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61. WR96 Table Of Contents Purchasing Power Parity Economic Inequality Economic Growth and the environment DataTables Chapter 9 forests and Land Cover Introduction State of the World s http://www.wri.org/wri/wr-96-97/96tocful.html | |
62. Taking Action FPEG Home governance, governance failures, and assessing the impacts of public policies onthe poor and the environment. More Picture forests, markets and the poor, http://www.wri.org/ffi/burma/ | |
63. Environment such as the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), the Global environment Facility (GEF toclamp down on destructive logging which currently is decimating forests. http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/EXTSITETOOLS/0,,contentMDK:20147675~men | |
64. Sacbee.com -- Environment -- State Of Denial: World's Other Forests Feed State's Thick as a phone book, a new state report on the environment cites a littlerecognizeddanger to global forests California. By consuming vast amounts of http://www.sacbee.com/content/news/environment/story/7543509p-8485067c.html | |
65. Forestry And Land Use: Governance, Markets, Services And Livelihoods role of ethical dialogue in the fate of the forests) argues that international conferencein Scotland entitled Global ethics, development, environment and the http://www.iied.org/forestry/ | |
66. Forest History Society Bibliography All Forest History Society databases (Archival Guide, Bibliography, USFS HistoryCollection, forests in Fiction, and environment of South and Southeast Asia http://www.lib.duke.edu/forest/biblio.html | |
67. IPS- Environment environmentBRAZIL Landowners Come to the Aid of Atlantic forests Mario Osava*RIO DE JANEIRO, May 19 (Tierramérica) Some 360 private reserves have been http://www.ipsnews.net/environment.asp | |
68. WFSE - World Forests, Society And Environment IUFRO s Special Project. World forests, Society and environment. http://iufro.boku.ac.at/iufro/wfse/ | |
69. Protecting The Forests With Btk - Dept. Of Environment And 1993. Environmental report and current status of Bacillus thuringiensis var. ForestryCanada and Province of British Columbia Ministry of forests, Victoria, BC. http://www.gov.nl.ca/env/Env/PollPrev/pesticides/protecting_the_forests.asp |
70. OneWorld.net - OneWorld.net>In Depth>Environment>Forests solutions. Story link From environment News Service (ENS) Relatedtopics/regions Brazil forests environment Image Amazon http://www.oneworld.net/article/archive/554/140 | |
71. OneWorld.net - OneWorld.net>In Depth>Environment>Forests timber industry s top lobby group. Story link From Inter Press ServiceRelated topics/regions Australia forests environment. http://www.oneworld.net/article/archive/554/400 | |
72. BCGEU: Save Our Forests & Environment Services Save our forests environment services, POSTERS A series of posters have been producedto draw attention to the cuts in the forests and environment ministries. http://www.bcgeu.ca/index.php4?id=1049 |
73. Bama Environmental News time you can truly celebrate Earth Day doing your part for the environment. identifiedmany of the interests, needs and attitudes of Alabama s forests owners http://www.bamanews.com/ | |
74. Statistics Canada: Canadian Statistics: The Land: Environment Canadian Statistics. environment. forests Air Water Animal and plant lifeenvironment industry environmental practices and pollution control. http://www.statcan.ca/english/Pgdb/enviro.htm | |
75. GEO-2000: Chapter Two: The State Of The Environment - North America - Forests Global environment Outlook 2000. Chapter Two The State of the environment North America - forests. UNEP Global environment Outlook http://www1.unep.org/geo-text/0097.htm | |
76. State Of The World's Forests 1999 Environmental And Social Services Of Forests forests on small islands have an important role in protecting watersheds,maintaining good water supplies and protecting the marine environment. http://www.fao.org/docrep/W9950E/w9950e04.htm | |
77. JGI | Roots & Shoots | Activities | Environment Activity for the environment forests Water. Activityfor the environment forests Water. http://www.janegoodall.ca/rs/rs_activ_enviro_forest.html | |
78. Forestry Commission - Scotland - Environment environment and wildlife. We aim to ensure that Scotland s trees, woodsand forests make a positive contribution to the environment . http://www.forestry.gov.uk/forestry/hcou-4ucg4q | |
79. Science, Environment: Forests And Rainforests ODI Forest Policy and environment Group FPEG seeks to inform the processes ofpolicy change in tropical forestry in ways which improve the livelihoods and http://www.combose.com/Science/Environment/Forests_and_Rainforests/ | |
80. Rainforest Resources tropical forests are our greatest living laboratories. They are an untapped libraryof resources for medicine, food, human welfare and the global environment, http://www.rainforest-alliance.org/resources/tflives.html | |
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