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81. Florida Department Of Education The florida Department of education Parents and Students Home Page web address has changed. http://www.firn.edu/doe/menu/parstu.htm | |
82. Education World® The Educator's Best Friend education World®. The Educator's Best Friend. The surfing is over. Here you will find the best education links and original content the Net has to offer. Dozens of other features parent/Community http://db.educationworld.com/ | |
83. K-12 Public Schools Family Community Involvement. website Email Webmaster Copyright florida Department of education ©2003 Privacy http://www.fldoe.org/k12/ | |
84. Parent And Family Resources parent Information Directory with 1000's of links to parent and Family resources, educational Subjects, Schools and School Information, includes Colleges and Universities, Libraries, Educational http://www.floridasmart.com/subjects/pt/parent.htm | |
85. Duval County Public Schools SAC. PTA/PTSA. Alliance for World Class education. Throughout the Region, . Student Info, . Phone Numbers. parent Resource Guide. Helping with Reading. http://www.educationcentral.org/ | |
86. Duval County Public Schools US Department of education Information for students, parents, teachers and administrators. FIRN florida Information Resource Network for Educators. http://www.educationcentral.org/global/links.asp | |
87. M-DCPS Education Portal - Parents in all high schools, informs parents and students florida Prepaid College Program The florida Prepaid College in the student section of the education Portal. http://portal.dadeschools.net/Parents/ | |
88. THE FAMILY NETWORK On DISABILITIES Of FLORIDA Family Network on Disabilities of florida, Inc is the Alliance parent Technical Assistance Center for Region 3 assure the availability of this resource when you http://www.fndfl.org/ | |
89. Welcome To The Florida State University School and 4 Specialized Centers in florida which provides support services to educators, parents, and other FDLRS Serving Exceptional Student education Programs in http://www.fsus.fsu.edu/Departments/ESE/links.asp | |
90. Parent Training And Information Centers And Community Parent Resource Centers professionals in meeting the educational needs of Centers and the Community parent Resource Centers through New Jersey, North Carolina, florida, Ohio, Colorado http://www.taalliance.org/centers/ | |
91. Florida Web Guide: Florida Education florida Association for Computers in education Association for K teachers, college professors, school administrators, students, parents and vendors http://www.floridatravelusa.com/webguide/edu.htm | |
92. SouthFlorida.BabyZone.com -- Your Local Guide To Pregnancy And Parenting Resourc Home Educators Lending Parents Support (HELPS ) HELPS Their website includes florida homeschooling law of comprehensive home education information specific to http://southflorida.babyzone.com/parentresources.asp?type=Education |
93. SouthFlorida.com | South Florida Parenting ve compiled a list of South florida support groups and other resources for parents that can or a teen, child health issues, educational problems, divorce http://www.southflorida.com/sfparenting/sfe-sfp_parentissues.storygallery | |
94. Special Education, Learning Disabilities Advocacy, Legal Advice,Attorneys And La Sonora /Pleasantonparent advocate offering advocacy and Hoover Law Offices, special education law and florida MiamiKidslaw, advocacy and consulting by http://www.iser.com/CAadvocacy.html | |
95. Coordinated Child Care Of Pinellas - Resource & Referral is an online news letter for Parents, on the Child The florida Directory of Early Childhood Services is a Early care and education providers needing information http://www.childcarepinellas.org/rr.htm | |
96. Interesting Links For Parents And Teachers parents, teachers and students regarding the florida Department of education Place, Houghton Mifflin has created a wonderful site where parents, teachers and http://www.coolbank.com/ParentTeacher/interestinglinks.htm | |
97. Learning Is For Everyone, Inc. > Home and regulations or consulting with the florida Department of education or appropriate these innovations to spread, educators and parents, as well as http://www.lifeofflorida.org/ | |
98. Information On Deafness Organized By Topic Options Identifying the Factors that Influence Parents as They 2003 Gallaudet University Laurent Clerc National Deaf education Center 800 florida Ave. http://clerccenter.gallaudet.edu/infotogo/ | |
99. Florida A&M University - Scholarships And Financial Aid florida education Savings Program florida Financial Aid Home Page Detailed about the scholarship for florida high school Publications for Students and Parents. http://www.famu.edu/finaid/links.html | |
100. Non-Public Schools Directory http://info.doe.state.fl.us/non_public_schools/ | |
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