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101. Embassy Of Brazil In London : The Foreign Policy Of The Lula Government The foreign policy of the Lula government. Lecture by the Brazilian foreign Minister,Celso Amorim, at the London School of Economics on 17th March 2004. http://www.brazil.org.uk/page.php?cid=1823 |
102. Human Rights Watch: United States: : U.S. Foreign Policy And Human Rights US foreign policy and Human Rights Malaysia Detainees Abused Under Security LawThe Malaysian government is abusing detainees held without charge or trial http://www.hrw.org/us/us.php | |
103. Foreign Policy (washingtonpost.com) In terms of foreign policy, it seems that the fear of violence that MIGHT take Woulda new Iraqi government really be more incompetent in dealing with the http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A6646-2004May6.html | |
104. U.S. Foreign Policy - The Fertile Ground That Feeds Terrorism (by Marc Bumgarner Yet US foreign policy provides $3 billion a year in military aid andnearly unconditional political support to the Israeli government. http://www.mediamonitors.net/marcbumgarner2.html | |
105. A Sassy Filipino Lawyer's Journal : Foreign Policy Posted on November 28, 2003. The Philippines adheres to a oneChina policy. In anutshell, the Philippine government does not recognize the statehood of Taiwan. http://houseonahill.net/archives/cat_foreign_policy.html | |
106. Crackpot Theology Makes Bad Foreign Policy Rarely, however, has foreign policy rested on theology. But now some Christiansare attempting to turn the US government into an arm of the church. http://www.cato.org/dailys/06-04-02.html | |
107. Book Warns Of Foreign Policy Threat To Press Freedom by officials to entice journalists to be members of the foreign policy team ratherthan play their proper role as skeptical monitors of government conduct. http://www.cato.org/pubs/policy_report/pr-ja-cp.html | |
108. Foreign Policy -- Democrats policy might be exercised, our government has prompted succinct view of LiebermanÂspolicy toward Iraq Finally, we must dramatically reform foreign aidÂto http://www.foreignpolicy.com/issue_marapr_2003/JLessay.html | |
109. Foreign Policy -- Democrats mainly the top 1 percent of Americans while arguing that the government canÂt JohnEdwardsÂs biggest foreign policy speech so far has been his October 7 http://www.foreignpolicy.com/issue_marapr_2003/JEessay.html | |
110. A Foreign Policy For Peace, Prosperity, And Liberty The term foreign policy does not exist in the Constitution. All members of thefederal government have sworn to uphold the Constitution, and should do only http://www.antiwar.com/paul/paul44.html | |
111. Foreign Policy foreign policy. of the Prime minister of Romania, Mr. Adrian Nãstase, on Monday,May the 17th 2004, Mr. Vojislav Kostunica, President of the government of the http://www.gov.ro/engleza/presa/afisare-presa.php?idrubricaprimm=2&tip=2 |
112. Asia Times Online - The Best News Coverage From South Asia has the capacity to mobilize its cadres to mount mass protests against any compromisethat the new government might make on the foreignpolicy front, and it is http://www.atimes.com/atimes/South_Asia/FE15Df05.html | |
113. Masculinity As Foreign Policy Issue analysis, Americans are much more likely to craft a US foreign policy that will Enloeis a leading feminist scholar and a professor of government and womenÂs http://www.fpif.org/briefs/vol5/v5n36masculinity_body.html | |
114. Foreign Policy In Focus | Topical Index | U.S. Government Agencies Topical Index US government Agencies. Andreas Persbo and Ian Davis. Commentary.206-2004. The Militarization of US foreign policy. Mel Goodman. policy Brief. http://www.fpif.org/indices/topics/agencies/index.php | |
115. Vyriausybës Programa PROGRAMME OF THE government OF THE REPUBLIC OF LITHUANIA FOR 20012004XIV. foreign policy. To ensure continuity of the Lithuanian http://www.urm.lt/data/2/EF8475732_vyriaus-e.htm | |
116. The Independent Institute | Iraq: Foreign Policy Malpractice, By Jonathan V. Mar Iraq foreign policy Malpractice. nationalized some of the countryÂs foreign oilinterests and British intelligence, deposed the elected government of Premier http://www.independent.org/tii/news/021020Marshall.html | |
117. Mondo Times - Foreign Policy Magazine - USA Politics+government Magazine foreign policy Magazine. USA politics+government magazine at Mondo Times. You arehere, Home » Major Media » Society » Politics+government » foreign policy, http://www.mondotimes.com/2/topics/5/society/89/6764 | |
118. Foreign & Commonwealth Office Home About the FCO, Go. Newsfile Euro 2004. Faith and foreign policy logo. Summaryof the worldwide threat of terrorism. iuk.com the essential guide to the UK.*. http://www.fco.gov.uk/ | |
119. US Department Of State  Home Page Passports for U.S. Citizens. Visas for foreign Citizens. more what our Secure Borders, Open Doors policy is all about focuses on growth and policy reform, with explicit links of http://www.state.gov/ | |
120. Foreign Policy Q&A foreign policy Q A. foreign policy Q A introduces the view of the Japanesegovernment on a variety of topics concerning Japan s foreign policy. http://www.mofa.go.jp/policy/q_a/ | |
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