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61. English Garden Emporium - Premium English Flower Seeds, British Christmas Cracke Importers of Plants of Distinction flower seeds from England. Also lightweight garden troughs, Christmas Crackers and ornamental gardening pots. http://www.englishgardenemporium.com/ | |
62. GardenPride On-line Information about flower and vegetable gardens, container gardening, planting, landscaping and lawn care. http://www.gardenpride.com | |
63. The Horticulture Society - Flower Show 2004 Annual flower show held since 1994 to help promote gardening in South Florida. Includes ticket information, photos, link to the Horticulture Society. http://www.palmbeachflowershow.org/ | |
64. Window Box Homepage: Flower Framers By Jay - Home Of The Ultimate Window Box Fiberglass flower box designed with container gardening features. http://Flowerframers.com | |
65. Master Gardeners Of Charles County, Maryland provides gardening, environmental, horticultural information; documents garden projects; includes flower, weed, garden links; Maryland University_CES_USDA sponsorship http://www.agnr.umd.edu/users/charlesmg/home.html | |
66. GardenMakers - The Source For Unusual Flower Seed An online catalog of unusual flower seed, including alpines, woodland plants, ornamental grasses and primulas. Hand tools and gardening accessories complete the selection. http://www.gardenmakers.com/ | |
67. Welcome To Southport Flower Show Annual gardening show. Includes information about the displays, competitions and entertainment. Online ticket sales. http://www.southportflowershow.co.uk/ | |
68. The Flower Garden The flower Garden and its restoration. gardening was of all my employments that in which I succeeded best; though even in this I http://www.mkheritage.co.uk/cnm/htmlpages/gardens1.html | |
69. Grandma Jean's Flower Garden - Denim Apparel Features gardening apparel with embroidered designs, wheelbarrows, backyard bird houses, wildflowers, and gardening gloves. Item catalog provided. http://www.oregontrail.net/angelstars/gj1.html | |
70. Grow A Flower Garden That Feeds Birds Grow a flower garden in your backyard that will be beautiful and also feed a variety of wild birds with fresh seed for food. You http://birding.about.com/cs/gardening/a/seedgarden.htm | |
71. Samson And Landry Gardening - We've Moved! Wholesale and retail gardening supplies including vegetable and flower transplants. Lists location, products, photos and contact details. http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/asamson | |
72. Welcome To Gardening Wild Offers wild flowers and wild flower seed to help introduce native British flora and fauna into your garden. Site offers advice on seeds for different environments, and provides a pdf order form. http://www.gardeningwild.co.uk/ | |
73. MyGardenGuide Does Not Support Your Web Browser Offers gardening classes, club, customer service, and online shopping. http://www.etera.com/signpost.asp?sp=1&DlrCustID=2&SrcID=1206830 |
74. Garden Glossary, Gardening Tips, Organic Gardening, Flower Gardening, Vegetable HORTICULTURE The art and science of gardening. Commercial horticulture would include fruit, flower and small scale vegetable growing including the nursery http://www.emilycompost.com/garden_glossary.htm | |
75. Cormaic's Flower Garden And Urg Links Details and pictures of Cormaic's garden in Culcheth, near Warrington, and links to URG (uk.rec.gardening) FAQs and resources. http://www.tmac.clara.co.uk/garden/index.htm | |
76. Four Seasons Flower And Garden Center Hydroponics store with gardening supplies. http://www.4seasonhydro.com/ |
77. Scottish Gifts - Highland Scots Gifts - Scottish Information, Recipes & Links - Gifts and novelties, flower and vegetable gardening kits, traditional recipes, and fudge. Also offers related historical information and links. http://www.highlandscots.com/ | |
78. Carry On Gardening : Gardening Topics : The Flower Garden take the most looking after. Easy solutions to managing the flower garden are at hand Avoid plants that are difficult to grow. http://www.carryongardening.org.uk/page01_2.asp | |
79. Welcome To Hida Tool Website High quality japanese gardening tools for bonsai, ikebana (flower arrangement), and professional gardener and landscaper. http://www.hidatool.com | |
80. Carry On Gardening : Gardening Topics : The Flower Garden to gardening, especially if you only have a small space in which to grow plants. While many of the plants have a fragrance, and interesting foliage/flower http://www.carryongardening.org.uk/page01_2_4.asp | |
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