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101. OISE Intensive Language Schools Around The World General and specific courses for ambitious learners. french in Paris. German in Heidelberg. Spanish in Madrid. English in Oxford, London, Boston, Sydney, Dublin and other cities. http://www.studyoise.com | |
102. Learn French And German Language Basic french and German business language training from downloadable audio and text programs. http://www.fluency-today.com/ | |
103. Mr Russell's French And Spanish Help Many activities for learning french and Spanish, created by a teacher at Prospect High School in Illinois. http://phs.dist214.k12.il.us/ProspectWeb/AcadeFolder/Language/Russell/mrrussell. | |
104. Online Dictionary Net: The Most Comprehensive Listings Of English And Non-Englis Online dictionaries on every topic medical, computer, dreams, rhyming; and, for every language English, Spanish, french, Latin, and German. http://www.online-dictionary.net/start.htm | |
105. Brazil Translation.com Language Translation Services In Any Of The Following Lan Domicile unknown Translation in french, German, Portuguese, Dutch, Spanish, and Italian. http://www.braziltranslation.com/ | |
106. LCB - Language And Culture For Business Free language courses for smallmedium businesses, funded by the EU. french, German and Spanish offered at Universities in Luton, London, Sheffield, Wolverhampton and Bolton. http://www.lcb.org.uk/ | |
107. Study Abroad On The French Riviera Study abroad in France. An intense five week summer studies program that teaches french culture and language on the french Riviera. http://www.alariviera.com |
108. Language Intelligence Win french and Spanish multimedia language software. http://www.language-intelligence.co.uk | |
109. ESL-Study And Learn English Or French At ILSC Vancouver Toronto Montreal-TOEFL T Offers English or french instruction in Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal. Describes programs, facilities, fees and registration process. http://www.ilsc.ca/ | |
110. Aeromodelisme.com, Le Portail De L'aéromodélisme Aeromodelling portal with models for FMS, documents for learning aeromodelling, chat, and tests of airplanes models. french site with English language option http://www.aeromodelisme.com/ | |
111. World Concepts, Inc. - Language Translation System Machine foreign language translation providing fullsentence translation in English, German, french and Spanish, rather than simply a dictionary word or phrase lookup system. http://www.worldconceptsinc.com:8080/WorldConcepts/default.asp |
112.   j'aime Le Français  --  pick Your Language        Translate this page http://french.till-morning.net/ | |
113. UNESCO World Heritage Centre Elegant site from UNESCO explaining the choice of certain buildings and sites as World Heritage. List with pictures and information available on each. french and English language options. http://whc.unesco.org/ | |
114. TEFL COURSES Offers correspondence translation courses at graduate level from french, German, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese into English and viceversa. Certificate and diploma options. Also TEFL (teaching English as a foreign language) certificate course. http://homepage.eircom.net/~wls/tefl.htm | |
115. FACIL-Art A notfor-profit group of artists, writers, photographers, film-makers and linguists http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Tower/7214 | |
116. French And European Publications - Librairie De France french and Spanish books, dictionaries, foreign language films, and learning language courses for over 100 languages. http://www.frencheuropean.com/ | |
117. Plain Language Service (PLS) / Service De Révision En Style Clair Et Simple (SR Canadian service which conducts workshops on clear verbal communication and plain language, offers plain language revisions as well as translations of text from English to french. http://www.pls.cpha.ca/ |
118. Symtalk Language Systems -- Spanish, French, German, Chinese, Italian, And ESL L Spanish french materials books, games and flash cards for grades K-12. http://www.symtalk.com/ | |
119. Canada Online - Canadian Government News Issues And Services Study the language, food and music. Explore literature, history and traditions, research genealogy, and read online frenchCanadian newspapers. From About.com. http://frenchcaculture.about.com/index.htm | |
120. SCB FAQ - The Breton Language On soc.culture.breton. Bilingual (English/french) site with information on where Breton can be learned, an explanation about the three spelling systems used for the language, and a list of radio and TV broadcasts in Breton. http://www.bretagnenet.com/scb/breton.html | |
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