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         Forestry Sustainable:     more books (100)
  1. Sustainable Forestry Development Through Grass Roots Institutions (The Forests, Trees & People Programme)
  2. The Business of Sustainable Forestry Case Study - Portico S. A: Portico S. A. Strategic Decisions 1982-1997 (Business of Sustainable Forestry; Analyses and Case Studies) by Betty J. Diener, 1999-06-01
  3. The myth, reality & social process of sustainable forest management.(Canadian forestry industry): An article from: Journal of Business Administration and Policy Analysis by Jane Lister, 2002-01-01
  4. The forest through the trees: a century of sustainable forestry. (includes related article)(1896-1996: Wood & Wood Products Centennial): An article from: Wood & Wood Products by Debra Sykes, 1995-01-01
  5. Accounting for Sustainable Forestry Management: A Case Study
  6. Building better rural places federal programs for sustainable agriculture, forestry, conservation, and community development (SuDoc A 1.89/3:B 86/2001) by Romana A. Vysatova, 2001
  7. Global Concerns for Forest Resource Utilization - Sustainable Use and Management (FORESTRY SCIENCES Volume 62)
  8. Nature's air conditioners. (trees supply needed oxygen; deforestation around the world could threaten ecological balance)(Sustainable Development - Forestry): ... from: Canada and the World Backgrounder
  9. Planted Forests: Contributions to the Quest for Sustainable Societies (Forestry Sciences)
  10. Non-wood Forest Products for Rural Income and Sustainable Forestry (Non-wood Forest Products) by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1996-04
  11. Sustainable Forestry a 20th Century Concept for an Ancient Industry.: An article from: Arkansas Business by John Henry, 1999-12-27
  12. The Business of Sustainable Forestry Case Study - Vernon Forestry: Vernon Forestry Log Sorting For Profit (Business of Sustainable Forestry; Analyses and Case Studies) by Catherine M. Mater, Scott M. Mater, 1998-05-01
  13. Bioenergy from Sustainable Forestry: Guiding Principles and Practice (Forestry Sciences)
  14. The Business of Sustainable Forestry Case Study - Menominee: Menominee Tribal Enterprises Sustainable Forestry To Improve Forest Health And Create Jobs ... Forestry; Analyses and Case Studies) by Catherine M. Mater, 1999-06-01

81. Forestry Commission - Environment - Indicators
of consultation process on new set of indicators for sustainable forestry for the UK. indicators of sustainable forestry.......
Quick links
Forestry strategy Communities in England ... related news sustainable forestry indicators
indicators of sustainable forestry
The Forestry Commission, in association with the Forest Service (Northern Ireland) published " UK Indicators of Sustainable Forestry " on 31 October 2002. The 40 indicators cover a wide range of aspects of sustainable forestry in the UK. Updated information is available on this website, grouped under six themes: Woodland

Condition of forest and environment

Timber and other forest products
Economic aspects

The indicators are based on The UK Forestry Standard and pan-European Indicators of Sustainable Forest Management , and have been developed through two rounds of consultation in 2001 and 2002. Where possible, the publication includes statistics for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, as well as for the UK as a whole.
A printed version, priced £10, can be ordered from Forestry Commission Publications, PO Box 25, Wetherby, West Yorkshire, LS23 7EW; tel:0870 121 4180; fax:0870 121 4181; email:
For further information about the UK Indicators of Sustainable Forestry, please contact:

82. SUFORs Webbplats
SUFOR, sustainable forestry in southern Sweden, ¤r ett omfattande forskningsprogram om uth¥lligt skogsbruk i s¶dra Sverige. Forskningen inom SUFOR ska resultera i konkreta sk¶tselr¥d f¶r ett uth¥lligt skogsbruk ¥t skogs¤garna i s¶dra Sverige.

83. Ecoforestry Notes
Journal dedicated to the art, science, philosophy, and practice of sustainable forestry in healthy forests. Selected contents of past issues.
Ecoforestry Notes
Towards the Art, Science, Philosophy, and Practice of Ecologically Responsible Forestry The Journal Ecoforestry is published through the Ecoforestry Institute Society in Canada, in partnership with the Ecoforestry Institute of the U.S. Ecoforestry Notes chronicles the work of the Institute in the U.S. Wildlife Redcedar at Altazor Forest, Idaho Current issue: 15:1 Spring 2000 Editorial, Editor
Good Forestry:
Neutrality, Death, Sowbugs, and Principles, Alan Wittbecker
Current issue: 14:4 Winter 1999-2000 Ecoforestry as Poetic Activity: Closing Address, Forests for the Future, Alan Wittbecker
Media Review: Forests for the Future, Editor Redcedar Grove at Altazor Forest, Idaho Past Issues of the Ecoforestry journal cover topics from certification and planning to forest health and restoration.

84. Danish International Development Assistance (DANIDA) Supported Comprehensive Wat
Assisting in dry land agriculture, range management, horticulture and forestry on private and common land on a sustainable basis. Covers the districts of Dhar, Jhabua and Ratlam.
Sharing Project Innovations
The Project Area covers three western districts of Madhya Pradesh namely Dhar, Jhabua and Ratlam. It consists of a cluster of three watersheds (one in each district) draining into the Mahi River. Thirteen priority sub-watersheds were identified for the implementation of the project.
WOCAT Workshop Objective: To facilitate land-users to practice dry land agriculture, range management, horticulture and forestry on private and common land on a sustainable basis.
National Informatics Centre
, Madhya Pradesh
DANIDA supported Comprehensive Watershed Development Project
Agriculture Department, Malwa Region, Ratlam, Madhya Pradesh

85. Virginia’s Sustainable Forestry Initiative Program
resources? The answer from America’s forest products industry is the sustainable forestry Initiative (SFI) ® Program. The SFI
Objectives SHARP Loggers Water Quality Program ... Contact Us Home How can America have the wood and paper products it needs today while protecting the environment and ensuring that future generations have the same abundant resources? Program. The SFI Program provides exacting environmental standards and performance measures that integrate the protection of our environment with the perpetual growing and harvesting of trees. Sustainable forestry practices meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. This includes practicing a land stewardship ethic that integrates the reforestation, managing, growing, nurturing and harvesting of trees for useful products with the conservation of soil, air and water quality, wildlife and fish habitat, special areas, and aesthetics. The SFI Program was created in 1994 by the forest products industry, conservation organizations, landowners, loggers, academia and other stakeholders. Since that time, hundreds of companies and others in the forest products industry have implemented the SFI Program Standard on their own lands and on lands from which they acquire timber.
An independent Sustainable Forestry Board monitors the effectiveness of the SFI Program Standard and the Verification Procedures and monitors and resolves non-compliance issues. The SFI Program is also monitored by an independent External Review Panel, comprised of representatives from the environmental, professional, conservation, academic and public sectors. Failure to comply with the SFI Program Standard results in expulsion from the program.

Contributes to the debate about sustainable forest management by collating and disseminating information on companies operating in the forestry sector around the world.
About Forests Monitor Publications Search Database ... Links
Contact details
Forests Monitor Ltd.
69A Lensfield Road
U.K. email:
(PGP Key available) Tel: +44 (0)1223 360975
Fax: +44 (0)1223 359048 Registered in England No.3008440 FORESTS MONITOR aims to contribute to the debate about sustainable forest management by collating and disseminating information on companies operating in the forestry sector around the world. The forestry sector has traditionally operated without independent scrutiny and we work to increase transparency and accountability of the sector. This web site contains publications, maps and some of the information we hold on forestry companies. Please use the links in the menu on the left of the page to navigate around the site. The information contained in this site is compiled from a variety of sources. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information but no responsibility can be accepted for errors or omissions that occur. The situation regarding forestry companies and their operations changes rapidly and comments and additional information will be welcome.
Site last updated: 4 March 2004

87. International Conference On Economics Of Sustainable Forest Management
Conference, SocioEconomic forestry Working Group, Faculty of forestry, University of Toronto, Professor Shashi Kant

88. ETHZ - Polyproject PRIMALP - Sustainable Primary Production In The Alpine Region
An interdisciplinary ETHZ research project on sustainable agriculture and forestry in the Alpine region. Read project presentation, abstracts, and biography.
Our Mission Polyproject PRIMALP — Sustainable Primary Production in the Alpine Region The quickly changing ecological, economic, social, and political environments confront society and science with new challenges to solve existing and newly emerging conflicts which impede both a sustainable land use, and sustainable agriculture and forestry in the Alpine region. A broad interdisciplinary co-operation is required to develop improved technical, organizational and political concepts and solutions for sustainable future primary production. These principles are pursued within the scope of the Polyproject 'PRIMALP — Sustainable Primary Production in the Alpine Region'. The project has two main objectives:
  • Identification and development of sustainable agricultural and forestry production systems for the Alpine region ('best practices' projects); Development of tools and models for the analysis and evaluation of infrastructure requirements and policy decision-making ('best policies' projects).
Specific research topics are dealt with as individual projects . The results of the individual projects are integrated into a ' Core Project '. Within the scope of the Core Project, an ecological-economic model is built. It serves as a tool for the evaluation of alternative production systems and as a means for the development and communication of consistent concepts for a resource-efficient and sustainable agriculture and forestry in mountain regions.

89. The-Tree
Explores knowledge about trees, woodlands and forests and encourages action to preserve and increase treecover, sustainable lifestyles and economy. Special areas of focus are promoting UK tree-cover and community forestry, as well as researching British tree medicine and European tree traditions.
Welcome to
a resource and meeting place for tree-lovers and green activists.
hundreds of pages about many different facets of knowledge
about trees and forests!
and growing....
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90. Sustainable Forestry Project
To establish sustainable forest practices and conserve forest ecosystems by promoting selective logging and requiring the use of organic weed and pest controls on forest lands of the state, amending ORS 527.610527.992.
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91. Southern Regional Extension Forestry - Sustainable Use Of Forests
Home » Events » sustainable Use of Forests for NonTimber Values and Products. sustainable Use of Forests for Non-Timber Values and Products.

92. Guyana Forestry Commission- Homepage
Contains reports on certification, sustainable forest management, silviculture, zoning, mangroves and social aspects of forestry based on the Guyana experience.

Site Map What's New
Contact Us

Site Map What's New
Contact Us

93. Southern Regional Extension Forestry - Sustainable Forestry Wood
Fill in the email address of your friend to send an email with the address. Page summary. sustainable forestry Wood Products Program Manager.

94. Pembukaan
A pilot project created in 1996 by European Union and The Indonesian Ministry of forestry to develop a replicable example of sustainable forest management in Indonesia.
Selamat Datang di Situs Berau Forest Bridging Project
Welcome to Berau Forest Bridging Proje ct Site
Pilih bahasa anda Select your language Indonesia English BFBP site version 1.0 Browser compatibility: Internet Explorer

95. Sustainable Forestry Initiative - SFI
Enter the sustainable forestry Initiative Website.

96. Forestry Nova Scotia
The Association for sustainable forestry is a progressive organization which provides small private woodland owners with the financial means to implement
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Association for Sustainable Forestry
PO Box 696
Truro, Nova Sctoia B2N 5E5
Tel: 902.895.1179 Fax: 902.893.1197
Sustainable Forestry
Silviculture Criteria Dept. of Natural Resources Contact Us ...

Hosting By: DataSpeak Incorporated

97. Minnesota Interagency Information Cooperative
A partnership between county, state, and federal agencies, created by the sustainable Forest Resources Act of 1995, enhancing the access and use of forest resources data in Minnesota. Background, members, information on biodiversity, urban forestry, land use.
Enhancing the access and use of forest resources data in Minnesota. A partnership between the: Minnesota Forest Resources Council, MN Association of County Land Commissioners, MN Department of Natural Resources, MN Land Management Information Center, University of MN, and US Forest Service. Background A Brief Overview

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98. NRCan's Corporate Policy Directions - Where We Are Heading
An economic, sciencebased department with a mandate to promote the sustainable development and responsible use of Canada's mineral, energy, and forestry resources.
  • Sustainable Development Home Page Our People What We Do Natural Resources Canada is an economic, science-based department with a mandate to promote the sustainable development and responsible use of Canada's mineral, energy, and forestry resources; to develop an understanding of Canada's landmass; and to collect and disseminate knowledge on sustainable resource development. The Department conducts research and technical surveys to assess Canada's resources, including the geological structure and legal boundaries. NRCan is also authorized to provide the national framework of reference for spatial positioning; prepare and publish maps; conduct scientific and economic research related to the energy, forestry, mining and metallurgical industries; and to establish and operate scientific laboratories for these purposes. Last Updated: 2003-01-22 Important Notices

99. CNN - Nicaragua Gets Sustainable Forestry Investment - January 19, 1999

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Nicaragua gets sustainable forestry investment
According to the World Bank, it is clear that deforestation caused by human development and the expansion of the agriculture frontier has increased the devastating effects of Hurricane Mitch
January 19, 1999
Web posted at: 11:15 AM EST By Environmental News Network staff (ENN) Nicaragua will be the recipient of a $9-million investment from the World Bank to start reforestation and land rehabilitation activities in some of the areas most affected by Hurricane Mitch, the international lending organization has announced. According to the bank, one of the major obstacles currently facing Nicaragua's forestry management is the lack of entrepreneurial expertise to take advantage of existing opportunities for a more effective, productive and sustainable management of forest and land resources. "Unless a good market for forestry products can be developed, trees will continue to be looked upon as obstacles to agriculture and be cut down or burnt down, since they present no economic benefit for the landowner or shifting cultivator" said Paola Agostini, environmental economist of the World Bank and task manager of the project.

WWF is working to promote forestry Stewardship Council (FSC) approved national management standards for logging operations in Suriname and Guyana and to
Forests are a Precious Resources We all use paper and timber products in our daily lives and our needs for these resources are growing at alarming rates. Worldwide demand for paper - the single largest use of wood fibre - has increased fivefold since the 1950s, and it is expected to double again over the next 50 years. WWF-Guianas recently financed a training in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) at the Ministry of Natural Resources in Suriname to help local government inventory the country's forest ecosystems. Even worse, much of this use comes from consumption patterns that are unsustainable and do not take into account environmental, ecological and social consequences. So how do we balance this growing need for timber and paper and protect the planet from excessive exploitation? The answer to this question is forest certification. What is Forest Certification?

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