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61. Marion County Gateway County history and general county information, with emphasis on genealogy. http://www.tngenweb.org/marion/ |
62. Subject Directory Query Home Bookmarks Item Records. Back records retrieved 9 for subject HISTORY genealogy general. Subject HISTORY genealogy general. http://www.library.pe.ca/bookmarks/subquery.asp?qs=HISTORY -- Genealogy -- Gener |
63. WebRing: Hub Showcases a wide range of general interest sites relating to the fields of genealogy and family history. http://i.webring.com/hub?ring=gensearch&id=133&hub |
64. Caribbean Genealogy - General Resources - FAQ Click HERE. Caribbean genealogy Research general Resources FAQ Frequently Asked Questions More information and accuracy is always welcome http://www.candoo.com/genresources/faq.html | |
65. JewishGen Databases Includes over 50 searchable databases sorted by regions. Includes Yitzkor books, utilities and general databases for Jewish genealogy. http://www.jewishgen.org/databases/ | |
66. General Canadian Genealogy Links: Genealogy In Canada. general Canadian genealogy Links is part of Just genealogy Links Chat and contains links to Canadian genealogy sites. general Canadian genealogy Links Chat. http://members.shaw.ca/justgen/gencan.htm | |
67. Native American Genealogy Pages of information on Cherokee, Choctaw, Lakota, Melungeon, Narragansett, and general Native American genealogy. Also with articles and links. http://hometown.aol.com/bbbenge/front.html | |
68. General Ireland Genealogy Links: Genealogy In Ireland. general Ireland genealogy Links is part of Just genealogy Links Chat and contains links to Ireland genealogy sites. general Ireland http://members.shaw.ca/justgen/genire.htm | |
69. Reference Page North Moravia Specific information about genealogical resources in Northern Moravia. Much of the information is applicable to Czech genealogy in general. http://home.bawue.de/~hanacek/egene/enrefov.htm | |
70. GENUKI: Scotland Names Place Names A bibliography is a general guide to books on Scottish personal and place names. It was published by the Scottish genealogy Society in http://www.genuki.org.uk/big/sct/ | |
71. Jefferson County, Oregon Genealogy Central Oregon genealogy resources with queries, cemeteries, and general county reference sources. http://www.rootsweb.com/~orjeffer/ | |
72. GENUKI: Introduction To Scottish Family History in genealogy and Family History are given elsewhere in GENUKI. The next stage is to move onto the main sources of information on Scottish forebears. general http://www.genuki.org.uk/big/sct/intro.html | |
73. The American Revolution This article, written by a descendiente (Virginia Sanchez) describes her research into the wills of New Mexican soldados around 1800. The equipment that is listed in the wills makes this very useful to the Spanish Colonial (Presidial) reenactor. In addition, there are links to books on the sidebar that also might be of interest to more general Spanish Colonial history. Unfortunately, there are broken links on this and other pages within larger 1stBooks site, including the link for Virginia's genealogy page (http//thern.home.att.net/). http://www.neta.com/~1stbooks/revolt_1.htm | |
74. WebRing: Hub general genealogy sites. http://c.webring.com/hub?ring=kfha&id=78&hub |
75. CANADIAN GENERAL GENEALOGY & HISTORY ARTICLES - The Global Gazette, Online Famil Canadian general genealogy History Articles from The Global Gazette are listed on this page. Canadian general genealogy History Articles. http://globalgenealogy.com/globalgazette/cda-gen.htm | |
76. Creek Indian Researcher - Records And Links A collection of resources for those researching their Creek Indian ancestors, and Native Americans in general. http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~texlance/main.htm | |
77. Forest Of Dean Genealogy Pages Forest of Dean mailing list A discussion List for anyone who has an interest in genealogy, general and Local History related to the Forest of Dean. http://www.iinet.net.au/~davwat/royalfor/ | |
78. Tennessee State Library And Archives Online catalog, virtual reference desk, general information, Tennessee history and genealogy, archives and manuscripts. http://www.state.tn.us/sos/statelib/tslahome.htm | |
79. Genealogy And Family History general genealogy and family history. This section is concerned with genealogy and family history research in general, regardless of geographical location. http://homepages.nildram.co.uk/~jimella/geneal.htm | |
80. NARA | Genealogy | Naturalization Records general Rule The TwoStep Process Congress passed the first law http://www.nara.gov/genealogy/natural.html | |
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