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2. Mitchell Genealogy Newsletter For Mitchells Around The World genealogy Search Engine. Search world Connect genealogy Mitchells of Richmond, VA In Search of American royalty, by George G VA and Mitchells From around The world. If there is http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~mitchell001 | |
3. Royal Genealogies - Family Trees Of Kings Queens And Royal Families Family Trees and genealogy of kings, queens and royal families around the world. as a Roman Emperor, by Ed Stephan. Scotland royalty Scottish genealogy of the Kings Queens http://genealogy.about.com/cs/royalgenealogies | |
4. Link-O-Mania - Royalty & Nobility to royal and famous genealogies around the world. Genealogical Gleanings the bottom of the page. royalty of the world. Extensive links to Royal History and genealogy around the world http://link-o-mania.com/main/royalty.htm | |
5. Cyndi's List - Royalty & Nobility More than 209 300 links! 206 850 links, categorized crossreferenced, in over 160 categories. Another 2 450+ uncategorized new links in the works. history, royalty, heraldry, nobility, aristocracy and knighthood around the world. Regnal Chronologies royalty.nu - The world of royalty Royal genealogy resources, including books http://www.cyndislist.com/royalty.htm | |
6. Genealogy Searches Around The World International genealogy and surname search tools to find genealogical homepages and surname databases. Listings for your family trees and genealogies. descendants to mormons to royalty of noble http://www.genealogy-geneology.com/search.htm | |
7. Royal And Noble Genealogical Data On The Web Provides information about royalty and royal families around the world, as well as the genealogy of United States presidents. http://www.dcs.hull.ac.uk/public/genealogy/GEDCOM.html |
8. Royal Family Trees - Genealogies Of Kings, Queens & Royalty Have you ever wondered if you re related to royalty? Explore these family trees and genealogies of kings, queens and royal families around the world. http://genealogy.about.com/od/royalty/ | |
9. WebRing: Hub genealogy around the world A Helping Hand. Home Family Home genealogy. About this Ring. This site is designed to aid members and visitors in their research. are from France, Germany, South Russia, Wales, England, Scotland, Norway; including royalty. Some settled in VA Penn http://www.webring.org/hub?ring=geneaologyaround |
10. FreeSurnameSearch.com - World Wide Databases thousands of other researchers around the world Celebrity Trees Search genealogy.com s growing collection of famous people including royalty, politicians and http://www.freesurnamesearch.com/search/worldwide.html | |
11. International Royal Genealogy The genealogy of royal families from around the world. royalty.nu world royalty History genealogy and Heraldry genealogy Books ·. Videos and DVDs ·. genealogy Magazines. Search. Royal genealogy a genealogy database http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Aegean/7545/genealogy.html | |
12. LookSmart - Directory - Royal Genealogy YOU ARE HERE Home Personal Family genealogy Heraldry royalty. Royal genealogy Learn about the genealogy of royal families from around the world. http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317837/us317919/us71960/us522103/?&sn |
13. Royal Genealogy Of The Known World Welcome to the SCA royalty Database! This site contains information about all the royalty of all the Principalities and Kingdoms throughout the history of the Society for Creative Anachronism. this is not a database of realworld royalty! and I will get around to responding to all of http://www.ealdormere.sca.org/scaroyalty | |
14. Society Genealogy Royalty Genealogical Data on the Web Provides information about royalty and royal families around the world, as well as the genealogy of United States presidents.. http://world.ammissione.it/browse_/Society/Genealogy/Royalty/ |
15. Society History Historical Personages Rulers And Royalty of elected representatives from around the world.. and genealogical information about European royalty during world Family History and PDF genealogy of the http://world.ammissione.it/browse_/Society/History/Historical_Personages/Rulers_ |
16. Royalty @ Www.Sweden.org Genealogical Data on the Web Provides information about royalty and royal families around the world, as well as the genealogy of United States presidents. http://www.sweden.org/Society/Genealogy/Royalty/ | |
17. Rulers And Royalty @ Www.Sweden.org directory of elected representatives from around the world genealogical information about European royalty during world Family History and PDF genealogy of the http://www.sweden.org/Society/History/Historical_Personages/Rulers_and_Royalty/ | |
18. Free Genealogy Search :: Society : History : Historical_Personages : Rulers_and_ of elected representatives from around the world. and genealogical information about European royalty during world Family History and PDF genealogy of the http://www.lineages.co.uk/dwodp/index.php/Society/History/Historical_Personages/ | |
19. Society, History, Historical Personages: Rulers And Royalty List of Rulers Chronology and genealogy Ian Mladjov s and comment about the Royals and royalty, and their nobility from media sources around the world http://www.combose.com/Society/History/Historical_Personages/Rulers_and_Royalty/ | |
20. Genealogy: Royalty Provides information about royalty and royal families around the world, as well as the genealogy of United States presidents. Royal Genealogies. http://www.puredirectory.com/Society/Genealogy/Royalty/ | |
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