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1. Foreign Policy Government Resources American Studies. Foreign Policy, Government Resources. back to top ^. Â ForeignPolicy Â. General Links Government Resources Security Think Tanks. http://www.usembassy.dk/AmericanStudies/ForeignPolicy/GovernmentResources.htm | |
2. Government 311 United States Foreign Policy Government 311 United States Foreign Policy Return to Syllabi List. Government 311United States Foreign Policy. Spring 2004 Professor Douglas Foyle. http://www.wesleyan.edu/gov/g311df.htm | |
3. Foreign Policy Centre: About Us the Foreign Office and the Ministry of Defence, we aim our work at all of the peoplewho can make things happen in foreign policy government departments from http://www.fpc.org.uk/about/ | |
4. Foreign Government Resources On The Web [Frame Enhanced] foreign government Resources on the Web Statistics. Taxation. Terrorism. Treaties. USforeign-policy. Utility-Regs http://www.lib.umich.edu/govdocs/foreign.html | |
5. Foreign Policy Association - Homepage The foreign policy Association, founded in 1918, serves as a catalyst for developing informed opinion on foreign policy, globalization and international affairs through publications, maps, Online, Global Jobs, foreign policy Alert. Enter Email of government Harvard University. 45th Annual FPA NBC News Luncheon. June 3, 2004. The foreign policy Association http://www.fpa.org/ | |
6. Welcome To The Ministry Of Foreign Affairs Of Japan Web Site! Official government ministry homepage with visa information, events, announcements and foreign policy news, and economic afairs. http://www.mofa.go.jp/ | |
7. Republic Of Turkey, Ministry Of Foreign Affairs IN EUROPE TURKISH VIEW (Harvard University, Kennedy School of government 30 January International Studies 27 January 2004) TURKISH foreign policy IN THE http://www.mfa.gov.tr/Default.htm | |
8. Bank Of Korea Issues Korean money, monetary and credit policy, and acts as government's bank. Also maintains price stability and manages foreign exchange reserves. With links on economy, finance, statistics, and news. http://www.bok.or.kr/svc/frame_eng.html |
9. Foreign Policy In Focus Home Page | A Think Tank Without Walls The U.S. government is about to repeat a mistake that calls into question our commitment to democratic By a foreign policy In Focus/Center for Defense Information Task Force http://www.foreignpolicy-infocus.org/ | |
10. Spin Shield Add your own comments and read the comments left by other visitors. Topics include the economy, foreign policy, elections, government. media, law and order and religion. http://www.spinshield.org | |
11. Foreign Affairs - Home The 15 topselling books on foreign policy and international affairs. among domestic adoption agencies, the U.S. government has just delayed implementing the Hague Convention http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.foreignaffairs.org/&y=02C3E9214A |
12. Foreign & Commonwealth Office Travel are helping British nationals. It is one of the most important partsof the government s foreign policy. In 2002, our 1,700 consular http://www.fco.gov.uk/knowbeforeyougo | |
13. Perspicacity & Paradigms Online Home Page Perspectives on current events, U.S. and global issues, including human rights, foreign policy, terrorism, defense, humanitarian service, trade, environment, domestic politics, and ethics in government and business. http://www.perspicacityonline.com | |
14. Foreign Policy Studies At The Brookings Institution A private, independent, nonprofit research organization, Brookings seeks to improve the performance of American institutions, the effectiveness of government programs, and the quality of U.S. public policies. http://www.brook.edu/fp/fp_hp.htm | |
15. __/ Hellenic Republic - Ministry Of Foreign Affairs \__ government policy SPEECH IN PARLIAMENT/foreign policy ISSUES. Thefollowing text is an extract from the speech of Prime Minister http://www.mfa.gr/ | |
16. Home Page The foreign Trade policy Department is the core unit within the Ministry of Industry and Trade coordinating and providing technical support for the government's trade policy. http://www.jftp.gov.jo |
17. Purdue University Libraries Increasing volumes of government foreign policy information are on the Internet. Otheruseful US government foreign policy information WWW sites include http://www.lib.purdue.edu/govdocs/foreignpolicy.html | |
18. Foreign & Commonwealth Office Human Rights UK government site focuses on human rights as central theme of its foreign policy. The FCO is committed to promoting human rights throughout the world. http://www.fco.gov.uk/humanrights | |
19. Välisministeerium Includes details of foreign policy, government and ministries, publications, press releases and EU relations. http://www.vm.ee/ | |
20. US Foreign Policy Shift Destabilises Israeli Government This week's visit to London by Palestinian Authority leader Yasser Arafat is the latest manifestation of a USled drive to renew efforts to secure a negotiated settlement in the Middle East in The Israeli foreign minister, Labours Shimon Peres, is supportive of some form of negotiated settlement http://www.wsws.org/articles/2001/oct2001/isr-o17.shtml | |
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