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81. Agriculture projects in agriculture, food and nutrition, and forestry. From the US Departmentof agriculture; JSTOR Journals PubMed The National Library of Medicine s great http://www.lib.uconn.edu/online/research/bysubject/agric.htm | |
82. CDL Browse Topic forestry, Databases (No limit) Results 13 (of 3) to the literature of agricultureand allied disciplines US National agriculture Library via Community of http://www.cdlib.org/cgi-bin/browse_topic?campus=ALL&perpage=20&format=Database& |
83. Ingenta: Forestry Resources US Institute for agriculture and Trade Policy http//www.iatp.org/iatp/About.cfm. WWWVirtual Library forestry http//www.metla.fi/info/vlib/forestry/. top, http://www.ingenta.com/isis/browsing/VisitSubjectResource/ingenta?subject=146 |
84. Subject Databases - Monash University Library and processing, including agriculture, horticulture, forestry, fisheries, food technologyand land, water and vegetation resources. The Library has moved to http://www.lib.monash.edu/databases/agriculture.html | |
85. Natural Resources Web Resources - Bioscience Library - UC Berkeley in agriculture Handbook no.8, Composition of foods. forestry. American Conifer Society;American Environmental Photographs (from University of Chicago Library); http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/BIOS/natr.html | |
86. BelAL - Belarus Agriculture Library Welcome to site www.belal.minsk.by! Belarus Agricultural Library (BelAL)is the national information centre for agriculture, food and forestry. http://www.belal.minsk.by/about/dirmessage/ | |
87. Effects Of Rural Agriculture And Plantation Forestry On High Andean Biodiversity Effects of Rural agriculture and Plantation forestry on High AndeanBiodiversity. By Thor Hjarsen Centre for Research on the Cultural http://www.mtnforum.org/resources/library/hjart97a.htm | |
88. Links To The World - Agriculture And Rural Issues most in spreadsheet format, mounted by Mann Library at Cornell US Senate Committeeon agriculture, Nutrition and forestry. Agricultural Magazines and http://www.leg.state.mn.us/lrl/links/agricult.asp | |
89. Zeal.com - United States - New - Work & Money - Industries - Agriculture sciences/agriculture/ Outlines the Lubbock university library s extensive collectionof system and the lead agency for agriculture, forestry, fisheries, and http://zeal.com/category/preview.jhtml?cid=90443 |
90. Online Burma Library > Main Library > Economy > Agriculture, Forestry And Fisher Home Main Library Economy agriculture, forestry and fisheries. Show Links.agriculture, forestry and fisheries. Administration (agriculture) (1). agriculture http://www.ibiblio.org/obl/show.php?cat=55 |
91. Forestry Library forestry Library Databases. AGRICOLA, 1970date, updated quarterly Subjects includeagriculture, forestry, plant pathology, plant science, human ecology, rural http://forestry.lib.umn.edu/research.phtml | |
92. The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Forestry Databases created by the National Agricultural Library and its encompassing all aspects ofagriculture and allied plant and animal sciences, forestry, entomology, soil http://www.metla.fi/info/vlib/Forestry/Category/Databases/ | |
93. Library from the National Agricultural Library (US); AGRIS from FAO; CAB Direct from CABInternational (Available from CGIAR centers only); Social Sciences in forestry http://www.cifor.cgiar.org/docs/_ref/library/ | |
94. OALJ Law Library, DOT, Agricultural, Fishery, Forestry, And Related Occupations Law Judges Law Library. DICTIONARY OF OCCUPATIONAL TITLES (4th Ed., Rev. 1991) OCCUPATIONAL GROUP ARRANGEMENT. 4 AGRICULTURAL, FISHERY, forestry, AND RELATED http://www.oalj.dol.gov/public/dot/refrnc/dot04a.htm | |
95. Jyväskylä Virtual Library - Veterinary, Agricultural And Forestry Sciences The Jyväskylä Virtual Library provider in the field of in the field of Veterinary, agricultural and forestry sciences Viikki Science Library. http://www.jyu.fi/library/virtuaalikirjasto/roads/elain-maatalous-metsa-eng.htm | |
96. UBC Library Resources - Online A - Z List full text. AGRICOLA Compiled by the National Agricultural Library, USDA.Use for Agricultural Sciences and forestry research in N.America. http://toby.library.ubc.ca/resources/branchlist.cfm?bid=4&desc=1 |
97. Steenbock Memorial Library, University Of Wisconsin-Madison produced by the National Agricultural Library, landgrant Topic coverage includesagriculture, dairy science, entomology, forestry, horticulture, soil http://steenbock.library.wisc.edu/subjectguide/agric.htm | |
98. Steppingstones Library - Agriculture Resources And Links Library. INFORMATION ON. agriculture Resources and Links. Over thelast few years, Steppingstones has involved with agriculture and http://www.steppingstones.ca/library/agriculture.htm | |
99. UNP Library Subject Links Forestry gateway to agricultural information on the Internet, selected by staff at some USuniversities and the US National Agricultural Library; good forestry links. http://www.library.unp.ac.za/SubjectLinksForestry.htm | |
100. Kids' Science Page. Careers In Science - National Agricultural Library Learn About NAL Graphic NAL Logo, Kids SciencePage National Agricultural Library. http://www.nal.usda.gov/Kids/careers.htm | |
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