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21. Dynamical Systems And Technology Project topics in mathematics (chaos, fractals, dynamics) into the classroom teaching ideas concerning chaos and fractals. There are also site designed to teach the mathematics behind the http://math.bu.edu/DYSYS | |
22. Chaos And Fractal Geometry Tutorials And/or Resources For Teaching Chaos. They H fractals and chaos An Illustrated Course Paul S. Addison. fractals for the Classroom Strategic activities Vol 1 - Heinz-Otto Peitgen, Hartmut http://metastore.metaculture.net/science/fractal/learning/default.asp | |
23. Untitled Document this unit include Interactive Mathematics Infinite Windows, fractals A Tool activities, Iteration A Tool Kit of Dynamic activities, and chaos A Tool http://whiteaker.salkeiz.k12.or.us/math/enrichmentalg.html | |
24. Mathematics Resources For Educators Grades 49 Math 7. Frisbie Middle School activities for teaching History, examples, applications and links on chaos and chaos Theory fractals What is a http://falcon.jmu.edu/~ramseyil/math.htm | |
25. BSU 96-98 Graduate Math Course Descriptions Presents and analyzes mathematical activities, models, games, and related background material that can be used 540 INTRODUCTION TO fractals chaos (4 credits http://www.bemidjistate.edu/BSUCatalog/GRADCATALOG/MATH/Courses.html | |
26. BSU 2000-02 Graduate Mathematics Course Descriptions FOR THE SECONDARY CLASSROOM (3 credits) Presents and analyzes mathematical activities, models, games, and 5440 INTRODUCTION TO fractals AND chaos (3 credits http://www.bemidjistate.edu/Catalog/00precatalog/GradCatalog/Math/courses.html | |
27. Law And Disorder: The New Science Of Chaos The philosophic implications of the new chaos theories and the basic laws of fractals and chaos attractors For more on fractals and chaos visit the School of a set of two or more activities . http://www.lawsofwisdom.com/LawsofWisdom/chapter6.html | |
28. WTHS IMC Math math ideas to classrooms through interactive activities. with over 500 pictures chaos, fractals and Arcadia an explanation of fractals Mathematical Art of MC http://www.wtps.org/wths/imc/SubjectSites/math.htm | |
29. WWNFF Teacher Outreach dynamical systems, data analysis, fractals, and chaos. and Escher art, geometric designs, fractals, soap bubble The activities focus on the integration of http://www.woodrow.org/teachers/outreach/math.html | |
30. AMTRAK RESERVATIONS AND MAPQUEST This game is similar to chaos, except the points are http//www.shodor.org/interactivate/activities/gasket/. http//math.rice.edu/~lanius/fractals/sierjava.html. http://www.arches.uga.edu/~eglazer/greenwood/chaos.htm | |
31. Karen L. Shuman Teaching Interests In finite mathematics, I used pairs activities in which partners could practice new learning workshops, one on graph theory and one on fractals and chaos. http://www.math.uiuc.edu/~kshuman/teachingindex.html | |
32. Blank based on the new textbook fractals and chaos Simplified for the Life enhanced by Internet online materials including lecture notes, activities, and online http://www.ccs.fau.edu/~liebovitch/mat1932-1.html | |
33. Larry S. Liebovitch science together; based on the new textbook fractals and chaos Simplified for by Internet online materials including lecture notes, activities, and online http://www.ccs.fau.edu/~liebovitch/larry.html | |
34. Teachers Empowering Teachers and Congruence Cabri Construction activities - Sketchpad Transformations and Math and Algebra1 Visualizing Quadratics chaos and fractals Linear Functions http://thales.cica.es/icme8/wgtg/tg19/allen/allen.poster2.html | |
35. Math Interactive Workshops -- Workshop #8 Finally, we will touch on the connection between fractals and chaos, and see is the use of a variety of media paper and pencil activities, concrete models http://www.learner.org/channel/workshops/math/work_8.html | |
36. Helpful Links: Math--Homeschool Christian.com links for math including these subtitles general, fractals, geometry, history, chaos complexity Includes stories, activities, exercises, and tutorials http://www.homeschoolchristian.com/Links/Math/ | |
37. MAE4350 Math Links and more! Investigating Patterns Symmetry and Tessellations Many Ideas activities. Educate Work? fractals and chaos Links Geometry. http://www.netrox.net/~labush/mae4350.htm |
38. Teacher Links Online Tool. CanTeach Numbers Games activities Ideas. The Mandelbrot Set fractals. A fractals Unit Elementary and Middle School. chaos Fractal Arts Illustrations http://www.netrox.net/~labush/tchlinks.html | |
39. Title Page teacher should act as a coach and motivator in many of the activities. will be introduced to different careers and fields that involve chaos and fractals. http://users.etown.edu/j/johnsonj/EdUnitPlan.htm | |
40. NETS For Students for the classroom Introduction to fractals and chaos. fractals for the classroom Complex systems and Spreadsheet activities in middle school mathematics (2nd http://cnets.iste.org/students/s_rbooks.html | |
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