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81. Genealogy: Alabama Genealogy Sites Photos, obituaries, cemetery listings, birth, marriage and death dates, marriage license images, census image links, and other helpful genealogy information; http://www.genealinks.com/states/al.htm | |
82. Searchable Genealogy Databases On The WWW ie, cemetery records for Texas are under Texas, not cemeteries Graves library contains books that are helpful, sometimes even vital, for genealogical research http://www.lovitt-genealogy.com/~lovitt/database.htm | |
83. Firstmom's Genealogy Resources-Alabama Winslette Chapel Methodist Church/Jellico Community Cemetery; obituaries (19601997) Winslette Chapel Methodist Church Regiment Home Page genealogy and History http://members.tripod.com/~KHuish/alabama.htm | |
84. Genealogy Society Of Craighead County Arkansas This index includes obituaries for 1962 through 1968. subject line that you need Macey Cemetery Pictures The Jonesboro Library has an excellent genealogy section http://www.freewebs.com/craighead_genealogy/ | |
85. Free Genealogy Search :: Society : Genealogy : Obituaries : Obituary genealogy Index User Thousands of links to online obituaries, marriage, birth death records, mortality schedules, and cemetery inscriptions, arranged http://www.lineages.co.uk/dwodp/index.php/Society/Genealogy/Obituaries/ | |
86. RootsSearch.net Network An archive of contributed obituaries and memorials Links geneology Over 300 genealogy links for lists, immigrant records, censuses, cemetery lists http://www.rootssearch.net/rsearch/Obituaries/more7.shtml | |
87. Edwards County Genealogy & Local History Research for research in Edwards County genealogy and local in Hillside Cemetery, the largest cemetery in the county newspapers since 1883 where obituaries and other http://www.trails.net/kinsley/genealogy resourcesweb.htm | |
88. :: Ez2Find :: Obituaries http//www.freewebs.com/genealogyinfo/obituaries.html; Harvey http//www.ancestralfindings.com/cemetery.htm Site Open New Window Free genealogy research of http://ez2find.com/cgi-bin/directory/meta/search.pl/Society/Genealogy/Obituaries | |
89. Society, Genealogy: Obituaries Obituary genealogy Index User-posted obituaries from a of links to online obituaries, marriage, birth mortality schedules, and cemetery inscriptions, arranged http://www.combose.com/Society/Genealogy/Obituaries/ | |
90. Cemetery Records Hillpot Family genealogy Bucks County, Pa., records, tombstone lists, cemetery records,obituaries and death notices; research on the Hillpot, Strouse and http://www.greatware.net/record/cemetery/ | |
91. Lukol Directory - Society Genealogy Obituaries The Blog of Death obituaries of interesting Global Cemetery Online Cemetery listings, general genealogical Obituary genealogy Index Userposted obituaries from http://www.lukol.com/Top/Society/Genealogy/Obituaries/ | |
92. Ouachita Parish, Louisiana Genealogy Ouachita Parish Databases Cemetery Listings Northeast The Northeast Louisiana Genealogical and Historical Ouachita Parish Newspaper obituaries Compiled by http://www.bayou.com/~suelynn/ouachita.html | |
93. Www.pa-genealogy.com - Pennsylvania Genealogy, UK Genealogy, Cemetery Inscriptio Transcribers Guild Interment.net Cemetery Transcription Library. on the Internet obituaries Online - US kuijsten.net - Usenet genealogy Archives Searchpage http://www.pa-genealogy.com/genealogymain.html | |
94. Midnight At The Internet Cafe: Genealogy: Vital Statistics, Obituaries, & Cemeta Midnight at the Internet Cafe genealogy Vital Statistics, obituaries, Cemetery Records. http://www.cclsweb.org/MidnightFiles/Genealogy/genevit.htm | |
95. Osage County Kansas Genealogical Research 33,000 names from cemetery inscriptions, obituaries and lists plus cemetery plat maps for 11 of 35 cemeteries. Contact the Topeka Genealogical Society for more http://www.osagechs.org/ | |
96. SMSU Libraries cemeteries Optima philosophia et sapientia est meditatio Server, Dead Presidents Now with obituaries! FamilySearch and International Genealogical Index Church http://library.smsu.edu/resources/bio.shtml | |
97. Minnesota Genealogical Resources Olmsted and Wabasha County Cemetery Records; Cemetery Records of Otter Tail obituaries. Minnesota Department of Health); County Courthouse Addresses (genealogy.com http://www.tc.umn.edu/~pmg/Minnesota.html | |
98. Random Acts Of Genealogical Kindness -- Indiana Also have Poseyville obituaries book (18841960) and Will take still pictures of tombstones in cemeteries. RAOGK staff does NOT answer genealogical questions. http://www.raogk.org/indiana3.htm | |
99. Welcome To Clay County Death. cemeteries, Headstones, obituaries and Index Listings. Military. Our OnLine Library. Our Site and Off Site Links. A Variety of http://www.nebraskagenealogy.com/clay/ | |
100. Selected Sites - Genealogy - Burnaby Public Library Finding Aid) Mountain View Cemetery, Vancouver alphabetical search today s or older obituaries in Vancouver Sun BPL genealogy Course Notes - genealogy on the http://www.bpl.burnaby.bc.ca/inet/gene.htm | |
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