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181. Department Of Romance Languages And Literatures A department in the Division of Humanities that offers programs in french, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese literatures of both Europe and the Americas. http://humanities.uchicago.edu/humanities/romance/ |
182. Web Site Design, Hosting, Translation And Ecommerce Solutions In Montreal, Quebe Design, development, implementation and translation services. Languages include English, french, Spanish, Arabic, German, and Russian. Based in St. Laurent, Quebec. http://www.nissr.com/ | |
183. Quia - French - Top 20 Activities Directory french. 1, french Numbers Java Game To Learn french numbers Createdby Christine. 3, french Foods Hangman Basic food vocabulary in french. http://www.quia.com/dir/french/ | |
184. Ethnologue Report For French Guiana List of languages of french Guiana. http://www.ethnologue.com/show_country.asp?name=French Guiana |
185. Internet Links Last Updated 08/12/2002 Email Foreign language Resource Center, http://scholar.oit.unc.edu/Campus/Rl/FLRC.nsf/doc/Internet Links | |
186. TPF, The Productivity Factory, TPM, 5S, Lean Manufacturing, SMED, OEE Consulting firm specializes in productivity improvements, both in manufacturing industries as in service organisations. Firm is based in Belgium and The Netherlands. Site is available in several languages (English, french, and Dutch). http://www.tpfeurope.com | |
187. UVic Department Of French Website staff · undergraduate · graduate · newsletter resources · contact · search. http://web.uvic.ca/french/ | |
188. Français Langue étrangère Et Langue Seconde (ClicNet) language Centre, USA Frenchgrammar central (TennesseeBob Peckham, USA) Impressionnante liste de liens http://www.swarthmore.edu/Humanities/clicnet/fle.html | |
189. Romance Languages Resource Page A directory of online resources for students of french, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese http://humanities.uchicago.edu/humanities/romance/resources/ |
190. WebFactorial Corporation Contract web development services including application development, acceptance testing, translation services, and creative design. Languages include Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, German, and french. http://www.webfactorial.com/ |
191. Office Québécois De La Langue Française - Page D'accueil langue française, Publicationset services linguistiques Bibliothèque virtuelle Technologies http://www.olf.gouv.qc.ca/ | |
192. CEPEO - Conseil Des écoles Publiques De L'Ontario Translate this page Emplois Inscription Système informatisé de suppléance Plan dusite Recherche Nouvelles Coinfo Trillium Pour nous rejoindre. http://www.cepeo.on.ca/ | |
193. Bienvenue Au Site Du CECLFCE District catholique du CentreEst de l'Ontario. http://www.csd66.edu.on.ca/ |
194. Fiancées Russes, Trouver Une Femme Russe Pour Le Mariage Et L'amour. Translate this page Rencontrez de 500 à 2000 belles femmes pendant nos voyages. Nous avonsplus de 7 fiançailles par jour. Plus que nos trois concurrents http://fr.loveme.com/ | |
195. Anthologie De Poésie Francophone (choix: Jean-Pierre Rosnay) nous en publions régulièrement une sélection dans notre forum. http://www.franceweb.fr/poesie/poetesfr.htm | |
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