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Fractals & Music: more detail | ||||||
21. MuSoft Builders: Creating Music Out Of Fractals With A Musical Generator Create music out of fractals, numbers, your name or photo with a musicalGenerator. fractals. A musical Generator was designed around fractals. http://www.musoft-builders.com/links/fractals.shtml | |
22. HOLONOMY AND FRACTALS ON MUSIC: HOLOFRACTAL MUSIC AS A SEMIOSIC SYNTHESIS Holonomy and fractals in music. Holofractal music as a semiosic synthesis. Schroeder,Martin. fractals in music in Clifford Pickover, Fractal Horizons. http://www.geocities.com/absbsemiotica/holofrac.htm | |
23. Fractal Music. Fractal Sounds. FractMus: A FREEWARE Fractal Music Composer. Fractal music, Fractal sounds, composition software, create music usingmathematics and fractals !!! Visit Fractal music at mp3.com! http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Haven/4386/ | |
24. Fractals And Fractal Art See and hear what can be done with fractals in music and Art; find out more aboutfractals; learn about the software used to create fractal art and music http://thinks.com/webguide/fractal.htm | |
25. ICMA : Array Book reviews. fractals in music Introductory Mathematics for musicalAnalysis. by Charles Madden. High Arts Press (ISBN 0967172756). http://www.computermusic.org/array.php?artid=12 |
26. Fractals fractals as music. In this sense, fractals are wonderful tools to generate numbersto use as pitches, durations, amplitudes, etc. in musical composition. http://www.davesabine.com/media/fractals.asp | |
28. Fractals And Music Links Fractal music Sites. There are many sites out there which explain fractals,fractal music and the approaches to generate fractal music. http://www.shef.ac.uk/misc/personal/mup99np/res/framus.htm | |
29. Cecdiscuss: The International Electroacoustic Community Discuss fractals in music. Subject fractals in music From Julia Dmitrioukova(bach@cityline.ru) Date Wed Nov 17 1999 083720 EST. Next http://alcor.concordia.ca/~kaustin/cecdiscuss/1999/2572.html | |
30. Cecdiscuss: The International Electroacoustic Community Discuss Re fractals in music. Subject Re fractals in music From Dennis Miller(dennismi@lynx.dac.neu.edu) Date Wed Nov 17 1999 214847 EST. http://alcor.concordia.ca/~kaustin/cecdiscuss/1999/2582.html | |
31. The Fractal Music Project fractals provide extremely interesting musical results, and the field isbecoming one of the the most exciting fields of new music research. http://www.zainea.com/fractalmus.htm | |
32. MusiNum - The Music In The Numbers Theoretical Articles. fractals, Chaos and music by Patrick Edwin Swickard; Chaos,SelfSimilarity, musical Phrase and Form by Gerald Bennett; Fractal music Sites. http://reglos.de/musinum/ | |
33. Kids Domain Music Games Java Games. Sound of Chaos Fractal music Make some neat music using fractals asyour guide . follow the links for more info about musicians who do this http://www.kidsdomain.com/games/music.html | |
34. The Music Of José Oscar Marques The music of José Oscar Marques. The Strange Beauty of Fractal music. TOPOF PAGE. About fractals and Fractal music (and a few links) http://www.midiworld.com/c/jmarques.htm | |
35. Stereophile: Music & Fractals music fractals. John Atkinson, November, 1990. I would also add to Mr. Lambshead shypothesis the statement that music itself is also pseudofractal. http://www.stereophile.com/asweseeit/24/ | |
36. Applications Of Fractals (Landini 2512). fractals AND music. Schroeder, Manfred. fractals in music, chapter11 in CA Pickover (Ed.). Fractal Horizons The Future Use of fractals. http://www.stanford.edu/~jje/fractals/html/applications.html |
37. ¡¶Gnomon: From Pharaoh To Fractals¡· fractals in music Introductory Mathematics for musical Analysis» CharlesMadden Hardcover August 1999 http://www.hrbust.edu.cn/xywz/east_new/fxlz/fxlz090.htm | |
38. Chaffey's Fractals - Music Fractal music Links Last Updated February 28, 2003. Fractal music LABhttp//members.aol.com/strohbeen/fml.html by DT Strohbeen, http://www.chaffey.org/fractals/music/ | |
39. Complex Systems Research fractals, SelfOrganisation, Biological and Chemical Complexity, Nonlinearity,Branching Networks Random Walk Sampling, Electronic music and the DJ. http://www.swin.edu.au/chem/bio/fractals/refslist.htm | |
40. The Chaos Metalink -- Featured Sites Don Archer s Fractal Art, music and Udraw fractals Site This multi-purposesite belongs to the director of MOCA, the Museum of Computer Art. http://www.industrialstreet.net/chaosmetalink/LiveSites.asp?CategoryID=4 |
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