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101. SCARBOROUGH FOLK DANCE GROUP NORTH YORKS UK Information about activities, including social dances, displays, garland and longsword dancing, and children's country and maypole dancing. http://www.freewebz.com/johncowan/ | |
102. Kolo Dancing Ensemble Mainly perform dances from Serbia, Bosnia and Macedonia. About their repertoire and history. Contact information. http://folk.uio.no/knutar/kolo/eng/ | |
103. Dancing Bear Folk Center Project of Big Horn Basin Foundation (BHBF). Features working textile studio, traveling shows and displays, and a teddy bear collection. Includes rates and hours of operation. http://server1.dancingbear.org/ | |
104. WSU Pullman International Folk Dance dancing for fun to a large selection of recorded music from various countries around the world. http://community.palouse.net/folk/ | |
105. Webfeet | English Folk Dance | Index Keywords orgwebfeet200309, orgwebfeet, webfeet, dance, folkdance, folk dance, barndance, barn dance, barn dancing, country dance, country dancing, video. http://www.webfeet.org/efolk/ | |
106. Tuesday Night International Folk Dance Club Of Pittsburgh the Smoky City folk Festival; the Pittsburgh Home Companion folk Music Concert Series; and the Calliope folk Music School English Country dancing in Pittsburgh. http://www.hornig.net/dave/dance/folkdnc.htm | |
107. Greek Orthodox Folk Dance Festival(FDF) Annual dance competition; includes greek dancing, singing, and traditional costumes. http://www.greece.org/fdf | |
108. Loading Eau Claire International Folk Dancers... Eau Claire International folk Dancers. dancing the dances of Bulgaria, Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia, Romania, Greece, Turkey, Israel http://www.infinitejoy.com/links/dance.html | |
109. Martin's Website Contains in depth information about Coventry City football club, sites of Loughborough, folk music, Morris dancing and Goldsmiths PLC. http://www.martinwildig.com/ |
110. Exeter University Folk Society Now you are curious and want to know what this is all about? This is all about folk music and dancing and having lots of fun! We http://gosh.ex.ac.uk/activities/societies/folkdance/ | |
111. The Lloyd Shaw Foundation Preserving America's Dance Heritage The foundation seeks to preserve and foster square dancing, contra dancing, round dances, mixers and quadrilles, folk dances of the American people. http://www.lloydshaw.org/ | |
112. Ramthai.com, Bangkok, Thailand - The Online Marketplace For Traditional Thai Dre Online shopping mall for Thai traditional dresses, dancing costumes and accessories. Also includes folk and hilltribe dresses, handicrafts and 'nang taluing' shadow puppet theatre items. http://www.ramthai.com | |
113. MIT Folk Dance Club The MIT folk Dance Club sponsors three nights of dancing each week throughout the year, all of which are open to the MIT community and the general public. http://www.mit.edu:8001/activities/fdc/home.html | |
114. Robyn Friend, Ph.D -- Persian And Iranian Dancing And Singing Featuring Robyn Friend, who teaches and performs Persian classical singing, Persian classical dancing, Turkish folk singing, and Turkish classical singing in the Los Angeles, California area. http://home.earthlink.net/~rcfriend/ |
115. O K C I F D Home Page The Oklahoma City International folk Dancers is a nonprofit group for the enjoyment and preservation of recreational folk-dancing. http://www.onenet.net/~home/okcifd/ | |
116. The Friendly FolkDancers A group of folkdancing Quakers who minister through dance. During a typical year, the Friendly folkDancers organize two major tours (about 10 days long) and one or two mini-tours (usually three-day weekends). They have toured all over the U.S. and in several foreign countries. http://www.infinitejoy.com/ffd/ | |
117. LCFD once. Here is the next dance event for each club Lavender Country and folk Dancers Dance Camp (genderfree dancing of all kinds). http://www.lcfd.org/ | |
118. Dance Glossary Page 1 This glossary was written for International folk dancers in Australia. It includes a reasonable selection of terms used in Australian colonial and bush dancing as well as most of the terms used by local international folk dance teachers. http://www.geocities.com/Vienna/4160/ | |
119. Sundown Square Dancing Club, La Mesa California Features square and round dancing. Classes, photos, caller, and cuer. http://www.angelfire.com/folk/sundownsquares | |
120. Kcfolk International folk and contra dancing in the Kansas City area, including a monthly calendar, local Balkan ensembles, and links to many other folk music and dance sites. http://home.swbell.net/temchin/ |
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