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21. UNDP The Gambia In partnership with the gambia government, civil society including the local communities,NGOs and the private sector, UNDP assists in enhancing the capacity http://www.un.gm/undp/ | |
22. AllAfrica.com: Gambia: Government To Implement Stockholm Convention The government of the Gambia is developing a National Implementation Plan (NIP)on Stockholm convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (PoPs), which was http://allafrica.com/stories/200306270547.html | |
23. AllAfrica.com: Gambia: Government Urged To Be More Involved In Sports Sponsorshi Government Urged to Be More Involved in Sports Sponsorship. http://allafrica.com/stories/200205270248.html | |
24. The Study, Gambia Pneumococcal Vaccine Trial At a planning level, working groups of gambia government health officials and MRCinvestigators collaborated to develop the study protocol and continue to http://www.niaid.nih.gov/dmid/gambia/study.htm | |
25. Ethical Considerations Of The Study, Gambia Pneumococcal Vaccine Trial that participated in the development of the protocol or were responsible for itsreview, including the ethical committees of the gambia government, the Medical http://www.niaid.nih.gov/dmid/gambia/ethical.htm | |
26. THE GAMBIA: BUDGET 2002 The ADB, IFAD and gambia government funded Lowland Agricultural Development Programme(LADEP), continues to contribute significantly to increased rice http://statehouse.gm/budget2002/7.htm | |
27. SearchBug Directory: Regional: Africa: Gambia: Government Related Category Regional Africa Government (229) Web Pages ranked by popularity.The Republic of The Gambia - http//www.gambia.gm/ Official site the http://www.searchbug.com/directory.aspx/Regional/Africa/Gambia/Government/ | |
28. About Gambia And Relative Websites In 1963 Internal Self Government was introduced. Gambia then had a PrimeMinister. The gambia government The official web site of The Gambia. http://home3.inet.tele.dk/mcamara/gam.html | |
29. THE GAMBIA DAILY NEWS - Wednesday January 27, 1999 It states that most of their financial support comes from foreign done from whomThe gambia government also receives assistance, stating that they only pay http://home3.inet.tele.dk/mcamara/press/gdn012799.html | |
30. GambiaNet & VisitGambia: The Gambia's Leading Website The opposition leader further said that since September last year, the gambia governmenthas been locked in a dispute with the International Monitary Fund (IMF http://www.gambianet.com/ | |
31. Government Links Regional Africa gambia government. http://www.zookle.com/Regional/Africa/Gambia/Government/ | |
32. Lukol Directory - Regional Africa Gambia Government Lukol Directory Regional Africa gambia government. The Republicof The Gambia Official site the Republic of the Gambia history http://www.lukol.com/Top/Regional/Africa/Gambia/Government/ | |
33. Any Search Info - Regional, Africa, Gambia, Government, Regional Africa gambia government. Category contains information about embassiesand consulates, and related Regional Africa gambia government information. http://search-info.com/search/engine/index/Regional/Africa/Gambia/Government/ | |
34. CPJ Protests THE gambia government CRACKS DOWN ON FEISTY INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. http://www.cpj.org/protests/99ltrs/Gambia2August99.html | |
35. GUIDE TO LAW ONLINE: Gambia OFFICIAL GAZETTE gambia government Gazette; PARLIAMENT National Assembly; NATLEX Gambia (International Labour Organisation) database of national laws on labor http://www.loc.gov/law/guide/gambia.html | |
36. Gambia Law & Government - LawResearch Gambia Law Government. CONSTITUTION EXECUTIVE President; Vice President;see Government. OFFICIAL GAZETTE gambia government Gazette; PARLIAMENT http://www.lawresearch.com/v10/global/zgm.htm | |
37. Gambia Law & Government - LawResearch Gambia Law Government. Government of Court. LEGISLATIVE OFFICIAL GAZETTEgambia government Gazette; PARLIAMENT National Assembly; NATLEX http://www.lawresearch.com/v10/global/zgmg.htm | |
38. Gambia Telecommunications Company Ltd. 1983 April 1988. gambia government Accountant General s Department. Memberof the Board of Directors of the gambia government Banjul Kombo St. http://www.gamtel.gm/fama.html | |
39. INHEA: Gambia Higher Education Profile The MDI is funded by the World Bank/International Development Association and thegovernment of Gambia. Funding is mainly provided by the gambia government. http://www.bc.edu/bc_org/avp/soe/cihe/inhea/profiles/Gambia.htm | |
40. Travel To Government The Gambia - Detailed Travel Information And More About Gov The Gambia Related  Contact Information Government of the Gambia Email NotKnown  http//www.mbendi.co.za/ The gambia government  Government Top http://www.traveling-cheap.com/directory/Gambia/government_the_gambia | |
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