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41. Department Of Foreign Affairs - Index Of Ministries - Republic Of Botswana missions abroad serve as the main agency for interpreting and implementing Botswana sforeign policy as well as tendering informed advice to government on the http://www.gov.bw/government/department_of_foreign_affairs.html | |
42. Government Trade Policy Research Links Annotated links to international affairs, and foreign trade and research resources. http://www.thunderlake.com/linksgov.html | |
43. The President And The Government Direct Foreign Policy - In Finland Sovereign Po The President and the government Direct foreign policy. Chapter 8.The Finnish foreign policy is directed by the President of the http://www.om.fi/18861.htm | |
44. Www.dsis.org.tw to carry out researches on the security strategies of Taiwan, foreign affairs and crossstrait relationships; to submit reports and suggestions as reference in government policy-making, and to be one of the important think tanks in the related field. http://www.dsis.org.tw/english/ | |
45. No Dearth Of Foreign Policy Experts In New Government - Newindpress.com TOP STORIES, May 19, 2004. No dearth of foreign policy experts innew government Tuesday May 18 2004 0000 IST IANS. NEW DELHI The http://www.newindpress.com/NewsItems.asp?ID=IEH20040517110654&Page=H&Title=Top S |
46. Radical Middle Political Newsletter: Thoughtful Idealism, Informed Hope Ezine covering policy issues, conferences, and books in the fields of politics, government, law, business, and foreign affairs. Edited by Mark Satin. http://www.radicalmiddle.com/ | |
47. Flanders The Flemish minister for Economy, foreign policy and Egovernment adds ÂOurown export statistics show also that Flanders makes up 77.42% of the Belgian http://www.flanders.be/ | |
48. FIRB: Foreign Investment Review Board - Home The Board examines proposals by foreign interests to undertake direct investment in Australia and makes recommendations to the government on whether those proposals are suitable for approval under the government's policy. http://www.firb.gov.au | |
49. Flanders Authority : Government : Competences Competences. Mrs. Patricia CEYSENS Minister of the government of Flandersfor Economy and foreign policy and Egovernment. Chrysalis http://www.flanders.be/public/authority/government/competences/competences.09.as | |
50. Human Rights - Global Issues - Australian Department Of Foreign Affairs And Trad Report produced by the Australian Department of foreign Affairs and Trade in 1998, forming the basis for the government's policy. http://www.dfat.gov.au/hr/hr_manual/ | |
51. Spain S New Leader Calls For Foreign Policy Overhaul foreign minister Miguel Angel Moratinos, and Socialist EU Deputy Francisca Sauquillooutlined the central points of the future government s foreign policy. http://www.commondreams.org/headlines04/0315-12.htm | |
52. Korea Tourism Research Institute (KTRI) Implements tourism policy research needed by the government and industry, supports the formulation of tourism promotion plans, and provides the tourism industry with a vision for the 21st century Consulting local governments and tourism industries Analyzing and forecasting domestic and foreign tourism trends http://www.ktri.re.kr/home.htm |
53. KerryÂs Foreign Policy Record Suggests Few Differences With This is not too surprising, given that his top foreign policy advisors include USsupport for that countryÂs repressive rightwing government by falsely http://www.commondreams.org/views04/0305-03.htm | |
54. William Hazlitt Essayist and critic. Attacked William Pitt and his government's foreign policy. Wrote articles and pamphlets on political corruption and the need to reform the voting system. Includes photo and excerpts of his political writing. (17781830) http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/PRhazlitt.htm | |
55. Barbra Streisand to be the case with his domestic policy and it seems to be true in foreign affairsas pressure to emphasize links between Saddam Hussein s government and al http://www.barbrastreisand.com/statements.html | |
56. On The Issue Of Wartime "Comfort Women" Official government response from the Japanese Ministry of foreign Affairs in 1993 on comfort women, their background, and recruitment. http://www.mofa.go.jp/policy/postwar/issue9308.html | |
57. KryssTal : USA: Victims Of Foreign Policy York and Washington, people in London (UK) were instructed by our government to observe Assuch, it is an incomplete list of the victims of USA foreign policy. http://www.krysstal.com/democracy_whyusa06.html | |
58. John Thelwall Helped form the London Corresponding Society, which attacked the government's foreign policy. Lectured frequently on political reform and was active in protest meetings. (17641834) http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/PRthelwall.htm | |
59. Great Foreign Policy Myths - OpinionGerardHenderson - Www.theage.com.au 1. Both in opposition and in government, John Howard claimed that during Paul Keating sprime ministership Australia had pursued an Asiaonly foreign policy. http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2004/04/26/1082831494719.html?from=storyrhs |
60. Foreign Policy In Focus Policy Report: Why The U.S. Supports Israel A foreign policy in Focus paper examining the role of the US in Israel's government and policy. http://www.fpif.org/papers/usisrael.html |
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