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Ford Gerald Us President: more detail | ||||||
21. Worldroots.com Franklin Delano Roosevelt. gerald Rudolph ford , 38th us president *1913(portrait); My line; gerald ford (bio); gerald ford Library and Museum. http://worldroots.com/brigitte/royal/royal11.htm |
22. Gerald Ford Dec 1975, president gerald ford flies to the Philippines and meets with FerdinandMarcos. 17 Feb 1976, Issues an order instructing individuals subpoenaed by a us http://www.rotten.com/library/bio/presidents/gerald-ford/ | |
23. Books On Gerald Ford, US President gerald ford ThirtyEighth president of the United States (Encyclopedia ofpresidents) Paul P. Sipiera School Library Binding / Published 1989. http://www.dropbears.com/b/broughsbooks/history/gerald_ford.htm | |
24. Former US President Gerald Ford And His Wife Betty Former us president gerald ford and his wifeBetty. during visit to Yad Vashem 22/01/79. http://www.yad-vashem.org.il/about_yad/jubilee/pics_popup_visits_691.html | |
25. The Presidents Of The USA - EnchantedLearning.com 38. gerald R. ford (1913 ), Republican, 1974-1977, Nelson The basic process of selectingthe president of the United States as directed by the us Constitution. http://www.enchantedlearning.com/history/us/pres/list.shtml | |
26. Books About US President Gerald R. Ford gerald ford ThirtyEighth president of the United States In stockships within 24 hours. Paul P. Sipiera, Contribution by Charles http://www.presidentialmuseums.com/Books/38.htm | |
27. Gerald Ford - The History Beat - SearchBeat.com House site. gerald R. ford Library and Museum Biographical and primarysource materials for the 38th us president. The Nixon Pardon http://history.searchbeat.com/geraldford.htm | |
28. Gerald R. Ford (b. 1913) Quotations, Famous Quotes - Quote Database. Their aim is total victory for themselves and total defeat for him. (On Watergatecrisis) gerald R. ford (b. 1913), 38th us president, Republican More http://www.quoteworld.org/author.php?thetext=Gerald R. Ford (b. 1913) |
29. US Senate Statistics Vice President Gerald R. Ford 23450. Back 2. us, Congress, Senate, Committee on Rules and Administration, Nominationof gerald R. ford of Michigan to be Vice president of the United States http://permanent.access.gpo.gov/lps12426/www.senate.gov/learning/stat_vp40.html | |
30. US Senate Leader S Lecture Series, President Gerald R. Ford O Neill. As president, gerald ford did more than wake us from a nightmare,he made it possible for us to dream again. Like the other http://permanent.access.gpo.gov/lps12426/www.senate.gov/learning/lecture_series/ | |
31. U.S. Politics Today - Gerald Ford - Political News UM president Mary Sue Coleman named former us president gerald ford and his wife,Betty ford, honorary chairs of the campaign. ford graduated from UM http://www.uspoliticstoday.com/news/GeraldFord | |
32. President Gerald R. Ford And Congressman John Lewis Honored As Profiles In Coura Former us president gerald ford, who presided over the country s recovery fromwhat he called our long national nightmare and who made a controversial http://www.jfklibrary.org/newsletter_summer2001_01.html | |
33. 38. Gerald R. Ford -- Eric's US Presidents Forum message here gerald R. ford 38th president 19741977 Republican First LadyElizabeth Betty Bloomer Warren Vice presidentNelson A. Rockefeller Note http://www.voy.com/128178/37.html | |
34. Re: 38. Gerald R. Ford -- Eric's US Presidents Forum gerald R. ford on 180448 01/09/03 Thu My son is a fifth grade studentand wantsto write president ford, but I can t come up with a mailing address. http://www.voy.com/128178/96.html | |
35. Ford, Gerald R(udolph) ford, gerald R(udolph). 38th president of the usA 1974Â77 ford was appointed vicepresidentin December 1973, at He is the only us president never to have been http://www.tiscali.co.uk/reference/encyclopaedia/hutchinson/m0001367.html | |
36. US Constitution - Gerald R. Ford, 38th President Of The United States Vice president for Richard Nixon us Congress. Vice president Nelson A. Rockefellerof New York. Facts gerald ford was the first president not elected by the http://www.usconstitution.com/GeraldRFord.htm | |
37. Awesome Library - Social_Studies and well organized set of facts and links regarding president gerald R. ford. presidents(Jurist) Provides the number of pardons given by each us president. http://www.awesomelibrary.org/Classroom/Social_Studies/History/American_Presiden | |
38. 107. Gerald R Ford, 38th US President. SimpsonÂs Contemporary Quotations. 1988 107. gerald R ford, 38th us president. SimpsonÂs Contemporary Quotations.1988. 1988. NUMBER 107. AUTHOR gerald R ford, 38th us president. http://www.bartleby.com/63/7/107.html | |
39. Medical History Of U.S. Presidents text only) · List by president (with graphics). William Taft · Woodrow Wilson ·gerald ford · William Clinton Prez Home Search Contact us Back Top, http://www.doctorzebra.com/prez/by_sys.htm | |
40. Special Committee On Aging Senator Larry Craig (RIdaho), Chairman of the us Senate Special Committee on Aging,sent birthday greetings today to former us president gerald ford, who will http://aging.senate.gov/index.cfm?FuseAction=PressReleases.Detail&PressRelease_i |
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