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81. Botanical Books - Specialist Scientific And Reference Books Including Systematic Covering the proceedings of the XI Congress of European Mycologists held at Kew in1992, fungi of Europe covers European ecosystems, conservation and management http://www.kewbooks.com/asps/Search.asp?types=yes&type=Mycology |
82. Mycology In The Department Of Botany, University Of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand mycology research in the Department of botany. find a brief synopsis of some currentand recent research projects in mycology. Fungal diversity in canopy soil. http://www.botany.otago.ac.nz/mycology/ | |
83. MYCOLOGY AT LSU Introductory mycology (BIOL/PLHL 4054). Advanced mycology fungi andtheir Associates Humboldt Field Research Institute Steuben, ME. http://lsb380.plbio.lsu.edu/Home.html | |
84. Internet Directory For Botany: Algae, Bryophytes, Fungi Index to the Index of fungi, USDA s Systematic botany and MycologyLaboratory. This is an index to the Index of fungi compiled by http://public.srce.hr/botanic/cisb/Edoc/flora/subject/botcryp.html | |
85. Mycology Resources: Directories data from fungi on Plants and Plant Products in the US; and Literature Guide forIdentification of Plant Pathogenic fungi; mycological literature reference http://biodiversity.uno.edu/~fungi/fdirect.html | |
86. Botany - Specific Plant Studies - Academic Info Systematic botany and mycology Fungal Databases Sections include Nomenclature; Specimens ; Saccardo Index ; Fungus-Host Distributions ; Literature ; Index http://www.academicinfo.net/botstudies.html | |
87. Mycology Systematic botany and mycology Laboratory Research into the systematics of fungiand vascular plants essential to solving problems in sustainable and http://www.deskmod.org/Science/Biology/Mycology | |
88. Fungi Mycology good book for the identication of fungi in the laboratory that processes some fungi,as an offshoot to the microbiology department, a mycology department would http://biologybooks.net/Fungi_Mycology.html | |
89. MYCOLOGIA BALCANICA phytopathology at the Institute of botany and Institute in various fields of modernmycology and forest and economic importance of the fungi, threatened fungi http://www.mycobalcan.com/bms.php | |
90. Bruns Lab American Journal of botany 87(12) 17781782. 2000. Ancestral Lineages of ArbuscularMycorrhizal fungi (Glomales).Molecular Web Sites of Mycological Interest http://plantbio.berkeley.edu/~bruns/ | |
91. Links in Brno CHFCH NIPH CMF ISB (Collection of Microscopic fungi of ISB) Czech MycologyCzechoslovak Society for Microbiology Department of botany, Faculty of http://www.natur.cuni.cz/cvsm/links.htm | |
92. STEVEN L. MILLER Canadian Journal of botany 66 25612573. Transactions of the British MycologicalSociety 90 513-526. Hypogeous fungi from the southeastern United States. http://w3.uwyo.edu/~fungi/ | |
93. Pavel Lizon Curator of fungi management of mycological collections (70,000 specimens). Dept.of botany, Slovak National Museum, Bratislava, Slovakia (1968Â1992). http://ibot.sav.sk/Palo01.html | |
94. EDU2 : Level 3 University Mycological Herbarium; Pilzfotopage; SBML Databasesfungi;Systematic botany and mycology Fungal Databases; The CABI Bioscience http://www.my-edu2.com/EDU2LS/bio2ls1.htm | |
95. Agriculture Canada / Systematics In Agriculture Canada At Ottawa 1886-1986 His fungi were named by JB Ellis and deposited in New York to the foundation of theDivision of botany herbarium (later the National Mycological Herbarium http://collections.ic.gc.ca/agrican/pubweb/hs280020.asp | |
96. E-STREAMS Vol. 2, No. 3 - March 1999 A timely and comprehensive treatment on chemical fungal taxonomy, this book is wellas researchers and students of systematics in mycology, botany, and related http://www.e-streams.com/es0203/es0203_268.htm | |
97. Virtual Foliage Virtual Foliage This site contains thousands of plant pictures. Photos are grouped into sets with some collections arranged taxonomically. Conditions for use for educational purposes are listed at http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://botit.botany.wisc.edu/&y=02A4D2388D6 |
98. L�nkdatabasen - 1304. Fungal Databases (Systematic Botany And Mycology) Detailed record. BACK. Title Fungal Databases (Systematic botany andMycology). URL http//nt.arsgrin.gov/fungaldatabases/databaseframe.cfm. http://www.ub.uu.se/links/detailedRecord.cfm?lankID=1304 |
99. Spezielle Botanik Und Mykologie Translate this page Die Seiten des Lehrstuhls für Spezielle Botanik und Mykologie sind umgezogen. http://www.uni-tuebingen.de/uni/bbm/ | |
100. Redbud Chapter Of CNPS, Other Links Other US native plant organizations; And, for the other side of yourbrain, some poetry you might enjoy Fungal links (hyphae?). http://www.nccn.net/~cnps/othlinks.htm | |
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