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161. German Study Group-Resources German genealogy Study Group. 1. general genealogy Resources and Link Pages for Germany. Updated 17 Dec 1999. Cyndi s List of genealogy http://thorin.adnc.com/~lynnd/vures1.html | |
162. Lineages' Genealogy Site Macon County, Georgia Offers the address and phone numbers to the Macon County courthouse to make inqueries regarding the records that are held there. Also provides helpful general Georgia and genealogy links. http://www.lineages.com/usa/ga/MaconCounty.html |
163. Hasekamp Net Bulletin Board - General Genealogy Forum Hasekamp Net Bulletin Board « general genealogy Forum ». Hasekamp Net Bulletin Board genealogy Forums general genealogy Forum (Moderator Rene Hasekamp). http://www.hasekamp.net/cgi-bin/YaBB/YaBB.pl?board=General |
164. Home Page Offers general details of and price lists for genealogy research assistance services including document retrieval and cemetery photos. http://njkithandkin.com/ | |
165. Lake County General Health District - Genealogy Lake County general Health District. genealogy. Some Records That May Be Of Assistance In A genealogy Search For births and deaths http://www.lcghd.org/FormattedText.asp?IncludedPageID=4366 |
166. Index general community information, genealogy resources, and county history. History topics include community histories, coal mining and mine disasters, Coal Creek War, building of Norris Dam, and the Cross Mountain Air Force installation. http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/4916/index.html | |
167. General Genealogy general Family History Collection. Dr. Melton P. Meek s Family History Collection of Southern genealogy 90 microfilm rolls Contents are 500 albums of http://www.cityof.lawton.ok.us/library/general.htm | |
168. Boards Message Boards [ Boards ] genealogy queries for the region. http://boards.ancestry.com/mbexec?htx=board&r=rw&p=localities.britisles. |
169. Other Genealogy Sites GORSKI, HOWERTON; BJORK Angel s Cloud in Heaven - Bobbi Rae Bjork - Bjork, Swedish genealogy, general genealogy. BRADLEE Genealogical http://www.afn.org/~afn09444/genealog/gensites.html | |
170. Darryl And Susies Home Page - Sharing Information On The WWW general information about Grand Junction, CO and access to GEDCOM files for the family's genealogy. Many links to area sites. http://www.texnsue.com/ | |
171. Irish Web Sites Served From Ireland genealogy. general. Messages/Chat. Health.  Clare Heritage  Irish Roots  Limerick Ancestry  Mayo Roots  Roots Message Board. http://www.mayo-ireland.ie/ | |
172. Italian Genealogy In its most general sense, the term genealogy refers to the study of family history, while encompassing such related fields as ethnology, onomatology and http://www.italgen.com/ |
173. Genealogy And Family Heritage genealogy and Family Heritage. genealogy is the account of human pedigrees, describing and documenting familial relationships and ancestors. http://www.cyberpursuits.com/gen/ | |
174. Scots Origins - Genealogy Data For Family History Research In Scotland Scots Origins now offer the greatest flexibility for IGI searches! Sherry Irvine, Coordinator and Instructor, Institute for genealogy and Historical Research http://www.scotsorigins.com/ | |
175. The Genealogy Home Page The genealogy Home Page. Recent additions to this and related pages are shown on the What's New listing (updated frequently). More new genealogy related WWW sites can be found on the What's Really New in WWW genealogy Pages page (updated daily). http://www.genhomepage.com/ | |
176. Phoenix Public Library - Www.phxlib.org genealogy Biography. genealogy Biography Subtopics http://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org/resourcetopics.jsp?lwbid=4548 |
177. HOME - Global Genealogy & History Bookstore - GlobalGenealogy.com Inc. Shop Online Anytime! Our Physical Bookstore Hours Books, CDs Videos Thousands of genealogy books, CDs and videos sorted by country, topic and location. http://globalgenealogy.com/ | |
178. USENET GENEALOGY SEARCH PAGE Usenet genealogy Archives Searchpage Your doorway to 62 genealogy discussion groups Constructive comments and suggestions welcomed Email Rob Kuijsten http://www.rat.de/kuijsten/usenet_search/ | |
179. Origins.net - Genealogy Data For Family History Research In England, Scotland An Visit English Origins genealogy data for family history research in England. Visit Irish Origins - genealogy data for family history research in Ireland. http://www.origins.net/ | |
180. Custom Home For Sale:5928 St. Agnes Drive general Info. Floor Plan. Exterior Photos. Interior Photos. Location/Map. Virtual Tour! For information on this property, contact Susan Mitlyng. 972 403 0332. or. http://web2.iadfw.net/mitlyng6/ | |
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