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81. European Forum - CEE Network For Gender Issues CEE Network for gender issues. The plan for 2003 is to include more gender issues in the Country Updates and Newsflashes of the Forum. http://www.europeanforum.net/gendernw_home.php | |
82. Redirects For Victorian Web, Postcolonial Web, And Cyberspace, Hypertext, & Crit Brief essays on a wide range of topics, including public health, conditions of life and labor, economic history, education, and race, class and gender issues. http://landow.stg.brown.edu/victorian/history/sochistov.html | |
83. Books On Gender Issues In The OGLBTC Collection gender issues. (also see Transgender). History of ideas on womanA source book, Agonito, Rosemary, NonFiction, gender issues, 1977, A Perigee Book, 414. http://www.uic.edu/depts/quic/oglbc/resources/gender.html | |
84. Development And Peace / Gender Issues Developing and reinforcing the planning and management capabilities of the Development Programs Department to take into account gender relations issues in all http://www.devp.org/testA/gender.htm | |
85. Gay, Transgendered, Or Both? A PFLAG brochure. What is the relationship between sexual orientation and gender identity? How does one determine if a child or teen is gay or transgendered? Do parents of gays need to understand transgender issues? http://www.critpath.org/pflag-talk/gid2.htm | |
86. Are You A Real Woman/Man? Quiz On Gender Issues Are You A Real Woman/Man? Quiz on gender issues. There is one DEFINITIVE test for you to take to find out if you are a real man or a real woman. http://www.psychologyhelp.com/gendquiz.htm |
87. IND - Gender Issues In The Asylum Claim gender issues IN THE ASYLUM CLAIM. 1.Introduction. This instruction gives guidance on the additional considerations caseworkers should http://www.ind.homeoffice.gov.uk/default.asp?PageId=4790 |
88. Good Web Sites For Gender Studies - Francis A. Drexel Library @ SJU employment opportunities. gender issues IN BUSINESS CatalystWomen.org career Reviewed. gender issues IN CLASSICS Diotima Materials http://www.sju.edu/libraries/drexel/netres/gender.htm | |
89. Q Web A women's empowerment base. A communication network for exchange of knowledge, experience and ideas on women's health and gender issues. The overall aim is women's empowerment with focus on women's health and equal rights. http://www.qweb.kvinnoforum.se/ |
90. Research And Teaching On Human Rights, Gender Issues And Democracy Site Research and Teaching on Human Rights, gender issues and Democracy in Southern Africa documents and disseminates information relevant to the countries of the http://www.hrdc.unam.na/ | |
91. Women's Studies The University of Maryland women's studies database. Serves those interested in the women's studies. Topics include conferences, bibliographies, calls for papers, program support, gender issues, bibiliography and syllabi, employment, and government. http://www.inform.umd.edu/EdRes/Topic/WomensStudies/ | |
92. Women In The Information Age - WITIA - At The Kennedy School Of Government, Harv The Women in the Information Age Project at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government (KSG) addresses gender issues and technology (including representation in the development and use of today's key technologies). Professor Jane Foundation's Kennedy School research draws together a representative collection of quality sites which add value to this discussion. http://www.ksg.harvard.edu/witia/ | |
93. New Futures Enterprises And Publications Supports change for organizations and individuals through books, videos, and training on grant writing, business startup, and workplace gender issues. http://www.newfutures.org | |
94. Minority & Gender Issues Online Resource. Minority gender issues. The American Mathematical Association of TwoYear Colleges. Funding centers. . back to top. gender issues. http://www.amatyc.org/OnlineResource/MinorityGender.html | |
95. Agriculture Gateway For India - Gender Issues AGI. Agriculture Gateway to India gender issues. The World Bank Group gender issues. gender issues in Agriculture Learning Module 1. Women in Agriculture (WIA). http://web.aces.uiuc.edu/aim/diglib/india/genderissues.htm | |
96. SAGE Publications - Gender Issues In Contemporary Society gender issues in Contemporary Society Edited by Stuart Oskamp, Claremont Graduate School. Mark Costanzo, Claremont McKenna College. http://www.sagepub.co.uk/book.aspx?pid=103717 |
97. Radstats: Publications On Gender Radstats publications on gender issues. Engendering Poverty Research How to go beyond the feminisation of poverty. Elisabetta Ruspini. http://www.radstats.org.uk/gender.htm | |
98. Wabash College Gender Issues Home Page Wabash College gender issues Committee. Mission Statement; Members; 199899 Schedule of Events; Calendar of Current Events; Gender Research Resources; http://www.wabash.edu/special/gender/ | |
99. Sexual Harassment Seminars By A Human Relations Specialists - Diede Dynamics Offering seminars, consulting and keynote speeches on 'human relations' issues. Including gender issues, sexual harassment prevention, dispute resolution, team building and interpersonal communication. http://www.diede.com/ | |
100. Ageing, Children And Gender Issues Ageing, Children and gender issues. You are here HOME PAGE; Society; Ageing, Children and gender issues. Health, Civil Society and Citizens. http://www.epha.org/r/37 | |
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