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41. Immigrant Ship Passenger Lists - Main Index Online genealogy Search Post Query Surname Resources Census Records Country and Ethnic Links Feedback Link to Distant Cousin Social Security Death index. http://www.distantcousin.com/Links/ships/ | |
42. The Genealogist's Index To The World Wide Web (www.GIWWW.org) Our index not only focuses on genealogy sites, but also includes a SOUNDEX cross reference to help you find those almost matches that the search engines miss http://members.aol.com/genwebindx/ | |
43. The Olive Tree Genealogy: Search Free Ships' Passenger Lists And Find Your Ances FREE NEWSLETTER. JOIN Olive Tree genealogy Newsletter Databases Images of Ships Passenger Lists Orphan Records Louisiana Passenger Lists index to Naturalization http://olivetreegenealogy.com/ships/ | |
44. Eggert Genealogy In The Genes Fletcher and Eggert surname research, includes photos and links. http://members.aol.com/_ht_a/blgert/index.html?mtbrand=AOL_US |
45. Olive Tree Genealogy - Search Free Genealogy Databases For Your Ancestors Don t miss the Ships Passenger Lists index to make your next choice hunting that elusive immigrant ancestor. American genealogy. Most http://olivetreegenealogy.com/index.shtml | |
46. Miami Valley Genealogical Index Counties and Records used in the Miami Valley Genealogical index. ***** AUGLAIZE COUNTY *****. Census records 1850. http://www.tdn-net.com/genealogy/mvgi/records.htm | |
47. Beth Hatefutsoth Is A Cultural And Educational Institution Beth Hatefutsoth. Entrance of the Douglas E. Goldman Jewish genealogy Center. The Why genealogy? ? ? ? Jewish http://www.bh.org.il/Genealogy/index.aspx | |
48. Allen County Public Library:Genealogy The International Genealogical index (IGI) is the major source of German vital records held in the department, while the Family History Library Catalog will http://www.acpl.lib.in.us/genealogy/ | |
49. Bob Your Uncle http://indexes.tpl.toronto.on.ca/genealogy/index.asp | |
50. Cyndi's List - United Kingdom & Ireland Index Cyndi s List of genealogy Sites on the Internet United Kingdom Ireland index This page created maintained by Cyndi Howells, cyndihow@oz.net Updated http://www.cyndislist.com/uksites.htm | |
51. Genealogy Resources At The Wisconsin Historical Society Wisconsin Name index Search more than 100,000 Wisconsin obituaries and biographical Civil War service records using our Wisconsin Genealogical Research Service http://www.wisconsinhistory.org/genealogy/ | |
52. Loftin Genealogy Of Billy Boy Including related families. http://members.aol.com/DADMAN68/INDEX.HTML | |
53. Welcome The principal aim of this index is to provide a window on Jewish genealogy, its unique culture, customs, history, languages, literature, art, music and http://jewishwebindex.com/ | |
54. Search Page Index Select the gender you would like to search. Note Not applicable in the Cemetery index. Both Male Female. Select the index you would like to search. http://lplcat.lacrosse.lib.wi.us/genealogy/ | |
55. Index Search Service Genealogical index Search Service. Genealogical index Search Request forms are also available from the History and genealogy unit By mail http://www.cslib.org/indexsch.htm | |
56. Master Index To Swedish Genealogical Data - Ordered By Lastname Master index to swedish Genealogical Data ordered by lastname. This dataset was created by Arne /Wallgren/ Skolvägen 29a S-433 http://www3.dcs.hull.ac.uk/public/genealogy/swedish/gedx.html |
57. Olive Tree Genealogy: Ships Passenger Lists Find your immigrant ancestor in the index to all USA immigration records passenger Special Offers on CDs Books A variety of genealogical resource CDs http://www.rootsweb.com/~ote/iriship.htm | |
58. Lilitaly Read and contribute to the guestbook, Researching the surnames Spano, Barnao, Benedetto, Fonti, Tesorieri, DeMola, Burtchell, Ligouri, Annarumma. http://www.homestead.com/lilitaly/index.html | |
59. Mark And Cyndi's Family Tree The online versions of those articles are available from his index of genealogy Technology Articles. Cyndi s List The BOOK! http://www.oz.net/~cyndihow/ | |
60. SWISS GENEALOGY ON THE INTERNET Major Swiss Research site. Includes articles on Swiss history, list of famous Swiss, contact information, links to LDS archive index, family websites and Swiss surnames index. http://www.eye.ch/swissgen/ | |
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