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81. MSN Encarta - Fossil Fuels transformed into hydrocarbons. The most commonly used fossil fuels arepetroleum, coal, and natural gas. These substances are extracted http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761586407/Fossil_Fuels.html | |
82. FOSSIL mostly of ethane and ethane; whereas liquified petroleum gas (LPG) is primarily composedof propane and butane. Coal is the most abundant fossil fuel in the US http://www.eas.asu.edu/~holbert/eee463/FOSSIL.HTML | |
83. Fossils Into Fuels. Introduction Fossils into fuels, Contents. Institute of petroleum logo, http://www.schoolscience.co.uk/content/4/chemistry/fossils/ | |
84. CommUnity Of Minds : The Fossil Fuel Depletion Crisis Industrial civilization, as we know it, cannot exist without petroleum. scientistswill convince the reader of the validity of the fossil fuel energy crisis. http://solutions.synearth.net/stories/storyReader$8 | |
85. Sciforums.com - Is Petroleum A "fossil Fuel" ? sciforums, sciforums.com Science Earth Science Is petroleuma fossil fuel ? User Name, Remember Me? Password, http://www.sciforums.com/showthread.php?t=33316 |
86. Scientist Contends Petroleum Is Not A Fossil Fuel :: Disinformation :: The Gatew friends see it! Scientist Contends petroleum Is Not A fossil Fuelposted by daikomyo42 on Aug 21, 2003 1127 PM. Send this story http://www.disinfo.com/site/displayarticle335.html | |
87. Oil Crisis Administration. Joy Ride to Global Collapse. Economic and Political Impactsof fossil Fuel Use. Beyond Club. petroleum Resources. Energy Shortages. Oil http://healthandenergy.com/oil_crisis.htm | |
88. Fletcher Prouty Commentary - June As a nonfossil fuel, petroleum has no living antecedent. Therefore, petroleumis not a fossil fuel with a surface or near surface origin. http://www.prouty.org/oil.html | |
89. Hawaii's Energy Supply And, unlike other states, Hawaii has neither fossil fuel reserves, norpipelines, nor land connections to other sources of petroleum. http://www.hawaii.gov/dbedt/ert/e_supply.html | |
90. Geoscape Calgary - Fossil Fuel Energy fossil fuel energy. Millions of years ago, the region around Calgary wascovered by an inland sea teeming with marine life. petroleum today. http://www.nrcan.gc.ca/gsc/calgary/geoscape/topics/fuels_e.html | |
91. Coal - The Dirtiest, Most Plentiful Fossil Fuel FALL OF petroleum CIVILIZATION? Articles of interest Antiglobalization protestgrows, with tangible results. WTO protests page Tax fossil-fuel energy easily http://www.culturechange.org/coal.html | |
92. Bellona Calls On Petroleum Industry To Invest In Future Of CO2 Capture And Stora If the fossil fuel industry wants becoming part of the solution, said Hauge at theconference organised by the International petroleum Industry Environmental http://www.bellona.no/en/energy/31585.html | |
93. About O I L And P E T R O L E U M The name petroleum is from a combination of Latin words meaning rock oil . Oil fuel,in all of its usable forms, is a refined product, unlike coal and natural http://www.bydesign.com/fossilfuels/links/html/oil.html | |
94. L I N K C E N T E R Fossilfuels.org One thousand links for anyone who wants to learn how North America uses its fossil fuel resources. http://www.bydesign.com/fossilfuels/links | |
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