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Genealogy General: more books (100) | ||||
141. A Genealogical How-To For Americans Of Swiss Descent First steps on how to proceed by the Consulate general of Switzerland in San Francisco. http://www.eda.admin.ch/washington_emb/e/home/legaff/howto.Par.0002.UpFile.pdf/G |
142. Some Handy Internet Genealogy Sites general genealogy Sites. National Archives and Records Administration general genealogy information. National Archives Census information. http://www.pipeline.com/~richardpence/genlinks.htm | |
143. Family Tree Maker's Genealogy Site: User Home Pages: Grant Baldwin Family Home P Ancestral heritage of Grant K Baldwin from Napa, CA USA. Includes general history, pedigree and photographs. http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/b/a/l/Grant-K-Baldwin/ | |
144. NLC Electronic Collection : Subject List 920 genealogy, general biography, insignia (including family histories). 920 Biography, genealogy, insignia 929 genealogy, names, insignia http://collection.nlc-bnc.ca/cgi-bin/inet-brw/bs/ENG/A/2/900-/980/ | |
145. Farnsworth Public Library Home Page Lists library hours, book listings, childrens page, genealogy information, and general library information. http://www.nfls.lib.wi.us/oco/ | |
146. Genealogy.com: Barber Family; Barbour Family; Pike Family Lineage and general information relating to the family history in North America. http://www.genealogy.com/users/b/a/r/Don-Barber/?Welcome=1001255323 |
147. Archive CD Books Ltd General Genealogy & History Quick search. Archive CD BooksGeneral genealogy History. Reference Books, Reference Books. Emigration, Emigration Archive CD BooksGeneral genealogy History. http://www.rod-neep.co.uk/acatalog/general-hist.html | |
148. London & Middlesex County Branch, OGS general information about this organization. Includes membership and executive information, upcoming meetings, their times and links to related resources. http://www.mirror.org/groups/genealogy/index.html | |
149. Genealogy Research Source List, 1000s Of Genealogical Links, Kansas Heritage Gro general, 3800, Montrose Avenue, Richmond, VA 23222,est.$10. For researchers with Mayflower roots, the Mayflower Society is a must. You can have your genealogy http://www.ku.edu/heritage/research/dbd.html | |
150. TNGenWeb, Rhea County, Tennessee, Genealogy For genealogy, but offering general information of use to those with an interest in Rhea County or Dayton TN. http://www.tngenweb.org/rhea/ | |
151. General & Regional Genealogy Hard-Copy Periodicals In GLFH Dept., Atlanta-Fulton genealogy Collection general Regional Periodicals in Hard Copy Prepared by Patrick Stolleis of The Georgia Local Family History Department Central Library http://www.af.public.lib.ga.us/bibresources/gagen/gen_per_hardcopy.html | |
152. Lineages' Genealogy Site Marion County, Georgia Offers the address and phone numberss for the Marion County courthouse to make inquiries regarding the records they hold there. Also helpful general Georgia and genealogy links. http://www.lineages.com/usa/ga/MarionCounty.html |
153. Lineages Lincoln County Offers the address and phone numbers to Lincoln County courthouse to make inqueries regarding the records held there. Also provides helpful general Georgia and genealogy links. http://www.lineages.com/usa/ga/LincolnCounty.html |
154. GenUKI - Oxfordshire Genealogy genealogy. GenWeb The GenWeb page for Oxfordshire can be found at http//www.rootsweb.com/~engoxf/. Email lists As a general pointer to email lists covering http://users.ox.ac.uk/~malcolm/genuki/big/eng/OXF/ | |
155. Lineages' Genealogy Site Liberty County, Georgia Offers the address and phone number for the Liberty County courthouse to make inqueries regarding records held there. Also provides helpful general Georgia and genealogy links. http://www.lineages.com/usa/ga/LibertyCounty.html |
156. Ilminster Forums - General, Genealogy And Guest Book general chat. Use the links in the Forums panel to display the associated forum. Click here to add a message. Subject RE general. Yes, I remember it well! http://www.ilminster.org/Forums.asp | |
157. Lineages' Genealogy Site Lee County, Georgia Offers the address and phone numbers to the Lee County courthouse to make inquries regarding records held there. Also offers helpful general Georgia and genealogy links. http://www.lineages.com/usa/ga/LeeCounty.html |
158. Lineages' Genealogy Site Laurens County, Georgia Gives the address and phone number to the Laurens County courthouse for inquries about records residing there. Also offers helpful general Georgia and genealogy links. http://www.lineages.com/usa/ga/LaurensCounty.html |
159. Cherokee Heritage Center / GENEALOGY - Main Page For general information about researching your Cherokee ancestry, visit the links on out our Calendar of Events for helpful howto genealogy Conferences and http://www.cherokeeheritage.org/genealogy/genealogy.html | |
160. Lineages' Genealogy Site Lowndes County, Georgia Offers the address and phone numbers for the Lowndes County courthouse to make inqueries regarding records that are held there. Also provides helpful general Georgia and genealogy links. http://www.lineages.com/usa/ga/LowndesCounty.html |
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