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41. Extension Links - Category List - AgEBB Postharvest Management of Commercial Horticultural crops fruits and vegetablesPrecoolingProduce (Kansas State University); Postharvest http://agebb.missouri.edu/mac/links/linkview2.asp?catnum=181&alpha=P |
42. CRS Report IB10098 - Fruits And Vegetables: Issues For Congress - NLE Abstract Abstract Although fruits and vegetables are not among crops normally receivingfarm subsidies, there are a number of US Department of Agriculture (USDA http://www.ncseonline.org/NLE/CRS/abstract.cfm?NLEid=24542 |
43. Home > Crops And Horticulture > Orchards And Fruits > General In sections devoted to each of the horticultural sectors (field vegetables, crops,nursery stock, outdoor flowers, soft fruit, top fruit, mushrooms, and hops http://agrifor.ac.uk/hb/0ba798888c6ccbd576a4def0f6f3ea95.html | |
44. Lost Crops Of Africa REPORTS LOCAL SEARCH. DEVELOPMENT, SECURITY, AND COOPERATION. LostCrops of Africa fruits and vegetables. This committee activity http://www7.nationalacademies.org/dsc/Lost_Crops_of_Africa.html | |
45. Dairy Products, Fish, Aquatic Products, Fruits, Vegetables, Crops, Horticulture, Dairy Products, Fish, Aquatic Products, fruits, vegetables, crops, Horticulture,Poultry Products, Beverages Confectionery dairy products edible oils processed http://www.globaltenders.com/dir/Food_And_Beverages/ | |
46. Homestore.com: Lawn & Garden - Fruits & Vegetables - Cold Weather Crops Enter search terms Cold Weather crops 4 steps to get your wintervegetables safely through to spring. By Paige Bowers. You should http://www.homestore.com/HomeGarden/Gardening/Features/Vegetables/CoolVeggies.as | |
47. Vegetable Crops Page Cover crops for Disease Control in Pumpkins Cover crops Part 1, html Online by Dr.Celeste Welty, Extension Specialist, fruits vegetables, Department of http://www.ag.ohio-state.edu/~vegnet/library/pumpk101/pumpk101.htm | |
48. Dried Fruit Fruits & Vegetables - Find, Compare And Buy At BizRate Tremendous care and skill are used to grow our crops the oldfashioned way. . $3.03,Go! Bulk Dried fruits vegetables - Figs, Black Mission, Org. http://bizrate.com/buy/products__cat_id--16031500,keyword--Dried Fruit,start--48 | |
49. Postharvest Literature Bibliography - Food Crops 58 p. (00512). Medlicott A P. 1990. Product specifications and postharvest handlingfor fruits, vegetables and root crops exported from the Caribbean. http://www.caisnet.org/bibliographies/postharvest/food_crops.htm | |
50. Produce: Fruits And Vegetables, Carnegie Library Of Pittsburgh Resource Guide a nonprofit trade association serving 2,500 members who market fresh fruits, vegetables,and floral strains of the potato, as well as other root crops of the http://www.carnegielibrary.org/subject/food/produce.html | |
51. U Of MN Extension - Consumer Topic Listing By Material Type Training Raspberries; fruits and vegetables Raspberry Varieties; GrowingFruit amd Speciality crops for Sale. Community \ Environment http://www.extension.umn.edu/topics.html?topic=5&subtopic=220 |
52. U Of MN Extension - Consumer Topic Listing By Material Type Garlic; Green Manure Cover crops for Minnesota; Flowers When to Fertilize vegetables;Food Preservation fruits and vegetables - Asparagus Growing; fruits and http://www.extension.umn.edu/topics.html?topic=5&subtopic=157 |
53. Horticultural Crops - Asian Fruits/Vegetables Horticultural crops, Asian fruits/vegetables. Here you can access informationon Asian fruits and vegetables. General - Research and development. http://www.agriculture.gov.au/product3.cfm?display2=Horticultural Crops&display3 |
54. Vegetable Crops It contains sections for each crop that is grown in Texas, which include most cropsgrown throughout the USA (fruits, vegetables, herbs, and some flowers). http://www.msstate.edu/dept/cmrec/organic/bookveg.html | |
55. NORTH CAROLINA FRUIT AND VEGETABLE SHIPPERS DIRECTORY is a major production area for fresh fruits and vegetables, shipping the to freshness,quality, and variety, North Carolina horticultural crops are the http://www.ncagr.com/markets/produce/ | |
56. EPA: Pesticides - PESP: Members By Sector Environmental Resource Center (ID) North American Pollinator ProtectionCampaign (CA). Field / Row crops. Tree fruits and Nuts. vegetables. http://www.epa.gov/oppbppd1/PESP/sector.htm | |
57. Lost Crops Of Africa: Fruits And Vegetables More Project Information and to provide FEEDBACK on the Project Project TitleLost crops of Africa, Volume 2 fruits and vegetables Project Identification http://www4.nas.edu/webcr.nsf/ProjectScopeDisplay/OIAX-N-98-01-A?OpenDocument |
58. Lost Crops Of Africa: Fruits And Vegetables More Project Information and to provide FEEDBACK on the Project Project Title LostCrops of Africa fruits and vegetables Project Identification Number OIAXN http://www4.nas.edu/webcr.nsf/CommitteeDisplay/OIAX-N-98-01-A?OpenDocument |
59. Saving Healthful Fruits And Vegetables With Biotechnology - Center For Global Fo The biotech crops are also reducing pesticide use by about 46 million pounds peryear. In fruits and vegetables, the biotech approaches could reduce pest http://www.cgfi.org/materials/articles/2002/jun_19_02.htm | |
60. Field Crops & Fruits/Nuts/Vegetables Field crops, Stocks fruits/Nuts/vegetables. http://www.nass.usda.gov/ar/bullcrop.htm | |
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