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1. NARA | Genealogy | Immigration Records DC Library of Congress, Local History genealogy Reading Room, nd Immigrants to the Middle Colonies a Consolidation of Ship passenger Lists and http://www.archives.gov/research_room/genealogy/immigrant_arrivals/passenger_rec | |
2. InGeneas Canadian Genealogy array of Canadian passenger and immigration records. Dedicated family history buffs know that genealogy is more than much of the satisfaction of genealogy comes from being able to http://www.ingeneas.com/ | |
3. Passanger & Immigration Lists Lookups | Ancestral Findings Free Genealogy Lookup Census records. Military records . Marriage records . World Family Tree . passenger and immigration records This Weeks Free genealogy Resource Book or CD1500s1800s http://www.ancestralfindings.com/page10.htm | |
4. Cyndi's List - Ships & Passenger Lists passenger lists, immigration records passenger Lists 1878 1960 . inGeneas Canadian genealogy Professional genealogists specializing in Canadian immigration records http://www.cyndislist.com/ships.htm | |
5. US Ports Of Arrival & Their Available Immigration Records - Passenger Lists A list of nearly every US immigration port with links to their available passenger lists indexes. of Entry Their immigration records (passenger Lists) A genealogy Guide by Joe Beine States that has published immigration records (passenger arrival lists) 1820-1957, organized http://www.genesearch.com/ports.html | |
6. NARA | Genealogy | Immigration Records Search Microfilm Catalogs. Workshops. Independent Researchers. Related Web Resources. Search in genealogy. immigration records (Ship passenger Arrival records). http://www.archives.gov/research_room/genealogy/research_topics/immigration.html | |
7. Passenger Lists 1865-1935 - Immigration Records - Genealogy or all of our passenger lists. Click here to view a list of locations. For 1925 to 1935, you can conduct your search in our immigration records (1925 1935 http://www.lac-bac.gc.ca/02/020202/0202020401_e.html | |
8. The Olive Tree Genealogy: Search Free Ships' Passenger Lists And Find Your Ances Marriage, Military records and more genealogy.Com 14 immigration Collection includes the unindexed 1851-1892 New over 10 million ships passenger lists and http://olivetreegenealogy.com/ships/ | |
9. The Olive Tree Genealogy: Search Free Ships' Passenger Lists And Find Your Ances Search hundreds of free ships' passenger lists. Find your immigrant ancestors on ships arriving in U.S.A., Canada and other ports immigration Naturalization records. Resources Books for immigration. passenger lists found on The Olive Tree genealogy http://www.olivetreegenealogy.com/ships/index.shtml | |
10. Olive Tree Genealogy - Search Free Genealogy Databases For Your Ancestors Olive Tree genealogy is not only a searching various records ships passenger lists, Huguenots, Native Americans, Canadian immigration, Palatines and http://olivetreegenealogy.com/index.shtml | |
11. Finding New York Passenger Lists (Immigration Records) 1820-1957 New York passenger Lists passenger Lists (immigration records) for New You do not have to be a Mormon to use their genealogy facilities and materials. http://germanroots.home.att.net/ellisisland/nypassengers.html | |
12. Genealogy Records & Passenger Lists From German Roots The following genealogy records can be found on the German Roots family of websites passenger Lists immigration records Baltimore passenger Lists http://germanroots.home.att.net/ | |
13. Ships Passenger Lists And Other Online Immigration Records Archives A genealogyonly search engine which 200 pages containing ships passenger lists Genealogical Society Many emigration/immigration records available for http://genealogy.about.com/cs/passengerlists/ | |
14. Immigration To Ellis Island - Ships Passenger Lists Records History Photos History Center This new family genealogy facility at on the Ellis Island passenger records Web site. at Ellis Island celebrates American immigration from its http://genealogy.about.com/cs/ellisisland/ | |
15. Genealogy.com - Data On CD-ROM: Passenger And Immigration Records record). genealogy.com Membership. $39.99. Philadelphia, 18001850 passenger and immigration Lists ( 359), Add to Cart $39.99. Russians http://www.familytreemaker.com/immigran.html | |
16. Ship Passenger List Free Genealogy Surname Database Search Engines Including The most extensive collection of international and passenger records available online by genealogy.com. Free Trial Baltimore passenger and immigration List 1820 http://www.searchforancestors.com/records/passenger.html | |
17. Ship Passenger List Free Genealogy Surname Database Search Engines Including The extensive collection of international and passenger records available online by genealogy.com 14 day free trial Baltimore passenger and immigration List 1820 http://www.searchforancestors.com/records/passengerall.html | |
18. Ellis Island Records Search - Find Your Immigrant Ancestors In The Ellis Island Ancestor Hunt genealogy Search Engines Logo. Ancestor Hunt Ship passenger Search Ellis Island Ship passengers Search. Ellis Island US immigration records. http://www.ancestorhunt.com/ellis_island_records_search.html | |
19. Ship Passenger Lists Including Ellis Island Read and Post Queries to the immigration Message Board. immigration records at Ancestry.com. Ellis Island passenger Search. The Ships Lists. TOP genealogy SITES. http://www.ancestorhunt.com/ship_passengers.htm | |
20. INS History, Genealogy, And Education - Immigration Arrival Records kept on big sheets called passenger lists, ship lists, or ship passenger manifests. Since 1924, visas have been the official immigration records, and since 1944 http://www.uscis.gov/graphics/aboutus/history/immrecs/immrec.htm | |
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