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21. GENEALOGY -- GENERAL My Groups Language Help. genealogy general. genealogygeneral@groups.msn.com Report of the Adjutant general of Arkansas, for the period of the late rebellion, and to Nov 1, 1865 http://groups.msn.com/GENEALOGYGENERAL/arkansas.msnw | |
22. Genealogy Data And Links At DistantCousin.com Help for amateur genealogists. Many links, books, offline resources, and personal homepages. general resources and resources organized by ethnicity and country of origin. http://www.distantcousin.com/ | |
23. Cyndi's List - Canada - General Canada Sites More than 209 300 links! 206 850 links, categorized crossreferenced, in over 160 categories. Another 2 450+ uncategorized new links in the works. Canada Criminal Databases . Canada general genealogy History Articles From the Global Gazette Online Family with an interest in general Canadian genealogy and research as well as http://www.cyndislist.com/gencan.htm | |
24. Cyndi's List - U.K. & Ireland - General U.K. Sites genealogical research? Basic contact information for UK research. Britishgenealogy.com general resource site for UK genealogy. http://www.cyndislist.com/genuk.htm | |
25. Firstmom's Genealogy Resources - Military Resources Links to military records for genealogy or heritage purposes and for general military history knowledge. http://members.tripod.com/~KHuish/military.htm/ | |
26. Genealogy Resources On The Internet - Mailing Lists where the list descriptions do not specifically address genealogy. While these lists are not devoted to list description states otherwise. In general, you must be a subscriber to http://www.rootsweb.com/~jfuller/gen_mail.html | |
27. Portuguese Genealogy Home Page Includes general advice and resources for researching ancestry in Portugal and the Azores. http://www.dholmes.com/rocha1.html | |
28. Wny.freenet.genealogy.general Top . wny . freenet . genealogy . general. http://news-reader.org/wny.freenet.genealogy.general/ | |
29. Pitcairn Island Web Site: The Home Of The Descendants Of The Bounty Mutineers The home of the descendants of the Mutiny on the Bounty . general information, directory of residents, genealogy, maps, crafts, and photographs. http://www.lareau.org/pitc.html | |
30. Czech Slovak Heritage Home Page general information on Czech and Slovak genealogy, folklore, and history, plus details of tours offered. http://www.czechheritage.net/ | |
31. Sephardic Genealogy And Sephardim, Jewish Genealogy Websites Sephardic genealogy Resources Websites by country Sephardic Websites general. Sephardic genealogy Resources Sephardic Web Sites http://www.orthohelp.com/geneal/general_sites.htm | |
32. RootsWeb: Genealogy Mailing Lists: USA/OR general interest lists and counties, boroughs and districts for Oregon. http://lists.rootsweb.com/index/usa/OR/ | |
33. USCWC -- Games/Miniatures, Genealogy, And News/Discussion Groups USCWC's Guide to genealogy/Researching People of the CW Era. general Links. Pages with African American Genealogical Resources. American Civil War genealogy. Ancestor Quest genealogy http://www.cwc.lsu.edu/cwc/links/links5.htm | |
34. Madigan's Books - Genealogy - General This genealogy material does not easily fit into either family histories or local records for a multistate region or foreign country or general research-aids. http://www.madigansbooks.com/gen1.html | |
35. Franco American Heritage Collection Lewiston-Auburn College Working to build the museum and genealogy research library to educate the general public about the contributions of FrenchCanadian immigrants to New England and the United States. http://www.usm.maine.edu/lac/franco/ | |
36. VANASSE , PRECOURT AND BASTIEN GENEALOGY VANASSE , PRECOURT AND BASTIEN genealogy. MY DIRECT LINE On this website I am including general information on the Vanasse family .To find out what Vanasse families settled in http://bvanasse.tripod.com/Vanassegenealogy | |
37. Genealogy --- General GENEALOGYGeneral. Selected Library Sources and Web Sites. http://www.wcu.edu/library/research/HistBioPolSci/GenealogyGeneral_bib.htm | |
38. HOME PAGE- The Global Gazette, The Online Family History Magazine Online magazine with helpful tips on researching family history. Includes howto articles and genealogy news as well as general genealogy information. http://globalgenealogy.com/globalgazette/index.htm | |
39. German Genealogy - Genealogy.net Getting Started general Help - FAQ - Newsletter Genealogical Bookmarks - Events/Calendar - Biggi German-language publication for all computer-genealogy themes http://www.genealogienetz.de/genealogy.html | |
40. Outagamie County WIGenWeb - A Volunteer Based Genealogy Resource Facts and general community information. http://www.rootsweb.com/~wioutaga/ | |
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