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61. Foreign Policy Association - Job Board Assistant Boston, MA May 17, 2004 JFK School of government, Harvard University FPAGreat Decisions 2004 by the Editors of the foreign policy Association Great http://www.fpa.org/jobs_contact2423/jobs_contact.htm | |
62. THE MASSES ARE ASSES A weblog critical of the United States government, emphasizing foreign policy issues. http://massesareasses.blogspot.com/ | |
63. Policy Library ¦ Public, Economic, Social, Foreign Policy the most sweeping change in US foreign policy since World US Defence, Security andTerrorism policy resource. rights issues where UK government policy could be http://www.policylibrary.com/ | |
64. Portland911.Tripod.Com Stands in solidarity with all victims of violence in the U.S., the Middle East, and throughout the world. Local actions, media and government contacts, and foreign policy information. http://portland911.tripod.com | |
65. Safety And Security For Canadians | Canada Site Includes news releases by the Canadian government, speeches by the Prime Minister, information on security measures and on Canadian foreign policy. http://canada.gc.ca/wire/2001/09/110901-US_e.html |
66. Foreign Policy Dialogue - Dialogue Paper This effort to update Canada s foreign policy demands a focus on challenges as wellas opportunities before us. The government is committed to doing what is http://www.foreign-policy-dialogue.ca/en/discusspaper/ | |
67. The New Yorker: Fact Background report discussing the principles of the foreign policy of the present US government by Nicholas Lemann. The New Yorker, US. http://www.newyorker.com/fact/content/?020401fa_FACT1 |
68. The Department In History / Le Ministère Dans L'histoire Article from the Department of foreign Affairs on the foreign policy of Prime Minister Robert Borden and his government (19111920). http://www.dfait-maeci.gc.ca/hist/Borden-e.asp | |
69. United States Foreign Policy Additional Sources of foreign government policy. Background Notes onCountries of the World; Country Economic policy and Trade Practices; http://www.lib.umich.edu/govdocs/forpol.html | |
70. Germany Info: Government & Politics: Foreign Policy Germany Info Home government Politics foreign policy. foreign policy.Headlines. foreign policy foreign policy of the government. Afghanistan. http://www.germany-info.org/relaunch/politics/foreign/foreign.html | |
71. Germany Info: Government & Politics: Foreign Policy: The Foreign Policy Of The G Germany Info Home government Politics foreign policy The foreignpolicy of the government. The foreign policy of the government. http://www.germany-info.org/relaunch/politics/foreign/policy.html | |
72. University At Buffalo Libraries - Lockwood - Foreign Policy foreign Affairs and policy for the Canadian government http//www.dfaitmaeci.gc.ca/english/foreignp/menu.htmLinks on this page reflect the policy priorities http://ublib.buffalo.edu/libraries/units/lml/govdocsubj/for-pol.html | |
73. Overthrowing The Government Of Iran The second dimension of British policy was to exert pressure, and begin covert planning,to install a more reasonable government , as foreign Secretary Eden http://www.lobster-magazine.co.uk/articles/l30iran.htm | |
74. Chinese Foreign Policy Net -- General Chinese foreign policy Net Email me with comments / suggestions. BackgroundInformation. PRC government. Ministry of foreign Affairs http://www.stanford.edu/~fravel/chinafp/general.htm | |
75. Wall Street, Banks, And American Foreign Policy and investment, then, tend to be tied in with government policy, and try to influenceand control government action in domestic and foreign affairs (p. 1). http://www.mises.org/misesreview_detail.asp?control=141&sortorder=issue |
76. Information About Non-U.S. Countries On The Internet American foreign policy Index Microfiche Collection; United Nations DevelopmentProgramme Project Reports; Statesman s Year Book (JA 51 S7 government http://www-libraries.colorado.edu/ps/gov/for/foreign.htm | |
77. SWEDEN.SE - Government Foreign Policy Statement 2004 12 Feb 2004 government foreign policy Statement 2004 Every year, inFebruary, a foreign policy debate is held in the Riksdag. The http://www.sweden.se/templates/News____7930.asp | |
78. AlterNet: To Prevent Terrorism, U.S. Foreign Policy Must Change If there were a government responsible for last week s atrocity, he would have a Americanpeople are going to have to pay more attention to our foreign policy. http://www.alternet.org/story.html?StoryID=11571 |
79. Foreign And Trade Policy White Paper - Australian Department Of ForeignAffairs A (none) Department of foreign Affairs and Trade. Australian government Departmentof foreign Affairs and Trade. Skip to content. About us; Jobs; Tenders; Contactus. http://www.dfat.gov.au/ani/ | |
80. Regents Prep U.S. History & Government: Multiple-Choice Question Archive Regents Prep US History government MultipleChoice Questions, Thematic Materials . Question 1 of 25 Cold War foreign policy. http://regentsprep.org/Regents/core/questions/question.cfm?Course=USHG&TopicCode |
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