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81. Department Of Child Family Studies Home Work and the Department of Community and family Health in Public Health, the Louisde la Parte florida Mental Health in the MSW/MPH Dual Degree Program who are http://cfs.fmhi.usf.edu/ | |
82. Kaiser Family Foundation: Media Fellowships And Internship Programs - Kaiser F Program The Henry J. Kaiser family Foundation 2400 The Kaiser Media Fellowships Program,in partnership with the AIDS in South florida A sevenpart report by http://www.kff.org/about/mediafellowships.cfm | |
83. ACS :: ACS’ ROCK Program Plans Family Retreat In Florida It s easy and fun! Learn more. ACSÂ ROCK Program Plans family Retreat in florida.Reaching Out to Cancer Kids Includes Having Fun. Article date 2001/09/06. http://www.cancer.org/docroot/NWS/content/NWS_5_1x_ACS_ROCK_Program_Plans_Family | |
84. ACS :: ACS’ ROCK Program Plans Family Retreat In Florida ACSÂ ROCK Program Plans family Retreat in florida. Reaching Outto Cancer Kids Includes Having Fun. Article date 2001/09/06. In http://www.cancer.org/docroot/NWS/content/NWS_5_1x_ACS_ROCK_Program_Plans_Family |
85. ACF - Office Of Planning, Research, & Evaluation The Manpower Demonstration Research CorporationÂs evaluation of floridaÂsFamily Transition Program (FTP) was funded by a contract with the florida http://www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/opre/florida_final_trans/fl_title.html | |
86. RELIEF Program - Florida Department Of Elder Affairs DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE The RELIEF Program offers family members and loved onesproviding RELIEF Program Sites. Northwest florida Area Agency on Aging, Inc. http://elderaffairs.state.fl.us/doea/english/relief.html | |
87. Special Olympics Florida family would like to become involved in Special Olympics florida in your contact yourCounty Coordinator for more information on your county s family program. http://www.sofl.org/families.aspx | |
88. BIAF: Brain Injury Association Of Florida The family Support Program is funded by the State of florida, Department of Health,Brain and Spinal Cord Injury Program. The family Support Program Mission. http://www.biaf.org/main_page.php?category_code=LINK2&flag=&pg_sub_cat_id=&actio |
89. VIRGINIA AND FLORIDA CHILD BRAIN INJURY COMPENSATION FUNDS You asked for information on programs in Virginia and florida that compensatefamilies whose babies are born with neurological impairment. SUMMARY. http://www.cga.state.ct.us/2003/olrdata/ph/rpt/2003-R-0620.htm | |
90. Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranches - Caruth Camp camping program) served 995 during the summer of 2000. As the result of thoughtfulgifts from our generous donor family, the original dream of two florida http://www.youthranches.org/caruth.htm | |
91. Children's Hospice International attention by florida s hospice programs and florida s Children s Medical ServicesProgram in the the needs of those children and their families. http://www.chionline.org/states/fl.phtml | |
92. FindLaw: Legal Subjects: Family Law: State Forms And Information Child Support Enforcement Program of the florida Department of Revenue responsiblefor florida family Law Rules and Forms. florida family Law Rules and Forms http://www.findlaw.com/01topics/15family/statefam.html | |
93. AHCA: Medicaid Services They are as follows florida KidCare Enrollment. Families that need health insurancefor their children should continue to apply Healthy Kids Program Changes. http://www.fdhc.state.fl.us/Medicaid/MediKids/kidcare.shtml | |
94. Hazelden - Hanley-Hazelden -- Alcohol And Drug Treatment In Florida better than any other treatment program. Families with older adults facing addictionin their lives have come to know and trust florida s HanleyHazelden Center http://www.hazelden.org/servlet/hazelden/cms/ptt/hazl_255025_shade.html?sf=t&sh= |
95. Devereux: Helping Children And Adults With Emotional, Developmental, Educational nonprofit organization offering healthcare to children, adults families with special aparent of a child in the Devereux florida foster care program. http://www.devereux.org/ | |
96. Florida State Courts Administrative and general information about florida state courts. http://www.flcourts.org/ | |
97. Office Of Student Financial Assistance You may also Email the florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program at brightf http://www.firn.edu/doe/bin00065/home0065.htm | |
98. Florida Housing Finance Corporation Homeownership is part of the American dream, and florida Housing s single familyprograms are helping more and more Floridians realize their dream of http://www.floridahousing.org/ViewPage.aspx?page=111&p1=2 |
99. Florida Housing Finance Corporation Low to moderate income families in the market for purchasing cost assistance ofup to $14,999 through florida Housing s FirstTime Homebuyer program. http://www.floridahousing.org/ViewPage.aspx?page=109 |
100. Florida's E-Budget - Strengthening Florida's Families - Guardian At Litem Progra For more information on the Guardian Ad Litem Program, please visit the GuardianAd Click here to return to the Strengthening florida s Families Priority page. http://www.ebudget.state.fl.us/govpriorities/strengthening_families/guardian_ref | |
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