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21. The Math Forum - Math Library - Fractals Plane, Fibre Bundles, Knots and Links, Torus Knots, and fractals through the workof sculptor John Robinson. more . Mathematics journals (AMS) American http://mathforum.org/library/topics/fractals/?keyid=9511105&start_at=301&num_to_ |
22. Online Journals Chaos, Solitons, fractals Chaos, LS(1992) International Journal of and EngineeringComputer Physics Communications Biometrika 79.1992 - Oxford journals; http://www.agnld.uni-potsdam.de/~shw/Online_journals.html | |
23. FONTEYN SCIENCES - Scientific Books, Cd-roms And Journals For Science Profession Home Mathematics Mathematics Applied mathematics fractals.You can have access to titles published during the past 3 months http://www.fonteynsciences.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=pub.pubDate&cat=48 |
24. Zeal.com - United States - New - Computing - Multimedia - Graphics - Fractals - A great resource for United States New - Computing - Multimedia - Graphics- fractals - Chaos Complexity Theory - News journals. http://zeal.com/category/preview.jhtml?cid=10102371 |
25. Mn:s WWW Index Event Horizons in Numerical Relativity. event horizon galleryNew Tools in Physics(mathematics, fractals; astronomical applications). Media. journals. Papers. http://www.algonet.se/~bengtmn/www/wwwright.htm | |
26. UTLOL - Journals - Chaos, Solitons & Fractals UTLOL Resources - journals - Chaos, Solitons fractals. journalsChaos, Solitons fractals. Chaos, Solitons fractals Vol. 5 http://www.lib.utexas.edu/journals/descriptions/chaossolitonsandfractalselsevier | |
27. Chaos, Solitons And Fractals This journal is supplied by ScienceDirect. Location. Access the journal. Physicsand astronomy other useful journals subject home, What next. http://www.library.soton.ac.uk/info/journals/10571.shtml | |
28. Abdul Karim Bangura Reviews Eglash's "African Fractals" For The Nexus Network Jo of 19 books and more than 100 articles in refereed journals and other sources.His recent publications include Chaos Theory and African fractals (2000) and http://www.nexusjournal.com/reviews_v2n4-Bangura.html | |
29. Math On Web fractals and Scale ANU; General Relativity Queen Mary College, London; Levelset A page of mathematical preprints and electronic journals Geometry Center http://www.math.ufl.edu/math/math-web/mathmost.html | |
30. Applied Mathematics Journals Research; Finance and Stochastics; fractals; IMA Journal of AppliedMathematics; IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information; http://wwwprof.uniandes.edu.co/~aviswana/journals.html | |
31. Dydo - Dynamic Document Generator - Information Division - The University Of Mel Some especially topical journals in this area are Chaos (electronically through inperiodicals section) Chaos, solitons and fractals (electronically through http://dydo.infodiv.unimelb.edu.au/index.php?view=html;docid=1597 |
32. Project Euclid Journals fractals Every where. Determination of microstructural parameters of randomspatial surface fractals by measuring chord length distributions. http://projecteuclid.org/Dienst/UI/1.0/Display/euclid.aos/1032298281 | |
33. Project Euclid Journals If you have a personal subscription to this journal, then please login. I. (1983)The infinite number of generalized dimensions of fractals and strange http://projecteuclid.org/Dienst/UI/1.0/Display/euclid.bj/1081616697 | |
34. Opera Community Journals Saturday, 27 March 2004 001827. Body fractals. I synchronicity. My novel,The Sex Life of Worms, has been very much inspired by fractals. http://my.opera.com/quentinscrisp/journal/5 | |
35. Opera Community Journals noticed that, joy of joys, Maria stated her policy thus All fractals and spot startedthis blog, I also started another one with Live Journal simultaneously. http://my.opera.com/quentinscrisp/journal/9 | |
36. MetaPhys Physics Document Search Engine Surface Review and Letters (SRL). fractals. International Journal ofBifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering (IJBC). http://www.physik.uni-oldenburg.de/MetaPhys/journals.html | |
37. Fractals Subject fractals Date Tue, 13 Oct 1998 150415 0400 (EDT) fractals http//www.wspc.com/journals/fractals/fractals.html(Link inactive 11 May 2004) http http://gort.ucsd.edu/newjour/f/msg02389.html | |
38. Wauu.DE: Science: Math: Chaos And Fractals: Chaos: Journals http//ojps.aip.org/chaos/. Chaos, Solitons fractals Applications in science and http//link.springer.de/link/service/journals/00332/.Nonlinear Science Today http://www.wauu.de/Science/Math/Chaos_and_Fractals/Chaos/Journals/ | |
39. Math/Physics Journals Page Zeitschrift für Physik C. Nonlinear related journals Analyse Non Linéaire (NonLinear Analysis). Chaos. Chaos, Solitons fractals. Complexity. Complex Systems. http://grad.physics.sunysb.edu/~pottorf/info/journals.html | |
40. ZIS & ZFTiK @ WFiTJ AGH – Physical Journals C Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations Canadian Journal ofPhysics Chaos Chaos, Solitons and fractals Chemical Physics Chemical Physics http://www.zis.agh.edu.pl/Journals.html | |
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