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21. Vegetable Integrated Pest Management Integrated Pest Management to Integrated Crop Management in Vegetable crops; InsectPests (Kansas State University, USA); fruits vegetables IPM (University http://www.ippc.orst.edu/cicp/Vegetable/vegindex.htm | |
22. Postharvest Handling Of Horticultural Crops Postharvest Handling of Horticultural crops. Postharvest Handling Coolingof Fresh fruits, vegetables and Flowers for Small Farms http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/hort/hil/post-index.html | |
23. Fruits & Vegetables Food Preservation Publications. Fruit Publications. WI Vegetable INSECTS PowerPointPresentations Cole crops view download. Onions view download. http://www.uwex.edu/ces/wihort/fruitveggies/ | |
24. Fruits & Vegetables: DuPont Cancels Benomyl Registration DuPont has just announced that it will voluntarily withdraw the use of all formsof benomyl (Benlate) on fruit and vegetable crops at the end of the year. http://www.uwex.edu/ces/wihort/fruitveggies/BenomylCanceled.htm | |
25. Horticultural Crops: ATTRA - National Sustainable Agriculture Information Servic Flame Weeding for Vegetable crops, Summary HTML PDF. PostharvestHandling of fruits and vegetables, Summary HTML PDF. http://attra.ncat.org/horticultural.html | |
26. MSG Sprayed On Growing Fruits And Vegetables of Contents MSG sprayed right on crops as they grow even fruits,nuts, seeds, grains, and vegetables used in baby food. In the http://www.truthinlabeling.org/msgsprayed.html | |
27. Vegetable Crops Page - 2002 Presentations by Dr. Doug Doohan, Extension Specialist, Weed Control in fruits vegetables, Departmentof Horticulture and Crop Science, Ohio State University Extension. http://pested.osu.edu/presentation02folder/Vegetable Crops Page.htm | |
28. Fruit & Vegetable Crops Page Dr. Doug Doohan, Extension Specialist, Weed Control in fruits vegetables, JoelFelix, Research Associate, Department of Horticulture and Crop Science, Ohio http://pested.osu.edu/presentation03folder/fruit & vegetable crops page.htm | |
29. OMAF - Vegetables: Other Vegetable Crops Asparagus, Culinary Herbs, Okra, Rhubar Harvest and Storage. Chilling Injury of Horticultural crops (Order No. 98021);Labelling and Grading Fresh Ontario fruits and vegetables (Order No. http://www.gov.on.ca/OMAFRA/english/crops/hort/otherveg_crops.html | |
30. OMAF - Vegetables: Greens & "Salad" Crops, Celery, Endive, Lettuce, Parsley, Spe Lease Agreement Crop Share Lease - Tillable Land Order No. Pub 91 Order this Publication;Labelling and Grading Fresh Ontario fruits and vegetables (Order No. http://www.gov.on.ca/OMAFRA/english/crops/hort/greensalad_crops.html | |
31. Agsolutions.ca Products : Fruits And Vegetables LANCE WDG has excellent efficacy on Alternaria, Sclerotinia, Ascochytaand Botrytis in a wide range of fruit and vegetable crops. http://www.agsolutions.ca/pub/west/products/rgen.cgi/fruits_and_vegetables | |
32. Vegetable Crops How to Grow More vegetables And fruits, Nuts, Berries, Grains, and OtherCrops Than You Ever Thought Possible on Less Land Than You Can Imagine. http://topics.practical.org/browse/Vegetable_Crops | |
33. University Of California Agriculture And Natural Resources Publications Horticultural crops Language English Media - Video Price $ 60.00 / 1 to shoppingbasket. to your custom catalog. Harvesting fruits and vegetables Language http://anrcatalog.ucdavis.edu/merchant.ihtml?id=196&step=2 |
34. Fruits And Vegetables - Alternatives Farm Management and Marketing, fruits and vegetables, Livestock, Additional Alternatives,Online Resources, Return to Home Page, Fruit and Vegetable Alternatives. http://agalternatives.aers.psu.edu/crops/Crops.html |
35. Food Loss Prevention In Perishable Crops - 4. Fruits And Vegetables 4. fruits and vegetables. Losses will always occur in the absence of a dependablecommunication system. 4.2 Individual fruits and vegetables. http://www.fao.org/docrep/s8620e/S8620E0a.htm | |
36. Agriculture: Fruit Crops, Tropical Fruit Crops, Dryed Fruits. Agrovademecum Search of agrochemical for active matters, crops and trade Maximum limitof Residues (LMR) in vegetables, Citrus fruits, fruits, vegetables http://www.infoagro.com/frutas/eng.asp | |
37. Storage Conditions Fruits And Vegetables Table 2 contains a list of fruits and vegetables classified by for produce withhigh to extremely high respiration ratesÂthose crops will deteriorate http://www.umext.maine.edu/onlinepubs/htmpubs/4135.htm | |
38. PR-410: 1998 Fruit And Vegetable Crops Research Report vegetables. These exceptional measures are efforts well spent because ofthe high value of fruits and vegetable crops in Kentucky. Computer http://www.ca.uky.edu/agc/pubs/pr/pr410/diag.htm | |
39. FMC - Mustang Max Insecticide For Fruits And Vegetables FMC s Mustang Max insecticide allows you to use one insecticide for a broadspectrum of pests for most of your fruits, vegetables and other crops. http://cropsolutions.fmc.com/Crop_Solutions/Product/0,1762,2274,00.html | |
40. Missouri Alternatives Center Resource Collection and vegetables (Kansas State University) Postharvest Management of CommercialHorticultural crops fruits and vegetablesPrecooling Produce (Kansas State http://agebb.missouri.edu/mac/library/search.asp?search_val=181 |
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