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101. Welcome To Interfacet, Inc. Provide training for management and staff on discrimination, cultural and gender issues. http://www.interfacet.com/ | |
102. Lesbian, Gay And Gender Issues FILMAKERS LIBRARY. Lesbian, Gay And gender issues. New Titles in Blue. Adventures in the Gender Trade A Case for Diversity Kate Bornstein http://www.filmakers.com/GAY.html | |
103. Minsk Gender Center Affiliated with Women's NonState College ENVILA, and concerned with carrying out research in women's and gender issues. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Agora/9237/eng/gender.html | |
104. Stuart's Gender Issues Violence Page National Survey of Crime Victims 1996; Violence convictions, NZ, 1993 and 1996, by gender, by age MenWeb Men s Issues Facts and Myths About Domestic Violence. http://www.massey.ac.nz/~kbirks/gender/viol/viol.htm | |
105. Gender Issues Diotima. Materials for the Study of Women and Gender in the Ancient World. Women and Gender in Ancient Egypt, from Prehistory to Late Antiquity, Kelsey Museum. http://archaeologic.com/gender_issues.htm | |
106. Update On Current Gender Issues Update on Current gender issues. by CDR Dee Norton, Gender Policy Advisor (GWTL-1). The Workforce Cultural Audit identified communication http://www.uscg.mil/hq/g-w/g-wt/g-wtl/update.htm | |
107. Gender Issues In Rural Medical Practice | School Of Rural Health | Faculty Of Me gender issues in Rural Medical Practice Innovative medical curriculum supporting women and men as they train to become rural doctors, Developed and supported http://www.med.monash.edu.au/mrh/gendermed/ | |
108. GIM - Gender Issues In Management Course Outline Winter 2004, AK/ADMS/WMST3120 gender issues in Management AK/ADMS/WMST3120 3.0 Q Course Outline Next Taught in Fall 2005 as OnCampus Course, then in Winter 2006 as Internet Course, http://www.atkinson.yorku.ca/~lripley/gimoutline.htm | |
109. 'Gender Issues Need To Be Included In WTO Talks' - The Economic Times gender issues need to be included in WTO talks Add to Clippings TIMES NEWS NETWORK WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 05, 2003 034940 AM . http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/cms.dll/html/uncomp/articleshow?msid=267448 |
110. Slums, Sleuths And Anarchists: Slums, Sleuths and Anarchists gender issues in the work of George R. Sims. . Chris Willis. Introduction. In Marie Belloc Lowndes http://www.chriswillis.freeserve.co.uk/sims.htm | |
111. Amanda's Transgender Garden Personal website containing crossdressing, transgender life, glamour and gender issues. http://www.amandarichards.com/ | |
112. New American Studies Web Georgetown University site with links and reviews on women's and gender related issues. http://cfdev.georgetown.edu/cndls/asw/aswsub.cfm?head1=Gender, Sexuality, and th |
113. Gender Identity Information and inspiration on transitioning, family issues, and suicide. Includes list of frequently asked questions and answers regarding hormone therapy. http://www.jennifer-o.com/ |
114. CPSR Gender Page Web Whisper. Web Whisper will focus on current issues and events concerning gender and computing. If you have any information that http://www.cpsr.org/program/gender/ | |
115. Human Rights Watch: Europe And Central Asia : Ukraine Human rights issues with emphasis on widespread gender discrimination. http://www.hrw.org/europe/ukraine.php | |
116. Gianna E. Israel Gender Library: Talking With Your Children About Gender Identit Addresses disclosing and discussing one's transgendered status with adolescent and adult children. http://www.firelily.com/gender/gianna/children.html | |
117. Women In Global Science And Technology The main theme of this organization is empowering women through technology. The focus is global and there is an international bibliography (dated 1997, but still useful) on issues concerning gender equity in technology. http://www.wigsat.org/ | |
118. Politicizing Gender An anarchist transgendered womyn examines many issues, such as Brandon Teena and gender essentialism. http://www.spunk.org/texts/pubs/lr/sp001714/gender.html | |
119. Transgender, Gender Expression And Identity Issues Rich resource of contacts and suggestions for getting involved. Advice for transsexual workplace difficulties. http://www.hrc.org/issues/transgender/ |
120. ED395770 1996-03-00 Computers And Assessment In Science Education. ERIC Digest. Discusses types of software applications used in scientific evaluations, underlying assumptions, issues which relate to validity, gender equity, instructional delivery, mode of user interface, and responsibility to the public. http://www.ed.gov/databases/ERIC_Digests/ed395770.html | |
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