidents.. Royal Genealogies. http://www.klevze.si/browse/Society/Genealogy/Royalty/ | |
24. Society, History, Historical Personages, Rulers And Royalty directory of elected representatives from around the world genealogical information about European royalty during world History and PDF genealogy of the Genoese http://www.klevze.si/browse/Society/History/Historical_Personages/Rulers_and_Roy | |
25. Rulers And Royalty List of Rulers Chronology and genealogy Ian Mladjov s Previews by Thumbshots Hawaii s royalty on Stamps of elected representatives from around the world. http://www.oobdoo.com/directory/Society/History/HistoricalPersonages/RulersandRo | |
26. BigEye - Genealogy Center of the finer genealogy sites around the world resources for European and American genealogy and surnames European royalty and Nobility A genealogical collection http://www.bigeye.com/genealogy.htm | |
27. :: Ez2Find :: Royalty Translate Open New Window Provides information about royalty and royal families around the world, as well as the genealogy of United States presidents. http://ez2find.com/cgi-bin/directory/meta/search.pl/Society/Genealogy/Royalty/ | |
28. :: Ez2Find :: Rulers And Royalty A directory of elected representatives from around the world http//gsteinbe.intrasun.tcnj.edu/royalty/royalty.html; The Window History and PDF genealogy of the http://ez2find.com/cgi-bin/directory/meta/search.pl/Society/History/Historical_P | |
29. SearchBug Directory: Society: Genealogy: Royalty Data on the Web http//www.dcs.hull.ac.uk/public/genealogy/GEDCOM.html Provides information about royalty and royal families around the world, as well as the http://www.searchbug.com/directory.aspx/Society/Genealogy/Royalty/ | |
30. Din Resgestae: Society : Government : Rulers and links about kings and queens from around the world http//www.royalty.nu/ Rate Rating1, Votes1 8 The Grimaldi Family History and PDF genealogy of the http://din-timelines.com/registry/Society/Government/Rulers/index.shtml | |
31. Directory - Society: Genealogy: Royalty Data on the Web · cached · Provides information about royalty and royal families around the world, as well as the genealogy of United States presidents. http://www.incywincy.com/default?p=71368 |
32. Directory - Society: History: Historical Personages: Rulers And Royalty of Rulers Chronology and genealogy · cached · Ian Hawaii s royalty on Stamps · iweb · history · cached of elected representatives from around the world. http://www.incywincy.com/default?p=82487 |
33. Royalty - Genealogy, Society - Zaz Corporation Thumbshots Preview Provides information about royalty and royal families around the world, as well as the genealogy of United States presidents. http://www.zaz.com/Society/Genealogy/Royalty/ | |
34. Genealogy LIST OF OCCUPATIONS; HYTELNET ACCESS TO LIBRARIES around THE world; SURNAME CENTRAL - OTHER GENEALOGICAL royalty AND NOBLE genealogy - BOOKS (EXTENSIVE http://web2.iadfw.net/samhradh/geneology.html | |
35. 700,000 Names Affiliated With European Royalty seeing the how your ancestors moved around the world additions, requests for removels, etc, to genealogy@efamilytree I was trying to do a royalty/Playing card http://www.e-familytree.net/ | |
36. DerKeiler Directory - /Society/History/Historical_Personages/Rulers_and_Royalty , List of Rulers Chronology and genealogy, Ian Mladjov s and comment about the Royals and royalty, and their nobility from media sources around the world http://directory.derkeiler.com/Top/Society/History/Historical_Personages/Rulers_ | |
37. About The Known World Royal Genealogy I decided to track the entire genealogy of the Known world royalty every Prince It was also possible to extrapolate past rulers around the Known world http://www.ealdormere.sca.org/scaroyalty/about.shtml | |
38. Society > History > Historical Personages > Rulers And Royalty 17 List of Rulers Chronology and genealogy Ian Mladjov s 18 Hawaii s royalty on Stamps Brief information about of elected representatives from around the world http://www.xasa.com/directorio/mozilla/Top/Society/History/Historical_Personages | |
39. Web Directory: Society/History/Historical Personages/Rulers And Royalty A directory of elected representatives from around the world. url gsteinbe.intrasun.tcnj.edu/royalty/royalty.html Get Family History and PDF genealogy of the http://web.politinfo.com/dir/Society/History/Historical_Personages/Rulers_and_Ro | |
40. Rulers And Royalty List of Rulers Chronology and genealogy http//www Hawaii s royalty on Stamps http//www.glassinesurfer of elected representatives from around the world. http://www.directory.net/Society/History/Historical_Personages/Rulers_and_Royalt | |
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