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61. German Genealogy: Austria Find out more at the Frequently Asked Questions page for soc.genealogy.german andfurther tips for Old German Script. Gazetteers; atlases and maps Online http://www.genealogienetz.de/reg/AUT/austria-en.html | |
62. Minneapolis Public Library: Genealogy Resources World language dictionaries; Current and historical maps and atlases from aroundthe genealogy research often involves visits to many libraries, courthouses http://www.mplib.org/genealogy.asp | |
63. Carroll County Museum Genealogy Library from 18281999 Death Records from 1828-2004 Birth Records Family Tree Maker RecordsAncestory Plus Ancestory .com genealogy.com New maps and atlases Map of http://dcwi.com/~cchs/gene.html | |
64. A Selective List Of Genealogical Sources For Norwegian And maps and atlases and Place Names. genealogy norwayhistory, local norwaymaps norwegianamericans norwegian americansgenealogy norwegian americans http://wilson.lib.umn.edu/reference/nor-gene.html |
65. University Of Calgary Library Genealogy Resources you can make an appointment with the genealogy specialist, Jan land maps for the Prairies,especially Alberta; historical maps and atlases showing boundary http://www.ucalgary.ca/library/subjects/genealogy/gene.html | |
66. SLCL Special Collections: Genealogical Links National Archives (genealogy Page) Also take a look at their site on immigration.New York Public Library; St. Back to category chart. maps atlases. http://www.slcl.lib.mo.us/slcl/sc/sc-genlinks.htm | |
67. Genealogy genealogy guides, bibliographies, and reference works. Historical maps andatlases of Ontario, including the county atlases and indexes. http://stauffer.queensu.ca/inforef/guides/genealogy.htm | |
68. Oakland County Pioneer And Historical Society: The Research Library Among the library s special aids for genealogy researchers are obituaries that canbe found in two card files the May Rockwell maps and atlases We have a http://www.wwnet.net/~ocphs/library.html | |
69. Newberry Library | Hispanic Genealogy should check both the card and computer catalogues under the subject headingsfor nations and regions, ie, ÂGuatemalagenealogy.Â. maps AND atlases. http://www.newberry.org/nl/genealogy/hispanic.html | |
70. LFPL - Genealogy Resources A few Kentucky county atlases. on the topographical maps are indexed in a gazetteerthat is keyed to the maps, Guide to Biography and genealogy Master Index. http://www.lfpl.org/geneal.htm | |
71. Webs-G Subjects genealogy Directories. GEOGRAPHY. Subjects Great circle (Geometry) Distances Measurement. maps atlases. All the Worlds maps. http://www.sierranevada.edu/academic/library/webs-g.htm | |
73. WHAT'S NEW IN DONOVAN'S GENEALOGY IDAHO 20 Sep 1998, Genealogical and Historical Collections. 02 Sep 1998, Donovan sMissorui genealogy Webring Link. 04 May 1998, Gazetteers, atlases maps. http://home.rmci.net/dyingst/new.htm | |
74. Genealogy: Get All The Free Genealogy Information You Want! genealogy Unlimited maps and atlases from Europe - genealogyunlimited.com InterlinkBookshop and Genealogical Services, Victoria, BC Browse by Category http://www.comedition.com/Family/Genealogy/Sites/WorldSites/EuropeSites.htm | |
75. What We Have To Offer - Printed Maps And Atlases our Jackson County, Missouri, Printed maps and atlases. 1958 Road District maps (JacksonCounty Highway Department MidContinent Public Library s genealogy Branch http://www.jchs.org/archives/What we have to offer- Printed Maps and Atlases.htm | |
76. Books On Britain Maps And Atlases Countryside. Gardens. Giftbooks. Guidebooks. Heraldry and genealogy. History. London.maps atlases. Travel writing on Britain. Wales. We recommend Great Britain map. http://www.britainexpress.com/Bookstore/atlases/maps and atlases index.htm | |
77. Dakota Genealogy Research - North Dakota Genealogy - South Dakota Genealogy - Ti Red River Valley Genealogical Society 112 N. University Dakota and Minnesota countyatlases and years of publication that contain township land ownership maps. http://www.time-passages.com/nd-county-and-township-atlases.html | |
78. Lesley Aitchison - Local History Manuscripts, Maps, Engravings, Photographs, Eph genealogy Internet Resources More genealogy links. Oddens maps and atlases Hugenumber of links to most of the map and atlas sites on the net. http://www.localhistory.co.uk/la/la-links.htm | |
79. Genealogy Links -- New Mexico Maps And Resources New Mexico State Records Center and Archives; University of New Mexico Archives.atlases and maps. Map New Mexico Counties Census Information. genealogy. http://www.nmgs.org/linkmap.htm | |
80. Maps & Atlases, LDS Resources, Etc. atlases. Allgemein - General, Genealogie - genealogy, Schlesien - Silesia,Siebenbürgen - Transylvania. File ref, Title, Author, Comment, File Name. http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~bgwiehle/resources/resourc2.htm | |
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