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1. IPM - Fruits & Vegetables At University Of Illinois Home About IPM What s New? fruits vegetables Field crops Structural Public Health Issues Landscape Pest Management Other Resources. http://www.aces.uiuc.edu/ipm/fruits/fruits.html | |
2. Farmer's Bookshelf Provides information on the production of tropical crops in Hawaii, including fruits, vegetables, and ornamentals. Topics include cultivars, cultural practices and pest management. http://agrss.sherman.hawaii.edu/bookshelf/fb.shtml |
3. Habanero Hot Sauce, Passion Fruit, Passion Fruit Jelly, Mango Jelly, Key Lime Je Producer of export crops in Belize, Central America. Products include fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables, and Belizian habanero pepper hot sauce. http://www.agroworld.com/ | |
4. Fruits And Vegetables fruits and vegetables Fruit Group; Fruit (NonCitrus) and Nut crops;Home Garden crops; Preserving Fruit; Preserving vegetables; Safe http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/TOPIC_Fruits_and_Vegetables |
5. Purdue Extension Publications: Botany & Plant Pathology Covers diseases of field crops, fruits, ornamentals, turf and vegetables, and information on pesticide programs. http://persephone.agcom.purdue.edu/AgCom/Pubs/botany.htm | |
6. Agriculture Handbook Number 66 - Contents The Commercial Storage of fruits, vegetables, and Florist and Nursery Stocks Freshcut fruits. Fresh-cut vegetables. Floral crops and Nursery Stock http://www.ba.ars.usda.gov/hb66/contents.html | |
7. Thames River Melons - Innerkip, Ontario - Melons, Berries, Corn And More! Produces and sells wholesale many different fruits and vegetables. Information about crops and recipes. http://www.thamesrivermelons.ca | |
8. Fruits & Vegetables 2000 Agronomy Handbook. 2004 Pest Management Guide. A Longer Marketing Life For Bramble fruits. Biotechnology and the Environment. Considering Specialty crops? Farm Financial Issues and Options http://www.ext.vt.edu/cgi-bin/WebObjects/Docs.woa/wa/getcat?cat=ir-fv |
9. IAHS Is Engaged In The Production And Marketing Of Hybrid Vegetable Seeds,flower Researches the propagation of a wide variety of crops including rice, vegetables, spices, fruits, flowers, and sells the resulting seeds and plants in India and worldwide. http://www.indamseeds.com/ | |
10. BIOREBA Agricultural Plant Disease Virus Pathogens ELISA Diagnostics Detection Offers antibodies and ELISA kits for detecting virus pathogens in potatoes, grapevines, fruit trees, small fruits, ornamentals, vegetables and field crops. http://www.bioreba.com/ |
11. AMS At USDA - Quality Standards - Fresh Fruits And Vegetables vegetables (Fresh Market) vegetables for Processing. fruits (Fresh Market) Fruit for Processing. Nuts and Specialty crops. - http://www.ams.usda.gov/standards/stanfrfv.htm | |
12. G95-1264-A; Storing Fresh Fruits And Vegetables for fresh fruits and vegetables. Susan D. Schoneweis, Extension CoordinatorHome/Environmenthort Durward A. Smith, Extension hort crops Processing Specialist. http://ianrpubs.unl.edu/horticulture/g1264.htm | |
13. G95-1264-A; Storing Fresh Fruits And Vegetables Storing Fresh fruits and vegetables. The following fruits and vegetables. Susan D. Schoneweis, Extension CoordinatorHome/Environment hort. Durward A. Smith, Extension hort crops http://www.ianr.unl.edu/pubs/horticulture/g1264.htm | |
14. Cooperative Extension Catalog Of Publications--Horticulture MISCELLANEOUS. ÂG271, When to Harvest fruits and vegetables, 0.25. NF404,Income Generation Using Alternative crops, 0.00. http://ianrpubs.unl.edu/horticulture/ | |
15. Postharvest Handling Of Fruits And Vegetables This publication covers harvest handling and postharvest practices for cooling, packaging and transporting agricultural produce for smallscale producers, to help them bring quality fruit and into the winter months by growing root crops and other vegetables and fruits suited for long-term storage http://www.attra.org/attra-pub/postharvest.html | |
16. Directorate1 Development of hybrids in vegetable crops. resources; Development of residue freeIPM package for vegetables; Quick frosen fruits vegetables; On farm processing http://www.icar.org.in/Directorate1.htm | |
17. Earth's Most Unique Nursery! - World-wide Collection Of Exotic Fruits, Nuts, Veg Rare vegetables from the Mexican Sierra. Himalayan fruits and Ornamental Trees; AmazonianMedicinals Tree fruits; Ancient Nuts Water crops from the Mid http://www.exoticfruit.com/ | |
18. Purdue Fruit And Vegetable Connection 2004 Indiana Guide for Preparation of fruits and vegetables Exempt from ProcessingRequirements (see Vegetable crops/Post Harvest). Where to Find Stuff. http://www.hort.purdue.edu/fruitveg/ | |
19. Agricultural Crops: Fruits And Vegetables FORM. QUESTIONS COMMENTS. Agricultural crops fruits and vegetables.TITLE/AUTHOR, PRICE. Fruit and Vegetable Diseases (Mukerji), 192.00. http://www.chipsbooks.com/slagcfv.htm | |
20. Fruits & Vegetables > Vegetables > Commercial Production > Cole Crops fruits vegetables vegetables Commercial Production Cole crops.Found 4 articles. Displaying articles 1 to 4 Fall Broccoli http://www.growinglifestyle.com/j/56149/ | |
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