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Folk Dancing: more books (100) | |||||||
1. Folk Dancing RECREATIONAL folk dancing. Main Menu. Folk Dance Notes 2/10/04. Where to Dance 4/11/04. Folk Dance Information. Folk Dance Books, Music, Costumes, etc. http://www.recfd.com/ | |
2. Austrian Folk Dancing Traditional Austrian folk dancing and related material about dance, music, costumes, crafts and Austria. http://www.fff.at/fff/dance/ | |
3. Folk Dance Association: Alabama Folk Dance, Contra Dance, Square Dance, Traditio Alabama Folk Dance Home Page. You ll also find links to web sites providing information about folk dancing in all or part of the state. http://www.folkdancing.org/alabama.html | |
4. Folk Dance Council Of Chicago Information on folk dancing in the Chicago area. The Folk Dance Council of Chicago is an organization composed of folk dance enthusiasts who want to help support folk http://members.aol.com/fdccpub | |
5. Steve Allen's Dance Index Page This page is defunct. Yet it is one of the mosthit pages at UCO/Lick. Why are you looking at it? folk dancing on the WWW. Final Update 1996 December 24 Historic and Vintage Dance Teaching and http://www.ucolick.org/~sla/dance/dance.html | |
6. Seattle Folk Dancing Schedules and other information about folk dancing events in the greater Seattle area. http://seattledance.org/ | |
7. Folk Dance Links Folk dance guide. A directory of folk dancing resources on the web. Home Page. Austrian folk dancing. Beaver College folk dancing. Bulgarian Folk Dance. Dance data English Ceilidh Folk Dance Resources on the WWW. folk dancing in central New Jersey http://www.sapphireswan.com/dance/links/folk.htm | |
8. Cymdeithas Ddawns Werin Cymru - Welsh Folk Dance Society This site includes information on the Welsh folk dancing, the Society and its history, teams around Wales, folk dance events and festivals, Eisteddfod, and http://www.welshfolkdance.org.uk/ | |
9. International Folk-dancers Of Ottawa (IFDO)Home Page Folk Dancers of Ottawa, established in the early 1970s, is a nonprofit group for the support and preservation of recreational folk dancing in the Ottawa-Hull http://ifdo.pugmarks.com/ | |
10. Monmouth Folk Dancers International folk dancing. http://home.earthlink.net/~illuminage/MonmouthFolkDancers.htm | |
11. Recreational Dancing In Austin - Folk! Contra Dancing. English Country Dancing. Greek. Hungarian. International folk dancing. Irish. Israeli irregularly, of late mostly to teach folk dancing for the group Brave Combo Contact http://www.austindance.org/folk.html | |
12. Folk Dance Association: Folk Dance, Contra Dance, Square Dance, Traditional Danc To help us more fully and successfully meet your folk dancing needs, we d appreciate any comments and suggestions of a general nature you may have to help us http://www.folkdancing.org/ | |
13. NEFFA LinkFest Folk Dancing A directory of folk dancing pages http://users.rcn.com/neffa/Top/Folk_Dancing/ |
14. Seattle Folk Dancing http://www.seattledance.org/ | |
15. Israeli Folk Dancing - Israelidance.com Do you know about a dance session that isn t listed in the online dance session database? Are you a danceaholic? Take the test and find out http://www.israelidance.com/ | |
16. Orpheus Hellenic Folklore Society Specializing in the presentation of traditional Greek folk dancing and Costume. http://www.ohfs.org/ |
18. Austrian Folk Dancing Austrian folk dancing. x Traditional Austrian folk dancing and related material about dance, music, costumes, crafts and Austria. http://www.fff.at/fff/dance/home/ | |
19. Happy Feet Folk Dance Page folk dancing club based at Humboldt State University. http://www.humboldt1.com/~starfire/happyft.html | |
20. Folk Dancing In Ottawa-pg Designed By L Sudimac Listings of current folk dances with links to dance organizations. http://ifdo.pugmarks.com/ottdance.html | |
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