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Fossil Fuels Natural Gas & Gas Hydrates: more detail |
61. CERC - Clean Energy Research Centre - Peter Englezos a crystal formed by water and natural gas constituents a class of inclusion compoundscalled clathrate or gas hydrates. than all the world s fossil fuel reserves http://www.cerc.ubc.ca/PeterEnglezosresearch.htm | |
62. Fossil Energy Technologies-Conducts Innovative, Science-based Research And Devel liquefied natural gas and compressed natural gas as alternatives to conventionalgasoline and diesel fuels for powering to those in the fossil energy community http://www.scitechresources.gov/Results/show_result.php?rec=2014 |
63. May 8 Abstract and gas hydrates as a possible natural source of is the Manager of the ESS gas hydrates Fuel of the as related to the impact of fossil fuel production and http://www.cspg.org/body_may_8_abstract.html | |
64. Fossil Fuels Most important by far are the fossil fuels oil, gas, coal. HydrocarbonsOil and gas. liquid fuels from natural gas. http://www.eps.mcgill.ca/~dwalker/243c/FossilFuels.htm | |
65. Natural Gas Technologies And Alternative Fuels Research - Fossil Energy - INEEL fossil Energy Technologies. natural gas Alternative fuels Research. INEELLNG bus provided clean transportation at Yellowstone National Park. http://energy.inel.gov/fossil/lng/default.shtml | |
66. Alexander S Gas Oil Connections - NRCan Leads Natural Gas the world s natural gas hydrate reservoirs contain more than twice the amount ofenergy found in all other known sources of fossil fuels (including natural gas http://www.gasandoil.com/goc/company/cnn21826.htm |
67. Canada Research Chairs - Chairholders The EarthÂs gas hydrate reserves exceed conventional carbon reserves and containmostly natural gas, the cleanest burning of all available fossil fuels. http://www.chairs.gc.ca/web/chairholders/viewprofile_e.asp?id=1240&UniversityID= |
68. Science News: The Ice That Burns - Methane Hydrates Research the prospect of vast new fossil fuel deposits has USGS) estimates that the methanehydrates hidden beneath US 200 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, enough to http://www.findarticles.com/cf_dls/m1200/1998_Nov_14/53280932/p1/article.jhtml | |
69. PROSPECTS OF NATURAL GAS, CONDENSATES, AND GAS HYDRATES IN THE SCOTIAN MARGIN, E 2010 may increase demand for methane to steer cleaner fossil fuel energy in NorthAmerica. The abundant prospects of natural gas and gas hydrates within the http://gsa.confex.com/gsa/2003NE/finalprogram/abstract_50907.htm |
70. Gw22 more than twice that of all other fossil fuels combined States at 320,000 trillioncubic feet of gas, some 200 times conventional natural gas resources and http://www.hprcc.unl.edu/nebraska/gw22.html | |
71. Senator Daniel K. Akaka - Press Release is twice as much carbon in methane hydrate than all other fossil fuels, includingcoal. By any measure, this is a staggering resource. natural gas will grow in http://akaka.senate.gov/releases/98/980723.html | |
72. BBC News | SCI/TECH | Fossil Fuel Revolution Begins more efficiently and cleanly than any other fossil fuel. are so interested in gashydrates is the 80,000 times greater than those for conventional natural gas. http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_532000/532468.stm | |
73. Methane As A Fuel humanrelated activities such as fossil fuel production, animal benefit by usingthis fuel source onsite some 200 times conventional natural gas resources and http://healthandenergy.com/methane_fuel.htm | |
74. Methane Hydrate This suggests that human activities such as burning of biomass, fossil fuel explorationand distribution, rice farming gas (Methane) hydrates  A New http://healthandenergy.com/methane_hydrate.htm | |
75. Lecture 21 May 2003 The publication natural gas in the Netherlands At best, its contribution to fossilfuel supplies will be 30 even without a contribution from gas hydrates and geo http://www.clingendael.nl/ciep/lectures/lecture_2003_05_21.htm | |
76. EES215 Lecture 21 between 2 and 40x10 15 m 3 ; ie very large compared to known reservoirs of fossilfuels or current use of natural gas. Origin of gas hydrates dating (using http://www.earth.rochester.edu/fehnlab/ees215/lect21.html | |
77. Natural Gas, Oil Occur Naturally does not prove that it is a fossil fuel; it proves coal prove that coal is not madefrom those fossils. work contends that there is so much natural gas in the http://www.americanfreepress.net/RFA_Articles/Natural_Gas__Oil_Occur_Natural/nat | |
78. Petroleum Conservation Research Association increasing and cannot be met by the depleting fossil fuel. petrochemicals and alsoas a fuel so as fraction for LPG and stabilized natural gas condensate for http://www.pcra.org/petroleum.html | |
79. Ruhrgas AG - Umwelt - Start natural gas has become a key fuel for environmentally Making the use of natural gaseven more efficient most environmentally compatible of all fossil sources of http://www.ruhrgas.de/englisch/umwelt/ | |
80. File Moved Thomas Hayden Citation May 27, 2002 p 6062 Section Science Technology SubjectsFOSSIL fuels; ARCTIC; CANADA; OIL FIELDS; natural gas; GEOLOGY Word Count http://www.usnews.com/usnews/issue/020527/misc/27gas.htm |
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