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Fungi Mycology Botany: more books (100) | ||||||||||||||
1. Systematic Botany And Mycology Laboratory, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. D Research into the systematics of fungi and vascular plants essential to solving problems in sustainable and conventional agriculture. Includes interactive keys for several genera. U.S. Department of Agriculture. http://nt.ars-grin.gov | |
2. Tom Volk's Fungi-- Including Mushrooms, Mycology, Molds, Indoor Air Quality, Mor Information on mushrooms and mycology, forays and workshop information, images for teaching, and related resources. http://botit.botany.wisc.edu/toms_fungi/ | |
3. ATCC: Mycology And Botany Collection ATCC is a global bioresource center that stores and distributes biological materials such as cell lines, bacteria, animal and plant viruses and antisera, fungi, protozoa, algae, clones and other http://www.atcc.org/SearchCatalogs/Mycology_Botany.cfm | |
4. OSU: Botany And Plant Pathology: Botany 461/561 botany 461/561 Introductory mycology. This site has moved to http//ocid.nacse.org/classroom/fungi/ bot461/ / http://www.nacse.org/ocid/bot461 | |
5. Tom Volk's Fungi, Including Mushrooms, Mycology, Molds, Morels, Fungus, Puffball for information on how my fungi images were digitized and to see his extensive andvery impressive collection of images for teaching botany. mycology research. http://botit.botany.wisc.edu/toms_fungi/volkmyco.html | |
6. OSU: Botany And Plant Pathology: Botany 461/561 Welcome to the web site for botany 461/561, Introductory mycology. students and beginninggraduate students who have not previously taken a course on fungi. http://ocid.nacse.org/classroom/fungi/bot461/ | |
7. LGC: ATCC Mycology And Botany Collection: Fungi And Yeasts Catalog: Advanced Fie mycology Collection houses over 27 000 strains of filamentous fungi and yeasts distributed among 1 500 genera and 7 000 species. The botany mycology botany Plant Virology http://www.lgcpromochem-atcc.com/SearchCatalogs/A_Fungi_Yeasts.cfm | |
8. LGC: ATCC Mycology And Botany Collection mycology Collection houses over 27 000 strains of filamentous fungi and yeasts distributed among 1 500 genera and 7 000 species. The botany The mycology and botany catalog is http://www.lgcpromochem-atcc.com/SearchCatalogs/Mycology_Botany.cfm | |
9. Fungi (Mycology) project on the native mycoflora of the «Swiss Mycological Society who do not wantto browse just any fungi images but www.botany.ch, Homepage, 2 November 2002. http://www.botany.ch/fungi.jsp |
10. Biodiversity (Mycology And Botany) The Biodiversity (mycology and botany) section consists of four study areas PlantDisease fungi Provides improved identification systems for economically http://res2.agr.gc.ca/ecorc/section4/index_e.htm | |
11. World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Botany (Biosciences) Archive. bionet.mycology Research into fungi. Newsgroup Archive. bionet.photosynthesis - Research into Archive. sci.bio.botany - Newsgroup. sci.bio.systematics - Newsgroup http://www.ou.edu/cas/botany-micro/www-vl | |
12. ATCC: Mycology And Botany Collection: Fungi And Yeast Catalog ATCC s mycology Collection houses over 27,000 strains of filamentousfungi and yeasts distributed among 1,500 genera and 7,000 species. http://www.atcc.org/SearchCatalogs/Fungi_Yeasts.cfm | |
13. Introduction To The Fungi traditionally studied in botany. In the case of fungi, mycology isthat part of botany that studies fungi. Although fungi are no http://www.botany.hawaii.edu/faculty/wong/Bot201/Myxomycota/Introduction.htm | |
14. Botany Mycology - Wikibooks botany mycology. From Wikibooks, the free textbook project. Contents Page Chapter7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 8. mycology ~ The fungi. Introduction. http://wikibooks.org/wiki/Botany_Mycology | |
15. Mycology Search Results, Find Mycology Sites, Links At B2bBiz.com ..Systematic botany and mycology mycology Online resource of clinically significant ..andslime moulds. MykoWeb .. - mushrooms, fungi, and mycology http://www.b2bbiz.com/web.cgi/Science/Biology/Mycology/ | |
16. Mycology Located at the chair of Special botany and mycology , University of Tübingen, Germany The Digital Exsiccate of fungi is an online database offering http://members.fortunecity.com/smgantiry/id166.htm | |
17. ARS Beltsville Area :: Plant Sciences Institute MD The mission of the Systematic botany and mycology Laboratory is to increasetheknowledge and application of the systematics of fungi and vascular plants http://www.ars.usda.gov/pandp/locations/locations.htm?modecode=12-75-39-00 |
18. Setting The Stage To Screen Biocontrol Fungi Amy Y. Rossman, who leads the ARS Systematic botany and mycology Laboratory,says, All three of Samuels new fungi belong to the genus Hypomyces. http://www.ars.usda.gov/is/AR/archive/jul98/fung0798.htm | |
19. Mycology Web Page Because fungi cannot be observed directly, their biology must be The Department ofBotany of the University of has a long tradition in mycology stretching back http://www.botany.utoronto.ca/ResearchLabs/MallochLab/index.stm | |
20. Undergraduate Studies In Mycology mycology encompasses all subjects relating to fungi and is an equivalentfield of study to botany, zooology and bacteriology. Therefore http://www.botany.utoronto.ca/ResearchLabs/MallochLab/Undergraduate_Studies.html | |
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