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41. Internet Public Library: Mathematics related topic, applications from almost all areas where fractals are used by advertisers,the media, reporters, politicians, activists, and in general many non http://www.ipl.org/div/subject/browse/sci40.00.00/ | |
42. Newton Fractals It is also possible to construct Newton fractals for general polynomialsof degree between three and ten by entering the coefficients. http://members.optusnet.com.au/~peterstone/nwtn.html | |
43. ThinkQuest : Library : Fractals Unleashed Tips. general Tips. While diagrams. Below are some of our own suggestionsfor programming fractals, which we came up with while doing it. http://library.thinkquest.org/26242/full/progs/t2.html | |
44. Fractal Web Sites Excellent source of information on fractal art and fractals in general. If you area neophyte in fractal matters, this would be a good place to start learning. http://www.fractaldomains.com/html/sites.html | |
45. CALResCo Major Complex Systems Software Links Osinga Evolutionary Art Andrew Rowbottom Evolutionary Computation - PDP Lab fractals- Paul N well known authors or open source code systems for general use) http://www.calresco.org/sos/software.htm | |
46. Historical Notes: History Of Fractals somewhat mixed success, leading to the introduction of multifractals with more parameters,but MandelbrotÂs general idea of the importance of fractals is now http://www.wolframscience.com/reference/notes/934a | |
47. Stephen Wolfram: A New Kind Of Science | Online somewhat mixed success, leading to the introduction of multifractals with more parameters,but Mandelbrot s general idea of the importance of fractals is now http://www.wolframscience.com/nksonline/page-934a-text | |
48. 4D Fractals the different type of fractals, hcmplx.c implementing hypercomplex fractals, andquatern.c they take a 3dimensionnal point IPoint, a general fractal structure http://skal.planet-d.net/quat/f_gal.ang.html | |
49. Fractalus Home Fractal Info, Information on fractals in general, and FractInt and Ultra fractalspecifically; how these images are created; tips, techniques, and tutorials. http://www.fractalus.com/home/ | |
50. Sprott's Fractal Gallery The following fractals are generalized Julia sets of 2D quadratic maps with techniqueis described in a paper Automatic Generation of general Quadratic Map http://sprott.physics.wisc.edu/fractals.htm | |
51. Cliff Pickover, Factals And The Pursuit Of Beauty Pickover s love of fractals and the general field of computerized visualizationhas made him one of the more prolific scientists at IBM. http://sprott.physics.wisc.edu/pickover/cliffpick.html | |
52. IFS Fractals Sorry, your browser doesn t support Java. http://www.ncku.edu.tw/~general/chinese/ | |
53. Fractals In general, fractals arising in a chaotic dynamical system have a far more complexscaling relation, usually involving a range of scales that can depend on http://www.drchaos.net/drchaos/Book/node9.html | |
54. Math 90Q General Information . This isa sophomore seminar. The topics we will cover include classical fractals, self......Math 90Q general Information Fall 2003. Back to home. Course http://math.stanford.edu/~dlevy/90/info.html | |
55. Fractals For fractals we have in general. where is the fractal dimension of theobject. From B.1 we obtain the definition of the fractal dimension http://www.fys.uio.no/~eaker/thesis/node67.html | |
56. Workshop Announcement in allometric scaling laws) can be predicted to stem from general biological and questioncan be phrased in several ways for example, can fractals be used as http://discuss.santafe.edu/biofractals/ | |
57. Efg's Mathematics Page general, Dr. GA Edgar www.math.ohiostate.edu/~edgar. 3D Fractal html. AnimatedGIFs, http//sprott.physics.wisc.edu/fractals/animated. Bifurcation, http://www.efg2.com/Lab/Library/mathematics.htm | |
58. Fractals, Chaos, Symmetry, Physical Laws And Computer Programs The There is a general way for computer programs to simulate natural phenomena?What Whyfractals seem to represent natural phenomena and shapes better than simple http://www.ba.infn.it/~zito/plaw.html | |
59. General Pascal's Triangle As A Modulo Sum Rule Don t let it fool you that I use an experimental mathematics approach the generalapplication of this mathematics does not depend on who or what by what http://astronomy.swin.edu.au/~pbourke/fractals/pascalmodulo/ | |
60. General Information 1. general INFORMATION. Therefore it proves to be an ideal tool to study FRACTALSgenerated by iteration of COMPLEX VARIABLES FUNCTIONS, like MANDELBROT and http://www.ciram.unibo.it/~strumia/Fractals/FractalMatlab/GenInfo.html | |
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