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1. Old French On The Web Cette Page en Français Last updated 10 January, 2004. This page is designed toprovide you with information about the Old french language and its literature. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Acropolis/8716/ | |
2. French Language Resources -- Electronic Text Center Online Holdings. The Electronic Text Center's collection of online Frenchlanguage texts. Offline Holdings. CD-ROMS and other electronic texts not available online. Other Web Resources. Links to other sources for electronic texts in French http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/french.html | |
3. French Language Resources These sites are for those interested in french language and culture. If you are familiar with other sites which should also be included in this list please contact me. Lauren Rosen. Culture and History French in addition to online practice. ARTFL french language Treasury, language literature resource list http://polyglot.lss.wisc.edu/lss/lang/french.html | |
4. French: Foreign Language News And Newspapers: Publication Types: MIT Libraries Foreign Language News and Newspapers. french language News and Magazines Daily news and more from this French T.V. company. France 3 http://libraries.mit.edu/guides/types/flnews/french.html | |
5. French Language Course Pages been impressed by the Spanish and the Italian Web courses and wondered why The french language was absent the grammatical aspects of the french language in order to be able http://www.jump-gate.com/languages/french | |
6. Index.html french language tutoring at all levels, emphasis is on sounding French. Courses are in Brittany near Lannion. http://website.lineone.net/~kerzello | |
7. French Language At About - Learn French - Teach French - Speak French french language resources for students, teachers, and lovers of French, includingFrench lessons, quizzes, sound files, teaching ideas, online dictionaries http://french.about.com/ | |
8. LANGUAGEÂ Â INSTITUTE OFÂ Â ATLANTA Learn French in Atlanta. For children. Business, conversation and grammar. Also Spanish, English, Japanese, Korean, Italian, Russian, German. http://www.speakingfrench.com/ | |
9. French Language At About - Learn French - Teach French - Speak French french language COURSE. I have been impressed by the Spanishand the Italian Web courses and wondered why The french language was absent. http://french.about.com/education/french/ | |
10. French Language At About - Learn French - Teach French - Speak French french language resources for students, teachers, and lovers of French, including French lessons, quizzes, sound files, teaching ideas, online dictionaries, and cultural info. Practice your French http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://french.about.com/&y=02A67C6138341DEC |
11. Other French Resources -- Electronic Text Center The University of Chicago maintains American and French Research on the Treasuryof the french language, (ARTFL), an extremely large collection of searchable http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/fr-oth.html | |
12. The ARTFL Project for American and French Research on the Treasury of the french language (ARTFL) is a cooperative Main ARTFL Database FRANTEXT. New Additions. French Women Writers. Provençal Poetry http://humanities.uchicago.edu/ARTFL/ARTFL.html | |
13. French (OU CALL) french language Culture. TOP LANGUAGE INFOTOOLS TEACHER OPIE HELP http://www-as.phy.ohiou.edu/Departments/Mod_Lang/french | |
14. The ARTFL Project The Project for American and French Research on the Treasury of the french language(ARTFL) is a cooperative enterprise of Analyse et Traitement Informatique http://humanities.uchicago.edu/orgs/ARTFL/ | |
15. Volterre-Fr English And French Language Resources Paris France ChampsElysées Champs-Elysées, the audiomagazine for people who love Franceand the french language  and Spanish, Italian German. English. http://www.wfi.fr/volterre/ | |
16. French For Beginners This section of the About the french language site includes hundreds of pages especially for anyone with little or no French knowledge. Whether you're just beginning to learn French or picking it http://french.about.com/library/begin/bl_begin.htm | |
17. Old French Language Old french language. Cette page en français. Grandes Dates de la LangueFrançaise. Links to sources on the History of the french language.. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Acropolis/8716/langue.html | |
18. History Of French Language Une Histoire de la langue française @ GlobeGate. The present site isnot meant to serve as a History of the french language textbook. http://www.utm.edu/~globeg/histfren.shtml | |
19. BUBL LINK / 5:15 Internet Resources: French Language About.com french language Offers original articles and features about the Frenchlanguage, plus annotated links to selected relevant Internet resources http://bubl.ac.uk/link/f/frenchlanguage.htm | |
20. Cambridge Journals Online - Journal Home Page My CJO Index, My CJO Homepage Journal of french language Studies, Journalof french language Studies 2003, Volume 13. Issue 01, Mar 2003, pp 1157. http://journals.cambridge.org/journal_JournalofFrenchLanguageStudies | |
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