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1. Native / Metis Genealogy Links: Aboriginal Genealogy. Native American Data Native American genealogy native americans in SD NativeWeb Resources Genealogy (Tracing Roots) Nebraska Pawnee Scouts, 186169 New http://members.shaw.ca/justgen/ntv.htm | |
2. Free Genealogy Native Americans, Indian Tribes, Native American Resources, Indian History. These Native American Biographies 968 and growing!! How http://www.nanations.com/ | |
3. People Of The Three Fires Native Genealogy native americans in Michigan. Established in 1996 My name is Rose Edwards and I'm responsible for native genealogy in Michigan http://www.rootsweb.com/~minatam | |
4. Native American Genealogy Links AXIOM Financial Management for native americans ( link site added 28 genealogy. American Indian Studies. The History Page ( Early America dealing with native americans)(link site added http://members.aol.com/bbbenge/newlinks.html | |
5. Lost Ancestors Data from cemeteries, prison rosters, censuses, tax lists, marriage records, wills, and slave ship manifests dealing with native American and African American genealogy. http://lostamericans.netfirms.com | |
6. RED WOLF'S NATIVE AMERICAN INDIAN GENEALOGY CULTURE HERITAGE Discusses history and genealogy of native americans in the Louisiana area. http://www.angelfire.com/la/brantley/ | |
7. The Illinois History Resource Page A webliography of links to topics including the state's symbol and song, government information, genealogy, Chicago, Lincoln, native americans, the state's educational/historical/cultural institutions, and special topics. Compliled by the Assistant Director of the Illinois State Archive. http://alexia.lis.uiuc.edu/~sorensen/hist.html | |
8. Creek Indian Researcher - Records And Links A collection of resources for those researching their Creek Indian ancestors, and native americans in general. http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~texlance/main.htm | |
9. NARA | Genealogy | Native American Records Pictures of native americans, a list with links to 194 images held http://www.archives.gov/research_room/genealogy/research_topics/native_american_ | |
10. NARA | ARC | Search Hints For Genealogical Data In ARC For more information on records relating to Federal employees please visit NARA s genealogy Page Top of Page. native americans 1896 Citizenship Applications http://www.archives.gov/research_room/arc/arc_info/genealogy_search_hints.html | |
11. Native Americans: Maliseet Indian Tribe (Malecite, Malécites, Skicin, Maliseet Brunswick church records Woodstock First Nation s History History and genealogy of this Maliseet First Nation Maine native American genealogy Information, links http://www.native-languages.org/maliseet.htm | |
12. Native Americans - Genealogy - American Indian Records scfn.thpl.lib.fl.us/thpl/main/spc/native_american_ancestory_pathfinder.htm Index of native American genealogy Resources on the InternetUse the resources above http://www.nativeamericans.com/Genealogy.htm | |
13. Native Americans - Ancestry native American genealogy Resources By Leona Halley Henderson, provides links to genealogy resources for native americans. native http://www.nativeamericans.com/Ancestry.htm | |
14. NativeWeb Resources: Genealogy (Tracing Roots) Researching Black Indian genealogy of the Five Civilized Tribes It is known that many Africans intermarried with native americans. http://www.nativeweb.org/resources/genealogy_tracing_roots_/ | |
15. Native American Ancestry And Indian Genealogy native American genealogy resources and links. native American genealogy at GenWed.com. New Site for native americans. Siler Rolls. http://www.censusdiggins.com/native_american_ancestry.html | |
16. Native American Indian Tribes NA, NA, Indians, Indian, tribe, tribes, tribal, powwow, indigenous, links, rings, Peoples, NA, Indians, genealogy, native americans, indigenous Peoples rings http://www.fortunecity.com/victorian/ferndale/61/tribes.htm | |
17. Native American Genealogy Mine Your first stop for a treasure trove of genealogy links for native americans. People Finder! Guest Book. native American genealogy Mine. http://home.ptd.net/~nikki/nativeam.htm | |
18. "the People's Paths Home Page!" Genealogy Information! The Internet s Oldest and Largest genealogy Resource 25 African American, native American, Jewish, Melungeon Louisiana Redbones, Redbones, americans of Natirah http://www.yvwiiusdinvnohii.net/genea.html | |
19. Native Americans Indians Stereotypes Realities Change of the Word Squaw in Geographic Names and Places in the United States native AMERICAN genealogy native American http://www.teacheroz.com/Native_Americans.htm | |
20. Alabama Native Americans Alabama genealogy resources for research of native American and Indian ancestors in Alabama. Huntsville, AL, Alabama native americans genealogy Guide picks. http://huntsville.about.com/cs/nativeamericans/ | |
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