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81. German Roots : General Genealogy Resources general genealogy Links. FamilySearch Internet genealogy Service This is the online version of the Latter Day Saints (Mormon) Family History Library catalog. http://home.att.net/~wee-monster/genlinks.html | |
82. RootsChat.com - Genealogy, Family History, Local History, Messaging Forum And Mo Forum for genealogy and local history in Ireland and the British Isles, divided into forums for each county and general topics. http://www.rootschat.co.uk/ | |
83. Online Genealogy Indexes, Records & Databases Records Database covers 18201908 (not all states available) RootsWeb general Search You can search through Rootsweb s vast online genealogy collection here. http://home.att.net/~wee-monster/databases.html | |
84. Tombstones Discussing and sharing of information regarding tombstones and anything pertaining to them including types, materials used both past and present, inscriptions, use of information for genealogy, preservation of old tombstones and monuments, and the related topic of cemeteries in general. http://lists.rootsweb.com/index/other/Miscellaneous/TOMBSTONES.html |
85. Montana General Genealogy Resources Montana general genealogy Resources. Whole Site. general genealogy Links. Post your hard to find relatives http://www.distantcousin.com/States/MT/ | |
86. Ireland Forum Webbased discussion forum covering Music, Irish genealogy, and general discussions about life in Northern Ireland. http://www.nisubmit.co.uk/cgi-bin/Ultimate.cgi |
87. Distant Cousins - Polish General Genealogy Resources general Polish genealogy Resources. Need Polish translation services? Adela ChudziakKuchinka will perform translations of Polish http://www.distantcousin.com/Links/Polish.html | |
88. Ancestors Of Freddy Charlier genealogy of this family originating from Hamsur-Sambre and, in general, from Basse-Sambre. http://membres.lycos.fr/hamsursambre/ | |
89. ALGenWeb: Chilton County Origin and history of the county, general county information, and collected resources for genealogical researchers. http://www.rootsweb.com/~alchilto/index.html | |
90. Lineages' Genealogy Site Lamar County, Georgia Provides the Lamar County courthouse address and phone number to obtain information about the records of the area. Also contains helpful general links regarding Georgia and genealogy. http://www.lineages.com/usa/ga/LamarCounty.html |
91. Italian Genealogy Online And All Things Italian Plus Free Italy Roots Forum This free site is an Online repository of all things related to one s Italian Surname, Italian genealogy, general genealogy Italy research, (click here for a http://www.anzwers.org/free/italiangen/ | |
92. Lineages' Genealogy Site Madison County, Georgia Offers the address and phone numbers of the Madison County courthouse to make inquiries regarding the records they hold there. Also helpful general links about Georgia and genealogy. http://www.lineages.com/usa/ga/MadisonCounty.html |
93. Genealogy Web Rings (General, Surname, US States, Foreign Countries, Societies, general (A to Z) The Quest for Ancestors, The Quest for Ancestors, by christinalena. Join Now Ring Hub Random Prev Next. AAA genealogy. http://www.genealogicaljourneys.com/hgenring.htm | |
94. Lineages' Genealogy Site Lanier County, Georgia Provides the address and phone number for the Lanier County courthouse to make inquiries about records held there. Also contains helpful general links regarding Georgia and genealogy. http://www.lineages.com/usa/ga/LanierCounty.html |
95. GENERAL http//www.ffhs.org.uk/general/Projects/NBI.htm National Obituary Archive .. http//arrangeonline.com http//freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~mrward/. http://www.mawer.clara.net/webaddresses.htm | |
96. USGenWeb Carlisle Massachusetts Genealogy Cemeteries, vital statistics, general information and links. http://www.rootsweb.com/~maccarli/Carlisle.htm | |
97. Links CENSUS RECORDS. genealogy / general. - genealogy / New York. - GOVERNMENT LAW. genealogy - general. SAMPUBCO. - A web site of wills filed in Surrogates court. http://www.tier.net/~aphnys/links.html |
98. GENUKI - Gateshead Historical records, links and general information about the area. http://website.lineone.net/~pjoiner/genuki/DUR/Gateshead/ | |
99. County Of Oxford Gazetteer And General Business Directory For 1862/3. Contains a brief historical and descriptive sketch of the county, townships, towns, villages and post offices of each locality arranged alphabetically. http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~wjmartin/oxford.htm | |
100. General James Robertson Kelley, Sarah Foster; Title ScotchIrish origins of general James Robertson R6491k; Descript 130 p. ; 22 cm; Subject Robertson, James; genealogy; 0961596023; http://jrshelby.com/rfotw/genjames.htm | |
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