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21. Anthro-l: September-1994 By Date Janet Gillis; Information Request gabbra Douglas Raybeck; attn Matthew Cooper; FYI WEST africa TOUR Leendertse For Papers Douglas Orr; indigenous people and the http://www.anatomy.usyd.edu.au/danny/anthropology/anthro-l/archive/september-199 | |
22. Kenya Resource Database THE DEBATES ON africaN EDUCATION IN KENYA AND SOUTH africa COLONIAL BUREAUCRACY IN KENYA INTO AN indigenous NATIONAL SERVICE HISTORY OF THE MIJIKENDA peoples OF THE KENYA COAST http://kenyadb.freeservers.com/index1.htm | |
23. Alison M. Jones: Time In East Africa Turkana In KenyaÂs Northern Frontier District the gabbra and Rendille people walk for mirages, sulphuric fumeroles and the loss of indigenous species. http://www.alisonjonesphoto.com/news/EastAfrica-Sept3/ | |
24. NEVER AGAIN! -- Report From Kenya groups who do not have an indigenous church of three large Muslim groups the Borana, Bajun and gabbra. come together to reach the unreached peoples of Kenya http://www.ad2000.org/re71208.htm | |
25. Update: Economic Incentives Among Patoralists In Kenya to the very little control over indigenous populations It is aimed at helping the gabbra people  one of ecouncil.ac.cr/rio/national/reports/africa/kenya.htm; http://biodiversityeconomics.org/incentives/topics-303-32.htm | |
26. The Borana People Of Kenya This is in contrast with the gabbra who weave mats to Yet an indigenous church exists and probably with adequate Kenya s People peoples of the NorthBoran. http://strategyleader.org/profiles/borana.html | |
27. Swahili Pray for the Boran, Samburu, gabbra and Rendille, and for the emergence of truly indigenous churches among them c) The tribal peoples of the Muslim coastal http://www.doorofhope.org.za/projects/swahili.htm | |
28. Rutgers Anthropology Graduate Students' Research Interests Environmental anthropology, political ecology, indigenous rights, and other large mammals out of africa, influence of on The Diets of The gabbra, The Dassanech http://anthro.rutgers.edu/grad/studentresearch.shtml | |
29. Post-Independence Low Intensity Conflict In Kenya the non Muslim Boran and gabbra were against influence in the Horn of africa involved three cultural and socio-economic background of the indigenous people. http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/library/report/1992/BHK.htm |
30. Joshua Project - Peoples By Country Profiles indigenous Fellowship of 100+ http//www.blissites.com/kenya/people/maasai.html. http://www.joshuaproject.net/peopctry.php?rop3=105956&rog3=KE |
31. The Technology Of Traditional Milk Products In Developing Countries an important source of milk for the gabbra of Southern Generally, indigenous stock produce small quantities of milk in the diet of the people differs according http://www.fao.org/docrep/003/t0251e/T0251E01.htm | |
32. Domestication And Commercialization Of Non-timber Forest Products In Agroforestr come mainly from Borana and gabbra areas, bordering contributing to improvement of people s living conditions ecology and management of indigenous forests in http://www.fao.org/docrep/w3735e/w3735e12.htm | |
33. "Information Resources On Old World Camels: Arabian And Bactrian 1962-2003" in the lives of the nomadic people are also Q. Genetic diversity and relationships of indigenous Kenyan camel Kenyan breeds, Somali, the gabbra, Rendille and http://www.nal.usda.gov/awic/pubs/camels.htm | |
35. World Discovery indigenous religion (mostly based around the idea of a Cushitic Somali, Rendille, Orma, Boran, gabbra ( Galla is The origins of these people in northeast http://worlddiscovery.aiesec.ws/countries/kenya/logistics | |
36. CERES Research School For Resource Studies For Development (NIWI) rights an anthropological approach of indigenous rights and Secretariat People, poverty and regional development in economics among the gabbra, the Rendille http://www.niwi.knaw.nl/en/oi/nod/organisatie/ORG1237385/toon | |
37. Netherlands Foundation For The Advancement Of Tropical Research (NIWI) sativus L.) seeds from People s Republic of The lords of Quauhquecholan indigenous historiography of a the household economics among the gabbra, the Rendille http://www.niwi.knaw.nl/en/oi/nod/organisatie/ORG1237022/toon | |
38. Abstract From 1996 SRA-Europe Annual Meeting Colonisers repeatedly complained at the behaviour of the indigenous or local has been presented by Ruth Mace, using the gabbra, a pastoral people of East http://www.riskworld.com/Abstract/1996/sraeurop/ab6ad133.htm | |
39. Blackwell Synergy - Cookie Absent maternal mortality rate (MMR) among the gabbra pastoralists in 5% and 20% of the indigenous pastoralists became Clearly, nomadic people are aware of the health http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/links/doi/10.1046/j.1365-3156.1999.00473.x/abs/ | |
40. Abstracts Conference of fieldwork include the Rendille, gabbra and various and processes of change by which people negotiate changes War and alliance in indigenous tribal societies http://www.uni-koeln.de/~alv29/cologne2000/Abstracts.html | |
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