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Garfield James Us President: more detail | |||||
61. OpenTrivia View Questions & Answers Answer Rutherford B. Hayes. Who was us president from 18811881?Answer james A. garfield. Who was us president from 1881-1885? http://www.opentrivia.com/view.php?category=phil_us_presidents |
62. James A Garfield Monument Twentieth us president james A. garfield is one of two native sonshonored in Piatt Park. garfield took the oath of office in March http://www.idiotech.com/oacdocs/oacbin/23garfield.html | |
63. Find A Grave - US Presidents And Vice Presidents 81.5917 (hddd.dddd); garfield, james segment of spine b. November19, 1831 d. September 19, 1881 20th us president. A selftaught http://www.findagrave.com/php/famous.php?page=pr&FSlastinitial=&FSstateid=&FSctf |
64. James A. Garfield- Selections From The Archives Of American Art james A. garfield (18311881). us president 1881 Selections fromthe Archives of American Art. From the Mollie garfield autograph http://www.archivesofamericanart.si.edu/exhibits/presidents/garfield.htm | |
65. Education World® - *History : By Region : North America : USA : 19th Century : garfield, james Twentieth president of the us Discover a list of garfield scabinet members, a summary of his achievements. and a biography. http://db.education-world.com/perl/browse?cat_id=1361 |
66. Assassinating The US President One would think the methods of assassinating the us president would be and repugnantfreak, and was repeatedly denied the position by president james garfield. http://www.adequacy.org/public/stories/assassinate.html | |
67. OPLIN Ohio People Ohio Presidents James A. Garfield fact sheet about james A. garfield Lawnfield National Historic Site http//www.wrhs.org/lawnfield/default.aspVisit the home of us president james garfield. http://www.oplin.lib.oh.us/index.cfm?ID=ID=3-2634-2635-3035 |
68. HistoryLink Database Output office receives the words ÂThe president dead. Eighty days after being struckby an assassinÂs bullets, us president james A. garfield (18311881) dies http://www.historylink.org/_output.CFM?file_ID=2496 |
69. I The Dark Horse President James A. Garfield /i - 06/19/2003 Election and Political Murder of president james A. garfield president garfieldÂs1881 dark horse victory required 36 Ackerman talked about the us politics of http://www.c-spanstore.com/159447.html | |
70. James Abram Garfield, 1881 President Homework Ranch We d also like to invite ye to sail on by the james Abram garfield, 1881 Live HomeworkChatplease feel presidents president us presidents president. http://renaissances.com/z/ypresidentsd/JamesAbramGarfield,hall/shakespeare1.html | |
71. The Presidents Of The United States Portrait of james garfield, garfield, james 1881, Portrait of Theodore Roosevelt,Roosevelt The president biographies presented here are from the book The http://www.whitehouse.gov/history/presidents/ | |
72. American Presidents: Life Portraits Pick a president. George Washington. John Adams. Thomas Jefferson. james Madison. james Monroe. John Quincy Adams Rutherford B. Hayes. james A. garfield. Chester A. Arthur http://www.americanpresidents.org/ | |
73. American President Fact file and comprehensive biographical sketch based on PBS series. Includes gallery, quotations, and resources for teachers. http://www.americanpresident.org/history/jamesgarfield/ | |
74. MSN Encarta : Online Encyclopedia, Dictionary, Atlas, And Homework Article provides an overview of the president's life. Includes pictures. http://encarta.msn.com/find/Concise.asp?ti=039BD000 |
75. Aint No Way To Go: President James Garfield Examines garfield end as a case of monumental malpractice. http://www.aarrgghh.com/no_way/garfield.htm | |
76. American Presidents: Life Portraits Brief collection of facts and trivia. http://www.americanpresidents.org/presidents/president.asp?PresidentNumber=20 |
77. GARFIELD, James Abram (1831-1881) Biographical Information garfield, james Abram, a Representative from Ohio and 20th president of the UnitedStates; born in Orange, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, November 19, 1831; attended http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=G000063 |
78. Reader's Companion To American History - -GARFIELD, JAMES A. garfield, james A. Yet to garfield s contemporaries his sudden loss seemed a tragedyunmatched since the his commission in midwar for a seat in the us Congress http://college.hmco.com/history/readerscomp/rcah/html/ah_035100_garfieldjame.htm | |
79. PresidentS Resource Biography james A. garfield (1881). Sites james A. garfield National Historic USLabor History in 1920 s during Harding s presidency; The United States Secret http://www.ibiblio.org/lia/president/pressites/PresidentS-list2.html | |
80. GARFIELD, James Abram [1831-1881] – American Legislator, Soldier & 20th PO General garfield headed the Ohio delegation, and presented the name of John The firstballot was taken June 7, and stood us Grant, 304; james G. Blaine http://freepages.history.rootsweb.com/~dav4is/people/WHEE1486.htm | |
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