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41. Prehistory France- Dordogne, Perigord- Archaeology, Cave Dwellings, Prehistory, The discovery of remains at Les Eyzies in the middle of the last century, and thenat La Madeleine, led to a rush of archaeologists and curiohunters, who http://www.arachnis.asso.fr/dordogne/histoire/prehisto/prehist1.htm | |
42. Prehistory France - Dordogne, Perigord - Archaeology, Cave Dwellings, Prehistory The History of the National Prehistory Museum. The work of Denis Peyrony(18691954). To say how long cliff dwellings have existed http://www.arachnis.asso.fr/DORDOGNE/REVUE/prehi/muserev1.htm | |
43. Current Archaeology Book Reviews Roman france, An Archaeological Field Guide Jeremy Knight. Publisher Tempus.Reviewed in CA issue 178, page 435. ISBN 0 7524 1919 6. RRP £17.99 http://www.archaeology.co.uk/books/books.asp?book=france&fr=ord |
44. BUBL LINK / 5:15 Internet Resources: European Archaeology DeweyClass 936 ResourceType documents, images Location france, europe Lastchecked 20000215 Classics and Mediterranean archaeology Links organised by http://bubl.ac.uk/link/e/europeanarchaeology.htm | |
45. BUBL LINK / 5:15 Internet Resources: France van Leusen Subjects albania, archaeology links, austria, belgium, bulgaria, croatia,cyprus, czech republic, denmark, estonia, finland, france, germany, greece http://bubl.ac.uk/link/f/france.htm | |
46. Roman Archaeology Professor Yizhar Hirschfeld of Hebrew University s Institute of archaeology, directorof the image of the selfproclaimed ruler of Britain and france in 271AD. http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~mharrsch/2004_02_01_romanarch_archive.html | |
47. Bradshaw Foundation - Rock Art, Archaeology & Anthropology paper by Dr. Jean Clottes provides a definitive comprehensive analysis of thePalaeolithic rock art and archaeology discoveries so far made in france. http://www.bradshawfoundation.com/ | |
48. The Archaeology Channel - Film Festivals 5 rue Henri Daussy, 80044 Amiens CEDEX 1, france, Phone, +33 Cinarchea InternationalesArchäologieFilm-Kunst Festival (International archaeology Film and Art http://www.archaeologychannel.org/content/filmfestivals.asp | |
49. Internet Public Library: Archaeology unm.edu/~paquime/index.html Collection of articles and links about archaeology inthe The Museum of New france, dedicated to furthering the knowledge of the http://www.ipl.org/div/subject/browse/soc06.00.00/ | |
50. African Studies - Art And Archaeology en Afrique (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Paris,france) It includes summaries of archaeological research, a directory of http://www.columbia.edu/cu/lweb/indiv/africa/cuvl/AfArt.html | |
51. The Archaeology Of The Western Front 1914-1918 Excavated mass graveLeft Excavated German mass grave at Gavrelle (Arras). Anexample of recent rescue archaeology during infrastructure work in france. http://w1.865.telia.com/~u86517080/BattlefieldArchaeology/ArkeologENG.html | |
52. MSN Encarta - Archaeology Important Stone Age archaeological sites include the 32,000year-old rock paintingsof the Grotte de Chauvet cave in southeastern france (see Paleolithic Art http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761572159/Archaeology.html | |
53. Resources Of Scholarly Societies - Archaeology Royal Archaeological Institute, RAI. Société Archéologique du Midi de la france= Archaeological Society of the South of france In French and English., SAMF. http://www.scholarly-societies.org/archaeol_soc.html | |
54. Professor In France UWEC The experience in france was an important opportunity to go outside the classroomand learn the essentials of fieldbased techniques in GPR in archaeology is a http://www.uwec.edu/newsbureau/release/past/2002/02-04/041202GPR.html | |
55. HIV Stories, The Archaeology Of Aids Writing In France, 1985-1988 intitulée HIV STORIES, The archaeology of aids writing in france, 19851988 http://www.fabula.org/actualites/article4840.php | |
56. Underwater Archaeolgy Societies, Workgroups & Institutes SAMM (Société d Archéologie Maritime du Morbihan), Bretagne, france. DiscoveryGroup for Nautical History and Underwater archaeology, (SDGNA), Switzerland; http://www.abc.se/~pa/uwa/societie.htm | |
57. Viking Shields Society for Medieval archaeology, monograph 1. Society for Medieval archaeologyLondon. Histoire de la france naissance d une nation des origines à 1348, vol http://www.ozemail.com.au/~chrisandpeter/shield/shield.html | |
58. Index Of /raid1/cdroms/webready/france/paris/museums/louvre/archaeology Parent Directory egypt/ 26-Mar-2003 1611 -......Index of /raid1/cdroms/webready/france/paris/museums/louvre/archaeology. NameLast modified Size http://rubens.anu.edu.au/raid1/cdroms/webready/france/paris/museums/louvre/archa | |
59. Index Of /raid4/europe.0602/france/verdun/museums/musee_de_la_princerie/archaeol Parent Directory......Index of /raid4/europe.0602/france/verdun/museums/musee_de_la_princerie/archaeology.Name Last modified Size http://rubens.anu.edu.au/raid4/europe.0602/france/verdun/museums/musee_de_la_pri | |
60. K-12: Archaeology : CAVE PAINTINGS OTHER TOPICS. archaeology. Art. Teachers Reference Section. CAVE PAINTINGS. Cavepaintings in france Paleolithic painted cave at Vallon Pont-d Arc (Ardèche). http://www.ceismc.gatech.edu/busyt/archae.html | |
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