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61. KCL: ISS - Mathematics Information Resources: Journals Complex Systems; Complexity International A refereed journal for scientific papers coveredinclude chaos theory, control theory, neural networks and fractals; http://www.kcl.ac.uk/depsta/iss/schools/hlsp/pse/math/mathjournals.html | |
62. Journals In Electronic Format-UNC-Chapel Hill Libraries: Chaos, Solitons & Fract Go to Chaos, Solitons fractals / Go to main ejournals search page. http://eresources.lib.unc.edu/ejournal/description.php?EJID=10694 |
63. Kluwer Journals journals General Relativity and Gravitation Abstract. Keywords cosmology,theory and observations, largescale structure of the Universe, fractals. http://ipsapp009.kluweronline.com/IPS/content/ext/x/J/4728/I/58/A/1/abstract.htm | |
64. WorldsciNet http://www.wspc.com/journals/journals.html |
65. Sci.fractals FAQ sci.fractals FAQ. There are reader questions on this topic! Help others by sharing your knowledge C Taylor (CSD)) Newsgroups sci.fractals Subject sci.fractals FAQ Date 9 Mar 1998 general http://www.faqs.org/faqs/sci/fractals-faq | |
66. Fractal Links A New Kind of Science Artificial Life Online 2.0 ALife journals Books about FractalsBooks by co-Faculty Business Dynamics by John Sterman Chaos - NeuroLab http://www.fractal.org/Bewustzijns-Besturings-Model/Fractal-Links.htm | |
67. ScienceDirect Web Editions - Chaos, Solitons, & Fractals, Volume 11, Issue 7, Pa 3. Multiple fractal aggregation and simulation, Pages 10211024 RJ Slobodrian, P.Deladurantaye and C. Rioux SummaryPlus Article Journal Format-PDF (470 K). http://www.web-editions.com/toc_chaos.htm | |
68. Elsevier Author Gateway subjectsbifurcation and singularity theory, deterministic chaos and fractals, stabilitytheory studies are welcome, but the emphasis of the journal will be on http://authors.elsevier.com/JournalDetail.html?PubID=967&Precis=DESC |
69. Elsevier Author Gateway http//www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/09600779. molecular weights V. Paar,N. Pavin, A. Rubc?ic´ and J. Rubc?ic´ Chaos, Solitons fractals, 14 (2002 http://authors.elsevier.com/JournalDetail.html?PubID=967&index=P&Precis=AIND |
70. GIS And Other Links Top Fractal Analysis Fractal Encoding Universities in UK Researchers Organisations journals Venders Others. 2. Fractal http://www.geog.ucl.ac.uk/casa/naru/vcgis98/link.html | |
71. Roger Attrill's Fractals Page Ever since I saw my first picture of the Mandelbrot set (The background image tothis page is that of the Mandelbrot Set) I ve been fascinated by fractals. http://www.fortunecity.com/meltingpot/covent/37/fractals.htm | |
72. Fractal Questions And Answers - References Kingdom. fractals, An interdisciplinary Journal On The Complex Geometryof Nature. This is a new journal published by World Scientific. http://www.softlab.ntua.gr/miscellaneous/faq/fractal/faq-doc-27.html | |
73. Publications In Journals (31) P. Argyrakis, LW Anacker, and R. Kopelman, Random walk on fractalsHigher moments, Journal of Physics A, 21,569(1988). (30 http://kelifos.physics.auth.gr/journal.html | |
74. People (Faculty Members) - OU School Of Industrial Engineering Raman, S. and Chellaperumal, J., ÂReexamining the Machining Frictional BoundaryConditions Using fractals, Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Proceedings http://www.coe.ou.edu/ie/people/fac/raman.htm | |
75. ISI: Computer Science Resources The theme of the journal is the field of complex systems cellular automata, chaostheory, control theory, evolutionary programming, fractals, genetic algorithms http://www.isi.loyola.edu/library/cs.html | |
76. Quantum Fractals In Boxes of the time fractal is , and that of the space fractal is British Journal of AppliedPhysics (19501967), http://stacks.iop.org/JPhysA/29/6617 | |
77. Adsorption Of Self-interacting Polymers On Fractals Besides, we establish the phase diagrams, for fractals with b = 3 and b British Journalof Applied Physics (19501967), http://stacks.iop.org/ja/36/1213 | |
78. John Denk's Fractal Images. Over 100 years ago, the idea of fractals was introduced in mathematicaljournals and literature. However, like many revolutionary http://www.graphicdesignbasics.com/article1028.html | |
79. Journal Communications in Contemporary Mathematics, International Journal of Bifurcationand Chaos. fractals, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences. http://www.math.wm.edu/~shij/journal.html | |
80. Publications Page Chaos, Solitons fractals, Vol. 4, p. 10571089. 11. Turner, SE, and DR Dowling,DR, 1995, Acoustic precondensation phenomena in freons, Journal of the http://www-personal.engin.umich.edu/~drd/writings.html | |
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