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101. Edsger Dijkstra - How Do We Tell Truths That Might Hurt? Short, tonguein-cheek essay by Edsger Dijkstra on old problems in programming, many of which are embarrassingly still with us criticizes APL, BASIC, COBOL, fortran, PL/I, natural language programming. http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~evans/cs655/readings/ewd498.html | |
102. GrWin Graphics Library An easy to use free graphics library for fortran and C(C++) available on Win32 platforms using MinGw, cygwin, VC++/VF or BCC. Interactive graphics programming can be made with it. http://spdg1.sci.shizuoka.ac.jp/grwinlib/english/ | |
103. Milwaukee School Of Engineering · Jarrett Keith Simerson Seeking an internship that will capitalize on Computer Engineering skills, with primary interest in software and hardware integration. programming skills Basic, Quick Basic, Visual Basic, fortran, Pascal, Turbo Pascal, C++, 68HC11 ASM. http://www.msoe.edu/~simersoj/JarrettSimersonResumeWeb.htm | |
104. High Performance Computing UCLA Plasma Simulation Group Links to papers on ObjectOriented programming in fortran 90, Optimization techniques forÃÂ RISC processors, Parallel Particle-in-Cell Codes, Parallel Computing Tutorial, and Modernization of fortran Legacy Codes. http://exodus.physics.ucla.edu/high performance computing/high.performance.comp. | |
105. Programming Languages Are Like Women Humorous analogies between women and Assembly, fortran, COBOL, BASIC, PL/1, C, Algol 60 and 68, Pascal, Modula2, LISP, APL, Logo, Lucid and Prolog, Ada. Inspired by Fun with Computer Languages. http://www.gksoft.com/a/fun/languages-women.html | |
106. Owain F Carter : Programming Languages As Cars 183 Humorous analogies between cars and Assembly, fortran II/IV/77, COBOL, BASIC, PL/1, C, Algol 60/68, Pascal, Modula2, LISP, Prolog/Lucid, Maple/MACSYMA, Forth, Logo, APL, Ada. Inspired by Fun with Computer Languages. http://homepages.tesco.net/~scotsnet/o.f.carter/fun/fun183.htm | |
107. Fortran Programmers Club From the fortran Programmer's Club. Site also has Windows executables for a scientific calculator and ODE solver, with fortran source that can be purchased. http://els.donpac.ru/usr/golub/fortran/FClub.html | |
108. CGI Programming Dicusses CGI programming in fortran. http://www-structure.llnl.gov/Xray/comp/cgi_prog.htm | |
109. F Programming, A Tutorial Introduction By Robert Moniot, provides a short introduction to the F programming language, which is a subset of fortran 95. This book, organized in tutorial style, is intended for the novice programmer who wants to learn enough fortran to do typical numerical computations. In PDF format. http://www.swcp.com/~walt/fortran_store/Html/Info/books/ftutorial.html | |
110. KFWin - Fortan Windows Programming Compatible with Microsoft fortran Powerstation 4, developed by KORF software. http://www.korf.co.uk/fortran_1.html | |
111. Intel(R) VTune(TM) Performance Analyzer Time and Event-Based, System-Wide Sampling estimates the actual performance of software with negligible overhead. Call graph profiling displays program flow to quickly identify critical functions and call sequences. Counter monitor allows the tracking of system activity during runtime, to identify performance issues. Supports most commonly used programming languages and environments including Microsoft C and .NET, Compaq Visual fortran and Java*, thereby allowing developers to use the product in their specific environment. Linux support is provided through a remote agent. http://developer.intel.com/software/products/vtune/vpa/ | |
112. FORTRAN--Programming - Addison-Wesley And Benjamin Cummings Catalog fortran 90 programming TM R. Ellis, University of Oxford, UK Ivor R. Philips, Boeing Computer Services Thomas M. Lahey, Lahey Computer Systems, Inc. http://www.aw-bc.com/catalog/academic/course/0,1143,70064,00.html | |
113. Winteracter - The Fortran 9x GUI Toolset GUI toolset for the fortran 90/95 programming language. It consists of various visual development tools and a substantial subroutine library. Versions are available for most fortran 9x compilers. http://www.winteracter.com/ | |
114. The Basis Code Development System System for developing interactive computer programs in fortran. Using Basis you can create a program that has a sophisticated programming language as its user interface so that the user can set, calculate with, and plot, all the major variables in the program. The program author writes only the scientific part of the program in fortran, C or C++; Basis supplies an environment in which to exercise that scientific programming which includes an interactive language interpreter, graphics, error recovery, macros, saving and retrieving variables, formatted I/O, and online documentation. http://basis.llnl.gov/index.html | |
115. Foo Preprocessor by Dylan Jayatilaka and Daniel James Grimwood which encourages a good objectoriented programming style. Foo code currently translates into fortran 95 code. http://www.theochem.uwa.edu.au/tonto/documentation/htmlmanual/foo-chap.html |
116. Object-Oriented Programming Via Fortran 90/95 By Ed Akin (Cambridge University Press). Shows how to program technical applications in a modern objectoriented approach, using fortran 90/95. Book comes with CD-ROM of code. Site has a description and table of contents. http://books.cambridge.org/0521524083.htm | |
117. Introduction To Fortran 90/95, Algorithms, And Structured Programming By R. A. Vowels. Emphasizes fundamentals of structured programming through study of fortran 90/95. It is designed for a reader's first or second exposure to computer programming, and is intended to provide a sound grounding for the reader who desires to study fortran 90/95 in greater depth. Site describes book and lists contents in detail. http://www.users.bigpond.com/robin_v/f90-cont.htm | |
118. Programming In Fortran 90/95 By Steve Morgan and Lawrie Schonfelder (McGrawHill). Covers fortran 95 and the fortran 2003 features of varying length strings, enhanced data types, and exception handling. Site describes book. http://www.swcp.com/~walt/fortran_store/Html/Info/books/pf9095.html | |
119. Fortran 95 Handbook By standards committee members Jeanne C. Adams, Walter S. Brainerd, Jeanne T. Martin, Brian T. Smith, and Jerrold L. Wagener (MIT Press). Complete description of the fortran 95 programming language. Chapters follow the same sequence of topics as the fortran 95 standard but contain a more thorough and informal explanation of the language's features and many more examples. Site describes book. http://mitpress.mit.edu/catalog/item/default.asp?ttype=2&tid=8182 |
120. Numerical Recipes In Fortran fortran 90 is a generalpurpose programming langauge that provides superior facilities for dealing with numerical data, and it is far and away the best http://www.sali.freeservers.com/engineering/fortran.html | |
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